SK sex change doc: "I correct God's mistakes"

"Some people are born without genitals or with cleft lips or with no ears or with their fingers stuck together. Why does God create people like this? Aren't these God's mistakes?" Kim said. "And isn't a mismatched sexual identity a mistake, too?"

Why shouldn't these people have a chance at a happy life?
"Some people are born without genitals or with cleft lips or with no ears or with their fingers stuck together. Why does God create people like this? Aren't these God's mistakes?" Kim said. "And isn't a mismatched sexual identity a mistake, too?"

Why shouldn't these people have a chance at a happy life?

Because steve-o thinks it's icky :cheeky-smiley-018:
Because steve-o thinks it's icky :cheeky-smiley-018:
Or so he tries so desperately to portray, likely in a desperate internal battle to convince himself he's just kidding around when he's home alone late at night, seven empty beer cans on the ground, giggling and looking coy while staring at himself in the mirror wearing a pretty pink dress and expertly applied lipstick.

I don't believe that the Lord makes any mistakes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Why some people are born different looking is a question that only the Lord can answer. All that I can say is that I believe that there is a reason. :) :) :)
I don't believe that the Lord makes any mistakes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Why some people are born different looking is a question that only the Lord can answer. All that I can say is that I believe that there is a reason. :) :) :)

I don't think the Lord makes mistakes, either.

Because there is no God.

on this thing, I do kind of question the logic of mutilating someone to feed their delusion that they are of another gender.

But I don't let it keep me up at night like the OP, who does a couple "Trannies are going to eat your babies" threads a week.

Some of us are bald, some of us have small tits, and some of us would like to be another gender.

And some of us became doctors for the wrong reasons.
I don't believe that the Lord makes any mistakes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Why some people are born different looking is a question that only the Lord can answer. All that I can say is that I believe that there is a reason. :) :) :)

And how do you feel about circumcision?

Why else would people cut off part of their son's penis than to correct one of god's mistakes?
That recording I posted is pretty damn interesting. No comments about it? None?

I almost never actually watch/listen to posted videos but have listened to part of it. I haven't watched all of it yet but what I've heard really is amazing.
That recording I posted is pretty damn interesting. No comments about it? None?

I almost never actually watch/listen to posted videos but have listened to part of it. I haven't watched all of it yet but what I've heard really is amazing.

Castrati. They used to castrate little boys before their balls dropped and their voices along with them.

Apparently they were great singers :dunno:

It's amazing that recording exists. Thank goodness no one practices such barbarism anymore.
Doctors spend most of their time correcting God's mistakes ... organ failures, all cosmetic surgery, communicable disease.
I don't think the Lord makes mistakes, either.

Because there is no God.

on this thing, I do kind of question the logic of mutilating someone to feed their delusion that they are of another gender.

But I don't let it keep me up at night like the OP, who does a couple "Trannies are going to eat your babies" threads a week.

Some of us are bald, some of us have small tits, and some of us would like to be another gender.

And some of us became doctors for the wrong reasons.
Well that is your belief.

And how do you feel about circumcision?

Why else would people cut off part of their son's penis than to correct one of god's mistakes?
Isn't a circumcision supposed to help a guy keep from getting certain infections later on in life? At least that is what I've been told. I don't know. I wasn't born a male so I've never needed on done on myself.

Anyways, a circumcision doesn't change a person's gender, so why is one even being brought up?

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

I don't think the Lord makes mistakes, either.

Because there is no God.

on this thing, I do kind of question the logic of mutilating someone to feed their delusion that they are of another gender.

But I don't let it keep me up at night like the OP, who does a couple "Trannies are going to eat your babies" threads a week.

Some of us are bald, some of us have small tits, and some of us would like to be another gender.

And some of us became doctors for the wrong reasons.
Well that is your belief.

And how do you feel about circumcision?

Why else would people cut off part of their son's penis than to correct one of god's mistakes?
Isn't a circumcision supposed to help a guy keep from getting certain infections later on in life? At least that is what I've been told. I don't know. I wasn't born a male so I've never needed on done on myself.

Anyways, a circumcision doesn't change a person's gender, so why is one even being brought up?

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

It's been done by Jews and Muslims for hundreds of years. It became popular in the US for cleanliness and to prevent boys from masturbating ... neither was warranted. Males in other countries don't undergo circumcision except for religious purposes, usually, and they fair well.
I don't believe that the Lord makes any mistakes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Why some people are born different looking is a question that only the Lord can answer. All that I can say is that I believe that there is a reason. :) :) :)
What reason do you believe there is for people being born dwarfs, or with missing limbs, or with mis-matched legs, or with hideously ugly facial features? These are birth defects -- as is homosexuality.

One's sense of gender and sexuality are determined by hormonal influence on the brain. If one is born as a male physical organism with a defective endocrine system, and that defective system secretes hormones which induce a female mentality and sexual impulses, the ultimate effect of this condition would be a mental woman trapped in a physical man's body. Or vice/versa.

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In my opinion, trans-sexual surgical intervention is analogous to surgical correction of a cleft palate or club foot, etc. While it doesn't fully correct the defect it helps to make life more tolerable for the suffering subject.
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^^^ I don't believe that homosexuality is a birth defect. I believe that it is a choice. How a person lives their life is up to them. It isn't decided for them.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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