SJW black WNBA star who hates racist America arrested in Russia for drugs begs U.S. government for help

Sigh...and people wonder why I constantly use the term "alt-right". Here is an example of it on full display. Griner might be a black activist, but she was playing in Russia because the disparity in pay scales (WNBA and NBA) and opportunities to make extra money aren't there for the women. I believe she had those oils when she went into Russia. She is being arrested for a political point. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was there to make money.

Biden's America doesn't have diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, so I guess she is "shit out of luck" as we say in the ghetto and she should get used to be a resident of Russia's gulags for a while, until the Trumpster gets back in.

Hopefully this teaches other young people not to fuck up in foreign lands especially those the USA doesn't speak to- as it is not a good time to be Locked Up Abroad.
How stupid can one be to claim that the US and Russia do not have diplomatic relations?
Biden just needs to ask his buddy Putin, but Biden being an old school Democrat, that supported Democrat senator Robert Byrd, who was a leader in the KKK, Biden will be reluctant to go against his long time racist conscience.

Most likely, the Russians already offered negotiations but the democrats said wait until it is a bigger news story.
Byrd was never the head of the KKK.
Biden's America doesn't have diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, so I guess she is "shit out of luck" as we say in the ghetto and she should get used to be a resident of Russia's gulags for a while, until the Trumpster gets back in.

Hopefully this teaches other young people not to fuck up in foreign lands especially those the USA doesn't speak to- as it is not a good time to be Locked Up Abroad.
Other places have rules that you can't break....maybe she can take a knee in protest.
Biden's America doesn't have diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, so I guess she is "shit out of luck" as we say in the ghetto and she should get used to be a resident of Russia's gulags for a while, until the Trumpster gets back in.

Hopefully this teaches other young people not to fuck up in foreign lands especially those the USA doesn't speak to- as it is not a good time to be Locked Up Abroad.
The US government doesn't rescue you if you get in trouble in a foreign country.
Sigh...and people wonder why I constantly use the term "alt-right". Here is an example of it on full display. Griner might be a black activist, but she was playing in Russia because the disparity in pay scales (WNBA and NBA) and opportunities to make extra money aren't there for the women. I believe she had those oils when she went into Russia. She is being arrested for a political point. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was there to make money.

The wage disparity between the NBA and WNBA is because the WNBA is not well watched in the US. With date from 2019, the NBA finals had over 15 million viewers, WNBA finals had 230,000 viewers. The average league attendance for the NBA is 18,000 per game vs. WNBA 6,768. The average price for an NBA ticket is $89, the WNBA is $17.42. The NBA has an 82 regular season games, stretched out over 9 months , WNBA has 36 regular season games over 5 months. I hardly watch the WNBA and never a complete game, I will watch women’s college ball, I can connect with local college teams and players, the WNBA, I couldn’t tell you half the teams and where they play. Griner made $221,000 in the WNBA last year and she is a star for the league. To ask for parity in pay, the numbers need to be there, they aren’t.

Hash oil is illegal in Russia, so if what you are saying is true, she transported illegal drugs into Russia, this is a big crime in many of these countries and carry a heavy penalty, she knew better, having possession of them is a crime.

Now, we get to the nitty gritty. Did she even have hash in the first place? I don’t trust Russia or Putin, so I really don’t believe anything thing they claim, they are just like China and the government will straight out lie to all.

Griner is a citizen of the United States and as one, whether one agrees with her politics or not, the US government should work on her behalf to get her back home. This is a long process and hopefully we can get her home.
The wage disparity between the NBA and WNBA is because the WNBA is not well watched in the US. With date from 2019, the NBA finals had over 15 million viewers, WNBA finals had 230,000 viewers. The average league attendance for the NBA is 18,000 per game vs. WNBA 6,768. The average price for an NBA ticket is $89, the WNBA is $17.42. The NBA has an 82 regular season games, stretched out over 9 months , WNBA has 36 regular season games over 5 months. I hardly watch the WNBA and never a complete game, I will watch women’s college ball, I can connect with local college teams and players, the WNBA, I couldn’t tell you half the teams and where they play. Griner made $221,000 in the WNBA last year and she is a star for the league. To ask for parity in pay, the numbers need to be there, they aren’t.

Hash oil is illegal in Russia, so if what you are saying is true, she transported illegal drugs into Russia, this is a big crime in many of these countries and carry a heavy penalty, she knew better, having possession of them is a crime.

Now, we get to the nitty gritty. Did she even have hash in the first place? I don’t trust Russia or Putin, so I really don’t believe anything thing they claim, they are just like China and the government will straight out lie to all.

Griner is a citizen of the United States and as one, whether one agrees with her politics or not, the US government should work on her behalf to get her back home. This is a long process and hopefully we can get her home.
Don't travel. And don't assume the US government or the US ambassador can get you out of a jam.
Black WNBA star and radical SJW Brittney Griner was arrested at the Moscow airport when caught smuggling several vape cartages of hashish oil in her luggage. She is still sitting in a Russian jail and faces a 10 year sentence for illegal drug trafficking. (her arrest happened before Russia's invasion into Ukraine)
Griner is a avowed black activist SJW who vocally says America is the most racist country on the planet and kneels when the national anthem is played before her basketball games.
Now she is begging the racist U.S. government that she hates, to intervene and persuade Russian authorities to release her so she can return to America.
Maybe a few years in a freezing Siberian prison would adjust her attitude? ... :thup:

This is the left. Bitch spits on America until she needs her sorry ass bailed out of her own corrupt shitpile. I hope she rots. I wish there was a way I could say this to her face.
Sigh...and people wonder why I constantly use the term "alt-right". Here is an example of it on full display. Griner might be a black activist, but she was playing in Russia because the disparity in pay scales (WNBA and NBA) and opportunities to make extra money aren't there for the women. I believe she had those oils when she went into Russia. She is being arrested for a political point. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was there to make money.

Look at all the trump trash dancing over the detention of an American citizen in Putin's Russia. :dance::dance:

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