Sleepless in Gaza and Jerusalem

The Hillis clan is an armed militia in Gaza. Now, why would Israel allow militia members to travel through Israel when Israel allows nobody from Gaza into Israel?

Perhaps you should try thinking before you post.

More gibberish, above, from the mental patient with not even one reputational point after 2 years of mindless posts.

Palestine Press Agency: Hamas beat and arrested children in Gaza for raising a Fatah banner last night.
Today Hamas arrested of a minor child Mohammed Abu Harbeed (13 years old) and other children, and tortured and beat them with batons and blindfolded them in the cold, for raising the banners of the Fatah movement.

A Fatah spokesman said that 'these practices are incompatible with the principles of national and moral traditions and customs, and with human rights and international covenants and instruments, which provide for the protection of the rights of children, as well as inconsistent with the teachings of our religion."


OK, it is beyond you. I understand.

I understand why you have not one reputational point after 2 years of mindless posts.

Hamas Miitants Infiltrate Hospital And Threaten Doctors
[ame=]WIDE ANGLE | Gaza E.R. | Excerpt | PBS - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]85 sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Hamas Imposing Sharia Law In Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gazans choose Israeli hospitals despite troubles[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas we desire death human shields of civilians[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Luxury Mall opens in Gaza[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gaza Water Park and Luxury Restaurants for Arab Palestinians[/ame]
Who are these so-called Palestinians, anyway? [ame=]Who are the Palestinians? - YouTube[/ame]
Jerusalem will be cleansed of zionist soon enough, stay strong, my brothers.

Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital of the Jews for 3000 years, dimwit. Take your anti-psychotic medication like the nice nurse asked you to do :cuckoo:
Jerusalem will be cleansed of zionist soon enough, stay strong, my brothers.

Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital of the Jews for 3000 years, dimwit. Take your anti-psychotic medication like the nice nurse asked you to do :cuckoo:

Like all good zionists, you are an arrogant fool with no balls who will be wiped out by Muslim nukes soon enough. Keep talking, your end is near.
Jerusalem will be cleansed of zionist soon enough, stay strong, my brothers.

Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital of the Jews for 3000 years, dimwit. Take your anti-psychotic medication like the nice nurse asked you to do :cuckoo:

Like all good zionists, you are an arrogant fool with no balls who will be wiped out by Muslim nukes soon enough. Keep talking, your end is near.

[ame=]Jews and Muslims-Nobel Prize List (Latest) - YouTube[/ame]
Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital of the Jews for 3000 years, dimwit. Take your anti-psychotic medication like the nice nurse asked you to do :cuckoo:

Like all good zionists, you are an arrogant fool with no balls who will be wiped out by Muslim nukes soon enough. Keep talking, your end is near.

[ame=]Jews and Muslims-Nobel Prize List (Latest) - YouTube[/ame]

Jerusalem will be cleansed of zionist soon enough, stay strong, my brothers.

Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital of the Jews for 3000 years, dimwit. Take your anti-psychotic medication like the nice nurse asked you to do :cuckoo:

Like all good zionists, you are an arrogant fool with no balls who will be wiped out by Muslim nukes soon enough. Keep talking, your end is near.

Investor's Business Daily: How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In The Dark
Israel, a New Jersey-sized nation of 7.5 million people (1.7 million of whom are Arab) filed 7,082 international patents in the five years ending in 2007. By contrast, 28 majority-Muslim nations with almost 1.2 billion people — 155 times the population of Israel — were granted 2,071 patents in the same period. Narrowing the comparison to the 17 Muslim nations of the Middle East from Morocco to Iran and down the Arabian Peninsula, the 409 million people in that region generated 680 patents in five years.
This means that the Arab and Iranian world produced about one patent per year for every 3 million people, compared with Israel's output of one annual patent for every 5,295 people, an Israeli rate some 568 times that of Israel's neighbors and sometime enemies.

The awarding of Nobel Prizes in the quantitative areas of chemistry, economics and physics shows a similar disparity, with five Israeli winners compared with one French Algerian (a Jew who earned the prize for work done in France) and an Egyptian-American (for work done at Caltech in California).

The telltale signs of Israel's economic rise can be seen in the Tel Aviv skyline and the new office complexes around Jerusalem. International giant Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. was founded in 1901 by three pharmacists in Jerusalem. Today it employs 40,000 around the world.

Teva has a market cap of $44.2 billion — the most highly valued company based in Israel and the ninth-largest firm traded on the Nasdaq

Less than 300 miles separate the purposeful creative buzz in the JVP Media Quarter from the restive streets of Cairo, where the Muslim Brotherhood tells Egypt's unemployed that their plight is the fault of corrupt capitalists and Jews. It doesn't take a Nobel Prize-winning economist to figure out where these two economies are going.

How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In Dark -
[ame=]84 b Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]84 a Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers have banned eight teenage students with scholarships to study in the U.S. from leaving the territory, a Palestinian rights group said Wednesday.

