SJW black WNBA star who hates racist America arrested in Russia for drugs begs U.S. government for help

That part is unclear. All you have is BFF Putin's word...which means exactly zilch at this moment.
Again, thousands of people travel to and from Russia every year, normally. There is literally no reason to 'frame' this person, and it happened weeks before the invasion, there is absolutely no political angle on this until after the fact.
Again, thousands of people travel to and from Russia every year, normally. There is literally no reason to 'frame' this person, and it happened weeks before the invasion, there is absolutely no political angle on this until after the fact.
Oh I didn't realize that...she was jailed beforehand???? Effing dishonest western the hell can we believe word one printed in any paper or a single word spoken on air by this lying, sack of shit, politically biased media complex here in this country?????.....sheesh.....I'm better off reading PRAVDA for crying out loud. You can't count on them for much these days but you sure as hell can count on them to lie, deceive, omit and otherwise mislead.
Black WNBA star and radical SJW Brittney Griner was arrested at the Moscow airport when caught smuggling several vape cartages of hashish oil in her luggage. She is still sitting in a Russian jail and faces a 10 year sentence for illegal drug trafficking. (her arrest happened before Russia's invasion into Ukraine)
Griner is a avowed black activist SJW who vocally says America is the most racist country on the planet and kneels when the national anthem is played before her basketball games.
Now she is begging the racist U.S. government that she hates, to intervene and persuade Russian authorities to release her so she can return to America.
Maybe a few years in a freezing Siberian prison would adjust her attitude? ... :thup:

She is learning the lesson of America……something she took for granted after years of leftist brainwashing…

Sigh...and people wonder why I constantly use the term "alt-right". Here is an example of it on full display. Griner might be a black activist, but she was playing in Russia because the disparity in pay scales (WNBA and NBA) and opportunities to make extra money aren't there for the women. I believe she had those oils when she went into Russia. She is being arrested for a political point. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was there to make money.

She doesn't earn more because the wnba doesn't make money because few people go their games or buy their merchandise and so on. What is the wnba supposed to go bankrupt paying players with money they don't have?

The NBA brings in about 9.2 billion a year. The wnba brings in about 60 million a year.

She was arrested before the Ukraine and Russia shit so not it wasn't politically motivated. She broke the laws of a foreign country and got arrested, end of story.

If she had something illegal in a country what does it matter if she had it before she went in or after? That's as stupid as saying "I can't believe I got busted by the police. I had this heroine before I even went in their country".

And we don't wonder why you use alt right so much. We all know you hate the right irrationally and constantly spinning everything anyway you can in order to show how much you do. We all know you're just a contrarian.
I have no sympathy for her. She knew better

i have some sympathy for her, because I think it likely that she did NOT know better. I suspect she is a very stupid person, possibly not competent to run her own affairs, and ten years does seem like a lot for that crime.

BUT, on the other hand, she is an anti-American piece of shit, so, I don't think we should move to save her, even once Trump or another sane republican is back in power.

Biden clearly can do nothing for her. At this point if he expressed support for her, it would increase her chances of dying from a slip and fall.

Unless you have been bamboozled like Struth.
Maybe Putin will release her. But the Liberal World Order has Ukraine in its sights. We are spending countless billions of dollars on the reality of it with Russia using its resources on it. All the4se spoiled pieces of shit going overseas and getting caught for their self-importance and never learning. hell, she would be a nobody if not for what cable subscribers are forced to pay for.
I have no sympathy for her. She knew better
I sometimes wonder if fools like her actually don't know better. It's been a long time since anything resembling morals has been mentioned in public school. Schools and leftist parents teach children moral relativity, which brings them to the belief that it's only wrong if you think it's wrong.

I guess she found out, huh?
African Americans are very intelligent people.

Although they may criticize what they feel is continued unjust treatment of their people, they realize that they are very lucky to live in this country, and very few would ever actually emigrate to another country.
If I were advising this dame, I'd tell her to forget Brandon and kiss up to Uncle Pooty.

I could see Putin releasing her for the tremendous press that he might get.

But keeping Sleepy Joe out of the picture is Ms. Griner's key here.
African Americans are very intelligent people.

Although they may criticize what they feel is continued unjust treatment of their people, they realize that they are very lucky to live in this country, and very few would ever actually emigrate to another country.

Why would we need to emigrate to another country when we helped to build this one.
Why would we need to emigrate to another country when we helped to build this one.

Because the nation is full of people you hate. Indeed, according to the shit you post, we are very dangerous to you, and terrible to live aound.

If we were a TENTH as bad as you claim, you would have left decades ago. Canada would have a moat from sea to sea, with barbed wire and patrolled by sharks with freaking laser beams, because of the constant flood of black refugees.


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