Slavery in America

Where's Jesse or Al when you need them?

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense

In law, an affirmative defense to a civil lawsuit or criminal charge is a fact beyond those alleged by the plaintiff or prosecutor that, if proven by the defendant, mitigates the legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct.

The affirmative defense offered up by a
Muslim couple who pleaded guilty to charges of keeping slaves in their Texas home is likely new to the annals of western law. The couple, Hassan al-Homoud, 46, and his wife Zainab al-Hosani, 39, originally of Qatar, argued that the prophet Muhammad kept slaves and that punishing them is thus “Islamophobic.”

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense
So you find one example of bad behavior and believe it applies to all Muslims living in the US?

Nooooooo, but it's another story of disgusting behavior by Muslims.
So you find one example of bad behavior and believe it applies to all Muslims living in the US?

No. Please point out how you twisted that out of my asking where Jesse and Al are in the face of real, modern day, post Civil Rights Era slavery.
Where's Jesse or Al when you need them?

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense

In law, an affirmative defense to a civil lawsuit or criminal charge is a fact beyond those alleged by the plaintiff or prosecutor that, if proven by the defendant, mitigates the legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct.

The affirmative defense offered up by a
Muslim couple who pleaded guilty to charges of keeping slaves in their Texas home is likely new to the annals of western law. The couple, Hassan al-Homoud, 46, and his wife Zainab al-Hosani, 39, originally of Qatar, argued that the prophet Muhammad kept slaves and that punishing them is thus “Islamophobic.”

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense
So you find one example of bad behavior and believe it applies to all Muslims living in the US?

If you could ever find a person or a couple of not of the Islamic faith who have or held slaves, you would condemn all, more so than the simple observation in the original post.
I am reduced to the meloncoly necessity of advising you that your post above is not an example of convincing political discourse..

You are nothing more than a knavish agitator for lunny left-wing notions, and not a very good one.

Well deserved Golf Clap:

One isolated example of Muslims and it is a national problem? Seriously?

Sante Kimes was an American woman who kept slaves. She went on to do some murders too. One bad American woman kept slaves. That makes it a national problem? And her behavior represents the behavior of all Americans? :rolleyes:
Where's Jesse or Al when you need them?

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense

In law, an affirmative defense to a civil lawsuit or criminal charge is a fact beyond those alleged by the plaintiff or prosecutor that, if proven by the defendant, mitigates the legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct.

The affirmative defense offered up by a
Muslim couple who pleaded guilty to charges of keeping slaves in their Texas home is likely new to the annals of western law. The couple, Hassan al-Homoud, 46, and his wife Zainab al-Hosani, 39, originally of Qatar, argued that the prophet Muhammad kept slaves and that punishing them is thus “Islamophobic.”

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense
So you find one example of bad behavior and believe it applies to all Muslims living in the US?

If you could ever find a person or a couple of not of the Islamic faith who have or held slaves, you would condemn all, more so than the simple observation in the original post.
Read my post, no. 46. There are people who have been convicted of slavery in the US, American people. I do not think those people represent all Americans or that it is a national issue. It is an issue of bad people doing bad things. There are bad people of all shapes and sizes, ages, colors, ethnic groups, sexes, cultures, nationalities, etc. These two people in Texas are an anomally, not the norm.
If it actually were about that, it might be.

Since it's actually about holding one specific religion in judgment for its ancient texts (notice the emphasis in the OP) --- I provided some perspective. As did Jake.

You're welcome.
"one specific religion" = islam, genius. Not to mention QUOTED BY MUSLIMS.
Desperation so deep I see the bone!

See the next post after yours. And try to keep up.
" I am going to make a thread about islam, but I better make sure to condemn Christianity, Buddhism, Wiccan, Tenriism and Judaism"

You really need me to hold your hand through this?

It isn't "about Islam". It's about fallacies of cherrypicking and Composition and Double Standard.
Think about it.

And stop going :lalalal: --- it's noisy.

This particular story IS indeed about Islam, since the courtroom excuse/defense is directly connected to the Islamic prophet.
and yet that defense doesn't appear anywhere but in your version of things...
Where's Jesse or Al when you need them?

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense

In law, an affirmative defense to a civil lawsuit or criminal charge is a fact beyond those alleged by the plaintiff or prosecutor that, if proven by the defendant, mitigates the legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct.

The affirmative defense offered up by a
Muslim couple who pleaded guilty to charges of keeping slaves in their Texas home is likely new to the annals of western law. The couple, Hassan al-Homoud, 46, and his wife Zainab al-Hosani, 39, originally of Qatar, argued that the prophet Muhammad kept slaves and that punishing them is thus “Islamophobic.”

