Sister sums up the hypocrisy of many in the pro life movement

Your side doesn't want to be burdened either. In fact it's your side that pays them a poverty wage.

Tell you what. Pay everyone at least a livable wage then ban abortion
You do realize that there was a period of time where Democrats had a super majority, right? Did you see anything different happen? So your your side argument is full of shit. You are constructing logical fallacy straw men to justify not having to address the failed policies of socialism. You think your argument is about politics when in reality it is really about economic systems. What exactly do you want your government to do for you? Control prices, wages and profits? Good Lord, you do realize that is communism, right?

The reality is that it is you who does not want to be burdened with the cost of the poor. Not me.
Are all union members communists? No they aren't. So you saying that makes you sound ignorant and i know you aren't dumb. Unions exist in a capitalist society right? I'm for strong labor laws and well regulated capitalism.

The government for the people is what I'm for and it's what trumps saying he's for so is trump a commie? Then stfu with that bs
Where did I say that all union members were communists. That was some leap in logic there.

You are just going to have to get over the fact that the government does not control free enterprise, so you can forget about the government making sure you get a liveable wage. That is up to you. I don't know why you think "my side" are the one's who pay poverty wages. That is an illogical statement. Seriously? You believe Democrats pay their employees handsomely and Republicans pay them in scraps? Is that your mental model? You ever hear of the market? Trust me Democrats and Republicans pay the same. The fact that you believe otherwise is amazing to me.
You must not understand the importance of government and unions
No, I don't understand how it relates to what we were talking about.
I know you don't. There was so much wrong with you commented post I wouldn't know where to begin. If that's your belief then you don't deserve a reply.

I'm not for unregulated free market capitalism, we have minimum wage so that blows that stupid theory of yours, and you do not care about people. You say pàying a living wage to all people who work 40 hours is undoable. I didn't say pay everyone equal and I understand capitalism needs ditch diggers.

Anyways, you're being stupid tonight. I think you're in one of those moods. Lol. Go punch a family member
You are the worst of the worst. You deny their humaneness. It would be better for you to admit that you know it is wrong but still support it. Then you could be honest about yourself.

In all the years that I have been fighting abortion, I have only debated a handful that would willingly admit that an abortion kills a child. They were intellectually honest about the biological facts. Even though we still disagreed on whether not not abortions should be criminalized, I still had a great deal more respect for those guys than I did any of their (denying) counterparts.

It's a shame so much time and energy is wasted trying to educate and overcome the deniers.
Is a yolk a chicken? At what point are you eating an egg and what point is it chicken?

Is an egg life the second the chicken lays it? How come you don't say you had scrambled chickens for breakfast?

Your mom didn't have "that" talk with you? Just because an is laid doesn't mean it is going to grow a chicken. Most eggs are unfertilized.

That's bullshit. Pro lifers are deeply generous.

That is bs, the republicans are not generous, the GOP doesn't want or care about healthcare. Also make sure you have that baby, and then your on your own.
Atheists have never been known for their local community outreach groups. Churches are.

Not true and she is not an atheist. Many atheist are givers. They seem to care more about life, since they do not count on and live for the here after. What if there is no hereafter, this is all there is, that is how one should live. Dead people do not need money. For the short time your on earth and its short, why are the trumps and people like him so after the almighty buck, what do they do with billions, and not pay taxes. Those are the backers of trump and those who want to be like him and are greedy and selfish.

Broke, huh?
Is a yolk a chicken?

It is if the egg was fertilized and it took.


At what point are you eating an egg and what point is it chicken?

Most eggs never get fertilized so most people never eat one that has been fertilized. That said, if the egg you are eating HAS been fertilized and it took.... you are eating a CHICKEN that is in the very first days of its life AS a chicken.

Biology 101

Is an egg life the second the chicken lays it?

See above.

How come you don't say you had scrambled chickens for breakfast?

Sometimes I do say exactly that (sarcastically because I know the eggs are not fertilized) Just to drive home the point that they are one and the same (chickens and eggs that ARE fertilized.)

