SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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There is clearly some excellent examples of moves and/or shows that have gone down the crapper because of the asinine social pandering that has been forced into them despite a story line that does not flow with it.

Black panther is not one of those examples.

I respectfully disagree.
I can see that considering the last 80 pages :p

I don't really see it though - the plot holes are no worse than any other. Ant Man, IMHO, was FAR worse. It's only saving grace is that it did not take itself seriously. Would have been better if they went all the way with the light hearted feel like Guardians of the Galaxy does.

I'm sure there are a ton of plot holes and various suspensions of disbelief to be found in GotG, but that movie is excellent. One of the best Marvel has put out.
Absolutely but, IMHO, that is directly because it never once takes itself seriously. they fit excellent action sequences in with good humor that is not forced and flows naturally from the characters and setting. They manage to fit in some emotional impact with that humor.

Ant Man was trying to be far to serious for such a nonsensical storyline.
Seeing that this thread is 85 pages and still alive, I think it's fair to say that SJW's have negatively impacted normal people's enjoyment of modern films and video games.

nope, not normal people. Just snowflakes like you and correll

Calling people you disagree with, snowflakes, is kind of a dick move.

A snowflake is someone that is easily offended and takes everything personally. Based upon your post in this thread, that is you to a T. You are offended by things that pretty much nobody else, except maybe the OP, are offended by. You take bad movies personally, as if they were made that way just to insult you. And then you insult those that do not share your view...100% a snowflake move.

Being insulted by an insult directed at me, is not being easily offended.

The crux of your argument is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity. SInce most people did not take it as an insult, that means that it must not have been an insult.

That actually, is not true. It is completely possible for me to be right and for most people to be wrong.

This is where you, to support your position, have to come up with an actual supporting argument.

You know, like I did, when I pointed out that use of the personal insult(s) in the movie, directed at white people.

Calling me a snowflake is not a supporting argument, it is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.
Those examples are actually, all tied into ONE suspension of disbelief, ie their Super Science.

except for the speaking to ants one. That is an additional suspension of disbelief. ANd quite a big one. The Ant Man movies really strike me as being much more....

Actually, the whole Ant Man tech is really, really bad, even for super science. It really does fall more into bad movie/guilty pleasure category. The second one especially.

Stark seemingly not realizing his tech could fall into enemy hands isn't tied to his pseudoscience.

Shuri's brother being a superhero is tied to pseudoscience, since the Black Panther drink is due to the vibranium. Similarly, the ability to maintain Wakanda's secrecy is also tied to that vibranium pseudoscience. Ditto the cloaking field.

The point being that, of course, Marvel movies require a lot of suspension of disbelief!

1. Agreed, the idea that Stark would be shocked that his weapons could fall into enemy hands was monumentally stupid. I had blocked that one. Hollywood writes can be such morons.

2. That is a really versatile substance. Special vibration qualities, and special medicinal properties and special optical properties.

Vibranium is a lazy writing sort of substance lol

I don't know how much of this is canon from the comics. If all of it is, that does not reflect well on the source material.

A buddy of mine, a couple of months ago, dismissed my complaints about Star Wars, with the come back that he was happy "to be a whore for star wars".

Which really sort of sums it up. Some of us want to be respected by Hollywood, and others are comfortable not being respected as long as they get some fan service.

Back in the day, another buddy said that some Star Trek Fans would be happy to pay to watch Star Trek the Test Pattern for two hours.

Fans deserve better.

You remind me of a couple guys I know that drink craft beers. Now, I drink craft beers and cannot stand "normal" beers, but these two guys are beer snobs and they put down those that drink Bud or Corona or what have you. They accuse these people of being brainwashed and such things.

Movies, like beer and food even are all 100% a purely subjective thing, whether you like them or not is 100% up to you. The best made Orecchiette Tartufate in the world is pretty much not worth a hot dog if you cannot stand truffles.

You take things in movies as a purposeful insult, yet I see the same thing and would not ever think to be did the movie maker really try and insult everyone or are you just overly sensitive?

I will tell you what I tell my beer snob friends...if you do not like the movies or the not watch them. I see maybe 4 to 6 movies a a good year. I watch very little TV, maybe 3 to 4 Netflix or Prime series a year along with sports and a few cooking shows, and then there is my current favorite show "Forged in Fire" which I record religiously and watch every week.

