Slavery: Now is the Time


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
"Slavery" has gotten a bad name in recent years, although it has been documented to be present in many cultures for thousands of years. With our current sensitivities we have "forgotten" that under some circumstances slavery makes perfect sense for both the slaves and the slave owners. Imagine the following:

The Western European country of "Euro" makes an offer to those fleeing Africa and the Middle East, basically as follows: You can come to our country, legally, but only as slaves. The "deal" is basically as follows:

You come here and agree to be a slave to some person, institution, or entity for a minimum period of seven (7) years. Your Owner will be required to feed, clothe, house you, and to provide for your medical needs during the term of your servitude. You will be given a stipend of $50 Euro per month for personal needs.

Any form of inhumane or cruel treatment is prohibited. No physical shackles, cages, corporal punishment, deprivation as punishment, or mental cruelty.

You will do whatever your owner requires, with the only limits being your own physical and intellectual limits. Your duties may consume up to 12 hours per day, and may include legal personal services (no "sex favors" or anything like that), manual labor, or work that requires a skill that you develop during your period of servitude. If you are disabled or unable to perform your assigned duties for any reason, the term ends and you will be returned to your native country.

You agree to abide by all laws of Euro and your slavery agreement. You agree not to try to "escape" or to create any strife for your Owner, by whatever means or by any cause. You may not get married or cohabit without the express written consent of your owner. If female, you agree not to have any children.

If you violate any rule, you will be immediately returned to your native country, with no recourse.

At the end of your period of servitude, you will be eligible for permanent resident status in your country, but not voting citizenship. You will not be eligible for "welfare" or any other social program for non-working residents of Euro. Obviously, the parties may mutually agree to extend the period of servitude.

IT'S ALL VOLUNTARY. It only applies if the slave agrees to all terms, in advance. Otherwise, you must find another country or go home.

It's the perfect solution to the immigration crisis. All of Western Europe should adopt it.
As soon as you sign up to show that slavery is cool I'm sure others will follow suit
Slavery has gotten a bad name? No. It's always had a bad name. It's slavery
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't France once have a program wherein foreign men could joint the French Foreign Legion and, after their service, they could become French citizens?

I think such a concept makes sense. In fact, I think it would behoove America to come up with a similar concept.

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