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense
So you find one example of bad behavior and believe it applies to all Muslims living in the US?

If you could ever find a person or a couple of not of the Islamic faith who have or held slaves, you would condemn all, more so than the simple observation in the original post.
Read my post, no. 46. There are people who have been convicted of slavery in the US, American people. I do not think those people represent all Americans or that it is a national issue. It is an issue of bad people doing bad things. There are bad people of all shapes and sizes, ages, colors, ethnic groups, sexes, cultures, nationalities, etc. These two people in Texas are an anomally, not the norm.

The current day slave holders are those in fancy hats, driving pink Cadillacs and speak Ebonics and have a disgusting dark color of skin to match their non-existing souls.

You know, the pimps. They demoralize and enslave young an innocent girls, the whiter the better. They are Al Sharpton's on the field warriors of fucking up whites.
Where's Jesse or Al when you need them?

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense

In law, an affirmative defense to a civil lawsuit or criminal charge is a fact beyond those alleged by the plaintiff or prosecutor that, if proven by the defendant, mitigates the legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct.

The affirmative defense offered up by a
Muslim couple who pleaded guilty to charges of keeping slaves in their Texas home is likely new to the annals of western law. The couple, Hassan al-Homoud, 46, and his wife Zainab al-Hosani, 39, originally of Qatar, argued that the prophet Muhammad kept slaves and that punishing them is thus “Islamophobic.”

Wealthy Texas Muslim couple found guilty of slavery offer up this unique defense
So you find one example of bad behavior and believe it applies to all Muslims living in the US?

If you could ever find a person or a couple of not of the Islamic faith who have or held slaves, you would condemn all, more so than the simple observation in the original post.
Read my post, no. 46. There are people who have been convicted of slavery in the US, American people. I do not think those people represent all Americans or that it is a national issue. It is an issue of bad people doing bad things. There are bad people of all shapes and sizes, ages, colors, ethnic groups, sexes, cultures, nationalities, etc. These two people in Texas are an anomally, not the norm.

The current day slave holders are those in fancy hats, driving pink Cadillacs and speak Ebonics and have a disgusting dark color of skin to match their non-existing souls.

You know, the pimps. They demoralize and enslave young an innocent girls, the whiter the better. They are Al Sharpton's on the field warriors of fucking up whites.
Yeah. There are no white pimps. Uh huh.
The Muslim equivalent of the Biblical defense used by the white and black slaveowner assholes arguing for slavery before the Civil War.


There it is indeed. I gave him a "Winner".
And here it is in slightly more detail:

>> The Bible identifies different categories of slaves including female Hebrew slaves, male Hebrew slaves, non-Hebrew and hereditary slaves. These were subject to different regulations.

Female Hebrews could be sold by their fathers and enslaved for life (Exodus 21:7-11), but there were some limits to this.

Male Hebrews could sell themselves into slavery for a six year period to eliminate their debts, after this period they might go free. However, if the male slave had been given a wife and had children with her, they would remain his master's property. They could only stay with their family by becoming permanent slaves (Exodus 21:2-5). Evangelical Christians, especially those who subscribe to Biblical inerrancy, will commonly emphasize this debt bondage and try to minimize the other forms of race-based chattel slavery when attempting to excuse the Bible for endorsing slavery.[citation needed]

Non-Hebrews, on the other hand, could (according to Leviticus 25:44) be subjected to slavery in exactly the way that it is usually understood. The slaves could be bought, sold and inherited when their owner died. This, by any standard, is race- or ethnicity-based, and Leviticus 25:44-46 explicitly allows slaves to be bought from foreign nations or foreigners living in Israel. It does say that simply kidnapping Hebrews to enslave them is a crime punishable by death (Deuteronomy 24:7), but no such prohibition exists regarding foreigners. War captives could be made slaves, assuming they had refused to make peace (this applied to women and children-men were simply killed), along with the seizure of all their property (Deuteronomy 20:10-15).

Hereditary slaves were born into slavery and there is no apparent way by which they could obtain their freedom.

So the Bible endorses various types of slavery, see below - though Biblical literalists only want to talk about one version and claim that it wasn't really so bad. <<
These are explored in still more detail at the link: Rational Wiki

The moral: if you're gonna hang your hat on religion as a basis for behaviour, then be consistent with it.