1. I'm not insulting any fans.

2. How would you feel, "Forged and Fire" was bought out by someone else, who changed it in such a way as to a. A. make it terrible, and B. in such a way that they obviously think the shows fans are morons? ie Forged in FIre:The Test Pattern?
Being insulted by an insult directed at me, is not being easily offended.

Well, first off there is no reason to think it was directed at you personally, but yet you do = snowflake.

second, it is your choice to be insulted or not. I have insults directed at me 100 times a day on this forum, none of them bother me one iota...but I am not a snowflake.

The crux of your argument is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity. SInce most people did not take it as an insult, that means that it must not have been an insult.

That actually, is not true. It is completely possible for me to be right and for most people to be wrong.

Yes, it is possible for you to be right and everyone else to be wrong. This is the exact same argument I get from the flat earth folks, they always misuse the Appeal to Popularity as you are.

This is where you, to support your position, have to come up with an actual supporting argument.

You know, like I did, when I pointed out that use of the personal insult(s) in the movie, directed at white people.

according to you it was an insult directed at white people, you again are in the minority of this opinion.

Calling me a snowflake is not a supporting argument, it is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

calling you a snowflake is not meant to support an argument, it is just a statement of fact.
1. I'm not insulting any fans.

2. How would you feel, "Forged and Fire" was bought out by someone else, who changed it in such a way as to a. A. make it terrible, and B. in such a way that they obviously think the shows fans are morons? ie Forged in FIre:The Test Pattern?

1. But you did. According to you all the fans of Black Panther only liked it because they were too big of pussies to stand up to the PC crowd. That seems like an insult.

2. I would quit watching and be happy that Top Chef was coming back or that baseball season is right around the corner. What I would not do is whine about it.
Being insulted by an insult directed at me, is not being easily offended.

Well, first off there is no reason to think it was directed at you personally, but yet you do = snowflake.

second, it is your choice to be insulted or not. I have insults directed at me 100 times a day on this forum, none of them bother me one iota...but I am not a snowflake.

The crux of your argument is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity. SInce most people did not take it as an insult, that means that it must not have been an insult.

That actually, is not true. It is completely possible for me to be right and for most people to be wrong.

Yes, it is possible for you to be right and everyone else to be wrong. This is the exact same argument I get from the flat earth folks, they always misuse the Appeal to Popularity as you are.

This is where you, to support your position, have to come up with an actual supporting argument.

You know, like I did, when I pointed out that use of the personal insult(s) in the movie, directed at white people.

according to you it was an insult directed at white people, you again are in the minority of this opinion.

Calling me a snowflake is not a supporting argument, it is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

calling you a snowflake is not meant to support an argument, it is just a statement of fact.

1. Letting people insult you, without challenge, is not good for a number of reasons. a. It empowers the assholes, b. it can give other people the wrong idea about you, c. in this situation you are paying them and they are insulting you, while taking you money.

2. Re:Appeal to popularity fallacy. In both cases, you are the one bringing up the fallacy of popularity. So, drop it, and actually make your argument. Dismissing the popularity of the opposing argument is not abusing the fallacy.

3. I explained why I felt that way, with at least one example. Your response is "most people did not see it that way". You seem to be stuck on the Logical Fallacy of Popularity.

4. A statement of opinion, that just happens to be a personal attack that you are using as Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

5. I understand. It is hard for you to make your case, because you are wrong.
1. I'm not insulting any fans.

2. How would you feel, "Forged and Fire" was bought out by someone else, who changed it in such a way as to a. A. make it terrible, and B. in such a way that they obviously think the shows fans are morons? ie Forged in FIre:The Test Pattern?

1. But you did. According to you all the fans of Black Panther only liked it because they were too big of pussies to stand up to the PC crowd. That seems like an insult.

2. I would quit watching and be happy that Top Chef was coming back or that baseball season is right around the corner. What I would not do is whine about it.

1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

You said people were too afraid to be honest about a movie they watched, you told me the same thing. That is calling someone a coward, that is calling me a coward.

but since I am not a snowflake I am not offended by it
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

"Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult."

is calling all blacks "criminals" even though 85% are NOT criminals an "insulting generalization" and, therefore, an insult?

is calling ALL liberals "TRAITORS!" simply because they would appreciate AFFORDABLE healthcare and education an "insulting generalization" and, therefore, an insult?
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

You said people were too afraid to be honest about a movie they watched, you told me the same thing. That is calling someone a coward, that is calling me a coward.

but since I am not a snowflake I am not offended by it

Having fear does not make one a coward. Your assumption is your assumption. It is wrong of you to hold me responsible for it.