Again, Biology 101
You do realize that there was a period of time where Democrats had a super majority, right? Did you see anything different happen? So your your side argument is full of shit. You are constructing logical fallacy straw men to justify not having to address the failed policies of socialism. You think your argument is about politics when in reality it is really about economic systems. What exactly do you want your government to do for you? Control prices, wages and profits? Good Lord, you do realize that is communism, right?

The reality is that it is you who does not want to be burdened with the cost of the poor. Not me.
Are all union members communists? No they aren't. So you saying that makes you sound ignorant and i know you aren't dumb. Unions exist in a capitalist society right? I'm for strong labor laws and well regulated capitalism.

The government for the people is what I'm for and it's what trumps saying he's for so is trump a commie? Then stfu with that bs
Where did I say that all union members were communists. That was some leap in logic there.

You are just going to have to get over the fact that the government does not control free enterprise, so you can forget about the government making sure you get a liveable wage. That is up to you. I don't know why you think "my side" are the one's who pay poverty wages. That is an illogical statement. Seriously? You believe Democrats pay their employees handsomely and Republicans pay them in scraps? Is that your mental model? You ever hear of the market? Trust me Democrats and Republicans pay the same. The fact that you believe otherwise is amazing to me.
You must not understand the importance of government and unions
No, I don't understand how it relates to what we were talking about.
I know you don't. There was so much wrong with you commented post I wouldn't know where to begin. If that's your belief then you don't deserve a reply.

I'm not for unregulated free market capitalism, we have minimum wage so that blows that stupid theory of yours, and you do not care about people. You say pàying a living wage to all people who work 40 hours is undoable. I didn't say pay everyone equal and I understand capitalism needs ditch diggers.

Anyways, you're being stupid tonight. I think you're in one of those moods. Lol. Go punch a family member
If there was so much wrong with my post then it shouldn't have been difficult to know where to begin. It most certainly should have been easy to make a coherent argument and not some disjointed leap in logic that no sane person would make.

Now you are making a leap in logic that the existence of minimum wage blows some stupid theory of mine out of the water. The problem is I don't know what theory you are talking about. Try connecting the dots better. Because if you are saying that the existence of mininum wage is equivalent to the government setting wages, prices and profits, you could not be more wrong.

There is nothing wrong with me, my arguments are coherent.
Are all union members communists? No they aren't. So you saying that makes you sound ignorant and i know you aren't dumb. Unions exist in a capitalist society right? I'm for strong labor laws and well regulated capitalism.

The government for the people is what I'm for and it's what trumps saying he's for so is trump a commie? Then stfu with that bs
Where did I say that all union members were communists. That was some leap in logic there.

You are just going to have to get over the fact that the government does not control free enterprise, so you can forget about the government making sure you get a liveable wage. That is up to you. I don't know why you think "my side" are the one's who pay poverty wages. That is an illogical statement. Seriously? You believe Democrats pay their employees handsomely and Republicans pay them in scraps? Is that your mental model? You ever hear of the market? Trust me Democrats and Republicans pay the same. The fact that you believe otherwise is amazing to me.
You must not understand the importance of government and unions
No, I don't understand how it relates to what we were talking about.
I know you don't. There was so much wrong with you commented post I wouldn't know where to begin. If that's your belief then you don't deserve a reply.

I'm not for unregulated free market capitalism, we have minimum wage so that blows that stupid theory of yours, and you do not care about people. You say pàying a living wage to all people who work 40 hours is undoable. I didn't say pay everyone equal and I understand capitalism needs ditch diggers.

Anyways, you're being stupid tonight. I think you're in one of those moods. Lol. Go punch a family member
If there was so much wrong with my post then it shouldn't have been difficult to know where to begin. It most certainly should have been easy to make a coherent argument and not some disjointed leap in logic that no sane person would make.

Now you are making a leap in logic that the existence of minimum wage blows some stupid theory of mine out of the water. The problem is I don't know what theory you are talking about. Try connecting the dots better. Because if you are saying that the existence of mininum wage is equivalent to the government setting wages, prices and profits, you could not be more wrong.

