Slavery had nothing to do with capitalism it was socialism

Communalism/fascism/socialism all = big g'ment statism, better known as tyranny. C/F/S was mankinds first religion & it has become well engrained in many folks through out the centuries. Unfortunately, C/F/S due to mankinds nature leads to Mao Zedong's, Genghis Khan's, Big Daddy Idi Amin's, Hitler's, Pol Pot's & Stalin's. Just for the record Mao scored #1 as greatest mass murderer of all time(so far!) in the book of Guiness World records making him the top dog of the top 10 most ruthless people of all time @ a mean estimate of a whopping 42 million victims!!! Genghis Khan & his successors took a STRONG 2nd place with a mean estimate of 33.5 million victims!! Adolf Hitler scored a somewhat distant 3rd place with a mean average of 26.5 million victims but still impressive! Hirohito bagged 14 million victims anchoring the Japanese Emperor a solid 4th place for mass murderers. Chiang Kai Shek managed to bag 10.5 million mean estimated victims for 5th place edging out Joe Stalin's poor performance of not even 9 million mean estimate victims to his credit. The rest of the big g'ment statist dictators number of victims are hardly worth mentioning as their victims only numbered a paltry 7 million @ best then rapidly dwindled down into only the hundreds of thousands of victims. If one likes the tally of the boys mentioned above then keep pushing for C/F/S big g'ment statism & we might just luck out & get a sociopathic/psychopathic world leader that can take out our entire human population on the cheap(nukes a dime a dozen, bio weapons 50 cents!).

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