That being said, I believe that you honestly like the film. Though on some level, you know that my complaints about it are valid, that is why you are using so many logical fallacies in your posts.
1. Not my intent.

2. Define for me, in your own words, the distinction between "complaint" and "whining"? Or admit that that is just the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

"Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult."

is calling all blacks "criminals" even though 85% are NOT criminals an "insulting generalization" and, therefore, an insult?

is calling ALL liberals "TRAITORS!" simply because they would appreciate AFFORDABLE healthcare and education an "insulting generalization" and, therefore, an insult?

Actually, it is worse than that.

To be a good analogy, it would not be calling "all blacks" criminals because some blacks are criminals,

but it would be calling an individual black, that the character knows is NOT a criminal, a criminal, based solely on his skin color, because to that character, "all blacks" are "criminals" based on race.

If you had a character make such a slur against a black individual in a movie, especially if the character making the slur, was presented in a sympathetic light, I'm sure that Gator would have no trouble seeing that as racist.

And rightfully so.

But, when the target is white, suddenly the rules are different.
1. Just as it was not the intent of the makers of Black Panther to insult you...yet you take it personally and say they did it on purpose.

1. A complaint is a general disagreement, whining is taking something personal and never letting it die.

1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

You said people were too afraid to be honest about a movie they watched, you told me the same thing. That is calling someone a coward, that is calling me a coward.

but since I am not a snowflake I am not offended by it

Having fear does not make one a coward. Your assumption is your assumption. It is wrong of you to hold me responsible for it.

That being said, I believe that you honestly like the film. Though on some level, you know that my complaints about it are valid, that is why you are using so many logical fallacies in your posts.

And yet you hold the BP movie makers responsible for your assumptions.

again...not very consistent of you
1. Nope. You are just assuming meaning in my words, that I did not put there. I explained how the insults in Black Panther were insults against whites in general.

2. Sounds pretty subjective. You sure you aren't just dismissing complaints you disagree with, and being rude about it?

1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

You said people were too afraid to be honest about a movie they watched, you told me the same thing. That is calling someone a coward, that is calling me a coward.

but since I am not a snowflake I am not offended by it

Having fear does not make one a coward. Your assumption is your assumption. It is wrong of you to hold me responsible for it.

That being said, I believe that you honestly like the film. Though on some level, you know that my complaints about it are valid, that is why you are using so many logical fallacies in your posts.

And yet you hold the BP movie makers responsible for your assumptions.

again...not very consistent of you

A group slur, directed against an individual, who is NOT that, based only on being a member of that group, is stating that everyone of that group, is that.

Stating that someone has fear, is not stating that they are a coward.

This is not a matter of consistency, but a matter of a real insult, vs your strawman.
1. You called millions of people cowards, there was no assumption needed on my part.

you are a fraud, you do not hold yourself to the standard you demand of others

I called no one a coward. That was your conclusion, and not one I share.

This is not about holding to a standard. Some statements are insults to groups of people, and some are not.

Calling a white man, a "colonizer" especially a white man who was had never colonized anything, was thus making an insulting generalization, thus an insult.

Pointing out that people conform to the pressure of Political Correctness is not calling them cowards.

You said people were too afraid to be honest about a movie they watched, you told me the same thing. That is calling someone a coward, that is calling me a coward.

but since I am not a snowflake I am not offended by it

Having fear does not make one a coward. Your assumption is your assumption. It is wrong of you to hold me responsible for it.

That being said, I believe that you honestly like the film. Though on some level, you know that my complaints about it are valid, that is why you are using so many logical fallacies in your posts.

And yet you hold the BP movie makers responsible for your assumptions.

again...not very consistent of you

A group slur, directed against an individual, who is NOT that, based only on being a member of that group, is stating that everyone of that group, is that.

Stating that someone has fear, is not stating that they are a coward.

This is not a matter of consistency, but a matter of a real insult, vs your strawman.

Well yes, stating a whole group has fear and lets that fear control their actions is calling them all cowards.

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