There is nothing wrong with me, my arguments are coherent.
Where did I say that all union members were communists. That was some leap in logic there.

You are just going to have to get over the fact that the government does not control free enterprise, so you can forget about the government making sure you get a liveable wage. That is up to you. I don't know why you think "my side" are the one's who pay poverty wages. That is an illogical statement. Seriously? You believe Democrats pay their employees handsomely and Republicans pay them in scraps? Is that your mental model? You ever hear of the market? Trust me Democrats and Republicans pay the same. The fact that you believe otherwise is amazing to me.
You must not understand the importance of government and unions
No, I don't understand how it relates to what we were talking about.
I know you don't. There was so much wrong with you commented post I wouldn't know where to begin. If that's your belief then you don't deserve a reply.

I'm not for unregulated free market capitalism, we have minimum wage so that blows that stupid theory of yours, and you do not care about people. You say pàying a living wage to all people who work 40 hours is undoable. I didn't say pay everyone equal and I understand capitalism needs ditch diggers.

Anyways, you're being stupid tonight. I think you're in one of those moods. Lol. Go punch a family member
If there was so much wrong with my post then it shouldn't have been difficult to know where to begin. It most certainly should have been easy to make a coherent argument and not some disjointed leap in logic that no sane person would make.

Now you are making a leap in logic that the existence of minimum wage blows some stupid theory of mine out of the water. The problem is I don't know what theory you are talking about. Try connecting the dots better. Because if you are saying that the existence of mininum wage is equivalent to the government setting wages, prices and profits, you could not be more wrong.

There is nothing wrong with me, my arguments are coherent.
The bottom rung of intellect.

In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the 'pro-life' movement:

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers who continue to introduce/pass restrictive misogynist laws against woman's reproductive rights. At the same time, the GOP works to shut down women's health clinics, with a special vengeance towards Planned Parenthood (#StandWithPP). You don't hear of these Right Wing anti-choice

Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)

Well said and so true.

Absolute, illogical bullshit. If you don't wipe a man's ass every day of his life you're a hypocrite for not killing him? Nonsense.
Are all union members communists? No they aren't. So you saying that makes you sound ignorant and i know you aren't dumb. Unions exist in a capitalist society right? I'm for strong labor laws and well regulated capitalism.

The government for the people is what I'm for and it's what trumps saying he's for so is trump a commie? Then stfu with that bs
Where did I say that all union members were communists. That was some leap in logic there.

You are just going to have to get over the fact that the government does not control free enterprise, so you can forget about the government making sure you get a liveable wage. That is up to you. I don't know why you think "my side" are the one's who pay poverty wages. That is an illogical statement. Seriously? You believe Democrats pay their employees handsomely and Republicans pay them in scraps? Is that your mental model? You ever hear of the market? Trust me Democrats and Republicans pay the same. The fact that you believe otherwise is amazing to me.
You must not understand the importance of government and unions
No, I don't understand how it relates to what we were talking about.
I know you don't. There was so much wrong with you commented post I wouldn't know where to begin. If that's your belief then you don't deserve a reply.

I'm not for unregulated free market capitalism, we have minimum wage so that blows that stupid theory of yours, and you do not care about people. You say pàying a living wage to all people who work 40 hours is undoable. I didn't say pay everyone equal and I understand capitalism needs ditch diggers.

Anyways, you're being stupid tonight. I think you're in one of those moods. Lol. Go punch a family member
If there was so much wrong with my post then it shouldn't have been difficult to know where to begin. It most certainly should have been easy to make a coherent argument and not some disjointed leap in logic that no sane person would make.

Now you are making a leap in logic that the existence of minimum wage blows some stupid theory of mine out of the water. The problem is I don't know what theory you are talking about. Try connecting the dots better. Because if you are saying that the existence of mininum wage is equivalent to the government setting wages, prices and profits, you could not be more wrong.

There is nothing wrong with me, my arguments are coherent.

BIG mistake ---- you cannot use the words "coherent" and "argument" in the same sentence when talking to them.

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