Six spring breakers overdose from cocaine laced with fentanyl in Florida tragedy

Cocaine has never had this poison mixed in it before...Are you saying that because they snorted a little cocaine that they deserve to die for it?...thank God people like you won't be in power for are an uncaring piece of trash that voted for all of this....

I am saying that when you choose to snort come coke you take your life into your own hands. Nobody forced them to do this, they choose to knowing the danger.
Why do you always race to defend China?....

I am not defending China, I am preaching personal responsibility.

So, are you on board with me for legalizing these drugs so that there can be some standards and people will be less likely to get bad shit like these kids did?
I am saying that when you choose to snort come coke you take your life into your own hands. Nobody forced them to do this, they choose to knowing the danger.

I am not defending China, I am preaching personal responsibility.

So, are you on board with me for legalizing these drugs so that there can be some standards and people will be less likely to get bad shit like these kids did?
You defend China every time...why?....
Many of your fellow Americans, or perhaps most, would deem you as not worth saving, on account of you being to blame for your heart condition.

I can only say to you that I as a Canadian would never take that position.

And fwiw, I would never live in a country that denies adequate and affordable health care to millions of its people.
What is tragic about 'healthcare' in America is that the medical profession doesn't seem to know the first thing about health. "Sickness" is their stock in trade. Worse yet, people believe that the medical profession holds the keys to health when in fact their job is get people back to work as soon as possible so they can afford their next doctor's appointment.
Golfing Gator......

For one thing stop voting for people that have enriched themselves on Chinese bribes like the Biden's...and tell China that if we find a route to them with this poison we will consider it an act of war....
So, you managed one idea:

If we find that any of it came from China, call it an act of war. By the Chinese government.

Loudly? With zeal? Hahaha

Should we also call them a mean name?

Or bomb China?

These both seem like pretty stupid ideas. Were you serious? THIS is what you think the President should do?
So, you managed one idea:

If we find that any of it came from China, call it an act of war. By the Chinese government.

Loudly? With zeal? Hahaha

Should we also call them a mean name?

Or bomb China?

These both seem like pretty stupid ideas. Were you serious? THIS is what you think the President should do?
No not this president...China would just laugh...but if we don't grow some balls and keep our enemies guessing we will end up in a major war...peace through strength not pussy cooperation....
So, you managed one idea:

If we find that any of it came from China, call it an act of war. By the Chinese government.

Loudly? With zeal? Hahaha

Should we also call them a mean name?

Or bomb China?

These both seem like pretty stupid ideas. Were you serious? THIS is what you think the President should do?
CHINA has killed Americans and people all over the world and are still doing so today troll boi....
No not this president...China would just laugh...but if we don't grow some balls and keep our enemies guessing we will end up in a major war...peace through strength not pussy cooperation....
Cute whining, but you only managed one pretty childish idea:

Yell at China

Surely you understand if I have serious doubts this would make any difference.
Some of these brats were West Point cadets. With luck they could be deep legacy and someone with authority might actually lobby to do something about fentayl.

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