Also known as "you can't have it both ways".
So as soon as you find some Hebrews who have slaves today, you can point your nasty finger at them all you like.
But when it comes to Christians who aren't Hebrews, Jews, or have anything to do with slavery.......well then just shut the fuck up, Dickhead.
:lol: The fact is that we can easily find Asians, Europeans, Americans, and others who have been accused of similar charges in America. If you are willing as you and the rest of the other far right reactionary fascist filthy fuck ups to keep talking about the KKK from the 1860s, we can easily go with slave owners in America citing the Bible for justification of the evil doctrine and practice of it.

If you are going to talk about the Prophet Mohammed, then we can talk about the Crusades in the south of France in the 13th century.

When we follow the Constitution as a nation and a people, we are exceptional.

When we don't, we are like you and S. J. and digital and Yurt and Redfish and the rest of that garbage: really fucked up.
The far right reactionaries here are a threat to mankind, just not America.

I am reduced to the meloncoly necessity of advising you that your post above is not an example of convincing political discourse..

You are nothing more than a knavish agitator for lunny left-wing notions, and not a very good one.

The word is melancholy, it is misapplied above, and I find myself compelled to advise your that you are a clown.
The far right reactionaries here are a threat to mankind, just not America.

I am reduced to the meloncoly necessity of advising you that your post above is not an example of convincing political discourse..

You are nothing more than a knavish agitator for lunny left-wing notions, and not a very good one.

The word is melancholy, it is misapplied above, and I find myself compelled to advise your that you are a clown.

Syntax and spelling smack ---they are for the loser of the discussion. Everybody seems to know that except liberal assholes.
The far right reactionaries here are a threat to mankind, just not America.

I am reduced to the meloncoly necessity of advising you that your post above is not an example of convincing political discourse..

You are nothing more than a knavish agitator for lunny left-wing notions, and not a very good one.

The word is melancholy, it is misapplied above, and I find myself compelled to advise your that you are a clown.

Syntax and spelling smack ---they are for the loser of the discussion. Everybody seems to know that except liberal assholes.
It shows that CoCo nose diction and syntax better than you. :lol:
So, your position goes from:

"The far right reactionaries here are a threat to mankind, just not America".

And, being challenged to defend that absurdity, you at last arrive at:

"It shows that CoCo nose diction and syntax better than you".

I have tried to let you know down with some delicacy, but the simple fact is that you seem to have some liberal left-wing cause that you are trying to put forth....but you are hapless to do fact you suck at it...suck bad...and my guess is that you have been sucking bad in all of the over 100,000 posts which you have wasted your time with, as well as your poor readers. It won't happen again with me.

I suggest you just stick with the porn sites.
Macaulay tried to deflect from answering my point about the threat to a complaint about my grammatical skills, and then when that gets booted us his ass he falls back on "some liberal left-wing cause" nonsense.

Mac's all over the board getting scored on at will without effort.
The Muslim equivalent of the Biblical defense used by the white and black slaveowner assholes arguing for slavery before the Civil War.

Except...that was before 1865.... This is today genius.............see the difference? aNd the democrats who used the bible to justify slavery back before the republicans freed the slaves were truly vile...which makes one wonder why any black American would be a member of the racist democrat party.....
It is pretty fuckin desperate to invoke Christianity into a discussion about islam. Isnt that a fallacy?

If it actually were about that, it might be.

Since it's actually about holding one specific religion in judgment for its ancient texts (notice the emphasis in the OP) --- I provided some perspective. As did Jake.

You're welcome.

As you know, I mostly post about fallacies. That's why this one was appetizing. Low hanging fruit.

No twit....they are using their ancient texts to justify a behavior today....not back in biblical times..........
The fact that you morons have the need to bring up the Christian Bible when this story is strictly about a Muslim using Muhhamed as his excuse, is fucking hillarious !!!! :rofl:

There's something in the DNA of American liberals, that keeps them from simply denouncing a situation like this, without first bringing up the Bible, or Christians. You guys are utter clowns !! :biggrin:
Do you think that we can't show your hypocrisy? That we can't show you are a fool? It is so easy to show that you are a failure at this.
Jake, you're a fucking joke. Go fuck yourself.
It is wrong when Christians or Muslims do it It means they don't live the morals on their religion.
And when you condemn one and excuse the other, you are a hypocrite, a fool, an affront to common decency.

Who's excusing anyone, you fucking moron ?!!!
This story is about this one particular case, and the guy happens to be a Muslim, and he's using his pedophile prophet as an excuse for having slaves.

The real question here, is why you and other libs haven't the ability to simply denounce this piece of shit, without bringing up the history of another religion.
You look like idiots, because we all know it's a defense mechanism of your pc protected religion.

Radical Muslims and the left hate America....they have that in common and so the left defends their ally....

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