SJW black WNBA star who hates racist America arrested in Russia for drugs begs U.S. government for help

I have no sympathy for her. She knew better
It would be a stretch to think that the coach never advised the players about Russian laws. The likely answer is that she thought that being a black lesbian carried the same import in Russia that it does here. 10 years is the minimum sentence. I hope she gets all ten.
Because the nation is full of people you hate. Indeed, according to the shit you post, we are very dangerous to you, and terrible to live aound.
Only the racist that hate me, because of the color of my skin.
If we were a TENTH as bad as you claim, you would have left decades ago.
Why do I need to leave?
Canada would have a moat from sea to sea, with barbed wire and patrolled by sharks with freaking laser beams, because of the constant flood of black refugees.
We don't need to go anywhere, we have just as much if not more of a right to live here in peace without having to deal with racist scum.
It would be a stretch to think that the coach never advised the players about Russian laws. The likely answer is that she thought that being a black lesbian carried the same import in Russia that it does here. 10 years is the minimum sentence. I hope she gets all ten.
Of course, you do, because you are a low down, no good, racist hag.
Only the racist that hate me, because of the color of my skin.

Why do I need to leave?

We don't need to go anywhere, we have just as much if not more of a right to live here in peace without having to deal with racist scum.

Superbad, don't talk shit. You clearly hate white people. And I didn't say you NEEDED to leave. I just pointed out that if hte shit you said was true, that you would WANT to leave.

Indeed, nothing would stop you. Nothing.

Superbad, don't talk shit. You clearly hate white people. And I didn't say you NEEDED to leave. I just pointed out that if hte shit you said was true, that you would WANT to leave.

Indeed, nothing would stop you. Nothing.

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Following your CORRECT line of reasoning the US should not interfere in Griner's Russian adventure. She hates this country and insisted that the national anthem not be played at her games.

She can look at it this way, pretend your wish has been granted. The US no longer exists.
No you are a racist hag, if she were white your rotten ass would be singing a different song.

The broad admitted she did it, pleaded Guilty as Sin.

What should happen to people smuggling drugs? What happens to them here in the United States, folks like El Chapo?
No you are a racist hag, if she were white your rotten ass would be singing a different song.
If it has not been said, she is not in the best position with the Ukraine War going on. Perhaps some wheeling dealing can be done but Putin sees the West supplying Ukraine with lots of weapons and some money.
Following your CORRECT line of reasoning the US should not interfere in Griner's Russian adventure. She hates this country and insisted that the national anthem not be played at her games.

She can look at it this way, pretend your wish has been granted. The US no longer exists.

AGREED. And just because she is FACING 10 years, doesn't mean she will get the max.

Of course, if she opens her retarded trap at the trial...

She should plead guilty and beg for mercy.
Why would we need to emigrate to another country when we helped to build this one.
That is right.

No matter what one may think about African Americans, they are among the most American of Americans (with the exception of Native Americans).

African American families have been here longer than the families of most other Americans.
That is right.

No matter what one may think about African Americans, they are among the most American of Americans (with the exception of Native Americans).

African American families have been here longer than the families of most other Americans.

But they are surrounded by people that they fear and hate. They would be far happier where they can feel good about their neighbors.
Black WNBA star and radical SJW Brittney Griner was arrested at the Moscow airport when caught smuggling several vape cartages of hashish oil in her luggage. She is still sitting in a Russian jail and faces a 10 year sentence for illegal drug trafficking. (her arrest happened before Russia's invasion into Ukraine)
Griner is a avowed black activist SJW who vocally says America is the most racist country on the planet and kneels when the national anthem is played before her basketball games.
Now she is begging the racist U.S. government that she hates, to intervene and persuade Russian authorities to release her so she can return to America.
Maybe a few years in a freezing Siberian prison would adjust her attitude? ... :thup:

For every day she is in custody give Ukraine a HIMAR.

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