SJW black WNBA star who hates racist America arrested in Russia for drugs begs U.S. government for help

There are other American's imprisoned in several other countries for drugs and other various offenses that the U.S. government either can't or won't help. So why should Griner get special treatment?
But she eventually will, because she's black and a homo.
Like those of all skin colors….Smart, wise, normal, law abiding, patriotic blacks are eager to vote Republican though.

You are such a good and faithful little party sheep.

Your masters must be so very proud of you
Sigh...and people wonder why I constantly use the term "alt-right". Here is an example of it on full display. Griner might be a black activist, but she was playing in Russia because the disparity in pay scales (WNBA and NBA) and opportunities to make extra money aren't there for the women. I believe she had those oils when she went into Russia. She is being arrested for a political point. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was there to make money.

The disparity in pay is there, because the revenue isn't anywhere near what it would take to compensate them equally. The NBA already subsidizes the WNBA. Let them stand on their own, and pull in the same revenue as the men, then we'll talk.
Black WNBA star and radical SJW Brittney Griner was arrested at the Moscow airport when caught smuggling several vape cartages of hashish oil in her luggage. She is still sitting in a Russian jail and faces a 10 year sentence for illegal drug trafficking. (her arrest happened before Russia's invasion into Ukraine)
Griner is a avowed black activist SJW who vocally says America is the most racist country on the planet and kneels when the national anthem is played before her basketball games.
Now she is begging the racist U.S. government that she hates, to intervene and persuade Russian authorities to release her so she can return to America.
Maybe a few years in a freezing Siberian prison would adjust her attitude? ... :thup:

I guess she is fixing to find out what oppression really is. LMAO.
I guess she is fixing to find out what oppression really is. LMAO.
What's really delicious is that Skidmark Joe is so completely owned that Putin will undoubtedly laugh at any US attempt to help the skank. I hope Putin hangs him/her/it, just for a lesson.
Hahaha….all good real core Americans are “loyal” to ANY party with a chance to defeat the party of filth.

Actually any real American knows that both major parties only care about themselves and not the country.

That you do not know this just shows that you once again put party before country.

You are the consummate party drone! Both parties count on people like you, knowing you will vote for them no matter what.
Sigh...and people wonder why I constantly use the term "alt-right". Here is an example of it on full display. Griner might be a black activist, but she was playing in Russia because the disparity in pay scales (WNBA and NBA) and opportunities to make extra money aren't there for the women. I believe she had those oils when she went into Russia. She is being arrested for a political point. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was there to make money.

The disparity in pay has nothing to do with smuggling illegal drugs into Russia. This happened before the invasion, meaning there was no political points to be gained at the time. Hundreds if not thousands of Americans traveled through Russia without being arrested, it is very unlikely that this is anything other than what it appears.
The disparity in pay has nothing to do with smuggling illegal drugs into Russia. This happened before the invasion, meaning there was no political points to be gained at the time. Hundreds if not thousands of Americans traveled through Russia without being arrested, it is very unlikely that this is anything other than what it appears.
The disparity has EVERYTHING to do with why she was there in the first place..invasion notwithstanding. And her drug possession (non) still a question to be answered.
Actually any real American knows that both major parties only care about themselves and not the country.

That you do not know this just shows that you once again put party before country.

You are the consummate party drone! Both parties count on people like you, knowing you will vote for them no matter what.
But you're not a third party sheep---suuuuuure you're not. LOL, you're hilarious.
Personally, I hope the Russians don't release the stupid slut.
Because the lying Democrats will claim that tough guy veggie Joe backed down Putin who was scared of him. ... :cuckoo:
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