Six spring breakers overdose from cocaine laced with fentanyl in Florida tragedy

Someone who is bent on self destruction? Get the fuck out of their way.

Who among those six kids is going to stop doing drugs over this incident?

Four of them would have been cured of their drug habit if the Narcan had been withheld. The other two would have spent the rest of their lives coloring outside the lines in their coloring books.
What a terrible thing to say! Why not take down all emergency resccue facilities and turn ambulances into taxis? It's now just an extreme rightist's interpretation of what can be called a stupid mistake.

Even a person having a heart attack would be caused by a person making a stupid mistake in eyes of the fascist leaning hard right.

After bringing about the changes you would recommend, who would qualify for saving in America?

Let's turn this into a discussion on that question now.

Would political affiliation be a deciding factor? I'll represent the 'socialist' side or the side that is socially responsible on helping all people in need.
I had a triple bypass some years ago. In my rehabilitation group was a well-known cardiologist that had also undergone bypass surgery. He had appeared on local tv shows giving 'healthy heart' advice for years, only to fall victim to coronary artery disease himself. So, looking back, did his 'advice' really help anyone, or did he not take his own advice?

"My people* are destroyed for lack of knowledge." -God

*Apparently this also includes 'highly educated' health professionals.
A regulated market would not only reduce fentanyl and other drug OD's but decrease the Black Market influence, pricing, and crime associate with the high price for a dose.
every precious life lost is a tragedy whether it's in Florida or Finland, Miami or Manila

The problem is that morons who ingest these dangerous narcotics are NOT considering their life being precious they are being stupid about handling dangerous chemicals with no benefits at all for them.

After DECADES of published information showing that these drugs are disastrously bad for you, they still ingest them anyway that is just plan stupidity.

I have no sympathy for stupid people deliberately ingesting habit-forming dangerous chemicals.
Someone who is bent on self destruction? Get the fuck out of their way.

Who among those six kids is going to stop doing drugs over this incident?
True. My brother and sister both died from alcohol related issues. Hardheadedness runs in my family. Nothing could have helped them.
I just see nothing tragic about bad things happening to those who make stupid choices.

I remember a few TV shows about kids who do dangerous stunts and get injured, and people laugh. A choice they made.

Yes. These vermin want to pour money into the pockets of scumbag dealers and cartels, so I can't work up any pity or concerns for these dopers. Everybody knows these cartels are homocidal gangster scum, so they have no excuses.
What a terrible thing to say! Why not take down all emergency resccue facilities and turn ambulances into taxis? It's now just an extreme rightist's interpretation of what can be called a stupid mistake.

Even a person having a heart attack would be caused by a person making a stupid mistake in eyes of the fascist leaning hard right.

After bringing about the changes you would recommend, who would qualify for saving in America?

Let's turn this into a discussion on that question now.

Would political affiliation be a deciding factor? I'll represent the 'socialist' side or the side that is socially responsible on helping all people in need.

Weren't you one of the people clammoring for people not getting COVID shots being denied medical care?
I had a triple bypass some years ago. In my rehabilitation group was a well-known cardiologist that had also undergone bypass surgery. He had appeared on local tv shows giving 'healthy heart' advice for years, only to fall victim to coronary artery disease himself. So, looking back, did his 'advice' really help anyone, or did he not take his own advice?

"My people* are destroyed for lack of knowledge." -God

*Apparently this also includes 'highly educated' health professionals.
Many of your fellow Americans, or perhaps most, would deem you as not worth saving, on account of you being to blame for your heart condition.

I can only say to you that I as a Canadian would never take that position.

And fwiw, I would never live in a country that denies adequate and affordable health care to millions of its people.
Did the fentanyl come from china or mexico?

From Red China mostly; they sell it to the Mexican cartels and the MS-13 thugs and other serial killers. Everyone knows they're buying it from the worst low lifes on the planet.
Anyone who is a Baby Boomer had potential access in the 1960's and 1970's to drugs. much of it sold was even pharmacy made if a pill and it was called "bootleg". The variety of drugs though even as it expanded was nothing like today. But trust was implied with anyone dealing the product. People do not even know many of the people selling the products.
Trust was implied, hardly.
Anyone who is a Baby Boomer had potential access in the 1960's and 1970's to drugs. much of it sold was even pharmacy made if a pill and it was called "bootleg". The variety of drugs though even as it expanded was nothing like today. But trust was implied with anyone dealing the product. People do not even know many of the people selling the products.
Are you looking for possible reasons why America's young people are turning to drugs?

If so then I would suggest that they are looking for empowerment on account of everything they expect as Americans has been taken away from them.

The Jan.6th. coup attempt was due to the people's need for empowerment. And the only explanation for the Ottawa protests has to be the same. That's the reason why the truckers were unable to say what they were protesting for.

But they also couldn't say what had been stripped away from Canadians? Do you have any ideas? It's not a mystery in America and I've posted ample proof of that many times on this board.
Please warn your children. #1 killer of Americans age 18-45 is fentanyl. Insidious. These kids were lucky Narcan and swift action by law enforcement saved them.

hmmmmm.....seems the moral of the story is "DONT DO COKE"
Considering that this has been going on between the US and China since the Opium Wars in the 1840-50s what is it you think should be done?
The Opium wars!!
Most Americans probably won't be aware of that!
Use this opportunity to educate them. And too maybe tell them something of the history of the British in Hong Kong!
What a terrible thing to say! Why not take down all emergency resccue facilities and turn ambulances into taxis? It's now just an extreme rightist's interpretation of what can be called a stupid mistake.

Even a person having a heart attack would be caused by a person making a stupid mistake in eyes of the fascist leaning hard right.

After bringing about the changes you would recommend, who would qualify for saving in America?

Let's turn this into a discussion on that question now.

Would political affiliation be a deciding factor? I'll represent the 'socialist' side or the side that is socially responsible on helping all people in need.

I do not agree with much that Oh please post, but I have no room for sympathy for someone that chooses to do coke and then pays the price
The Opium wars!!
Most Americans probably won't be aware of that!
Use this opportunity to educate them. And too maybe tell them something of the history of the British in Hong Kong!
Are you implying that the US does the same as what we accuse other nations of doing? Why that sounds almost, human....
Are you implying that the US does the same as what we accuse other nations of doing? Why that sounds almost, human....
Yes of course but I was also thinking that some could benefit from learning some details of the two issues regarding China's people.

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