The move appeared to be part of an intensified Hamas campaign against independent groups that they view as a challenge to their rule and against activities that believe promote a Western lifestyle.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the eight students were granted AMIDEAST scholarships, a program that educates talented teenagers from the Middle East and North Africa for a year in the U.S. At the end of the year, students return to their home countries to finish their education. The students were granted scholarships based on their academic achievements.

In a statement, the rights group said Hamas' education minister rejected a travel request by the teenager's parents for "social and cultural reasons." It also accused Hamas of breaching the parents' right to educate their children as they choose.

Hamas would not confirm the order, much as it has in the past with similar orders travel bans on Gaza residents.

But the parents of 15-year-old Aboud Alshatari said their son was traveling to the border Wednesday when Hamas police turned him away, saying the Education Ministry refused to let him leave Gaza. Alshatari was slated to attend school in North Carolina.

The ban comes a day after a network of aid groups in Gaza criticized Hamas for forcing aid workers and employees of civil society groups to register with them before traveling for work outside the Gaza Strip. And last week, Hamas shut down the U.S.-financed International Medical Corps after it refused to submit to a Hamas audit.

The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007. Since then, Hamas has slowly imposed its radical interpretation of Islam on residents of the Gaza Strip — a world view that is even more stern than what traditionally religious conservative Gazan's follow.

Other Hamas crackdowns include trying to ban male barbers from cutting women's hair and forbidding women from smoking in public and outlawing scantly clad female mannequins.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad - ABC News
The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007.

Hamas was the elected government in office. Fatah, who lost the elections, tried to stay in power with US money and weapons.

I wouldn't call that "overran." Your source is crap.
The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007.

Hamas was the elected government in office. Fatah, who lost the elections, tried to stay in power with US money and weapons.

I wouldn't call that "overran." Your source is crap.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers have banned eight teenage students with scholarships to study in the U.S. from leaving the territory, a Palestinian rights group said Wednesday.

The move appeared to be part of an intensified Hamas campaign against independent groups that they view as a challenge to their rule and against activities that believe promote a Western lifestyle.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the eight students were granted AMIDEAST scholarships, a program that educates talented teenagers from the Middle East and North Africa for a year in the U.S. At the end of the year, students return to their home countries to finish their education. The students were granted scholarships based on their academic achievements.

In a statement, the rights group said Hamas' education minister rejected a travel request by the teenager's parents for "social and cultural reasons." It also accused Hamas of breaching the parents' right to educate their children as they choose.

Hamas would not confirm the order, much as it has in the past with similar orders travel bans on Gaza residents.

But the parents of 15-year-old Aboud Alshatari said their son was traveling to the border Wednesday when Hamas police turned him away, saying the Education Ministry refused to let him leave Gaza. Alshatari was slated to attend school in North Carolina.

The ban comes a day after a network of aid groups in Gaza criticized Hamas for forcing aid workers and employees of civil society groups to register with them before traveling for work outside the Gaza Strip. And last week, Hamas shut down the U.S.-financed International Medical Corps after it refused to submit to a Hamas audit.

The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007. Since then, Hamas has slowly imposed its radical interpretation of Islam on residents of the Gaza Strip — a world view that is even more stern than what traditionally religious conservative Gazan's follow.

Other Hamas crackdowns include trying to ban male barbers from cutting women's hair and forbidding women from smoking in public and outlawing scantly clad female mannequins.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad - ABC News
The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007.

Hamas was the elected government in office. Fatah, who lost the elections, tried to stay in power with US money and weapons.

I wouldn't call that "overran." Your source is crap.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers have banned eight teenage students with scholarships to study in the U.S. from leaving the territory, a Palestinian rights group said Wednesday.

The move appeared to be part of an intensified Hamas campaign against independent groups that they view as a challenge to their rule and against activities that believe promote a Western lifestyle.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the eight students were granted AMIDEAST scholarships, a program that educates talented teenagers from the Middle East and North Africa for a year in the U.S. At the end of the year, students return to their home countries to finish their education. The students were granted scholarships based on their academic achievements.

In a statement, the rights group said Hamas' education minister rejected a travel request by the teenager's parents for "social and cultural reasons." It also accused Hamas of breaching the parents' right to educate their children as they choose.

Hamas would not confirm the order, much as it has in the past with similar orders travel bans on Gaza residents.

But the parents of 15-year-old Aboud Alshatari said their son was traveling to the border Wednesday when Hamas police turned him away, saying the Education Ministry refused to let him leave Gaza. Alshatari was slated to attend school in North Carolina.

The ban comes a day after a network of aid groups in Gaza criticized Hamas for forcing aid workers and employees of civil society groups to register with them before traveling for work outside the Gaza Strip. And last week, Hamas shut down the U.S.-financed International Medical Corps after it refused to submit to a Hamas audit.

The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007. Since then, Hamas has slowly imposed its radical interpretation of Islam on residents of the Gaza Strip — a world view that is even more stern than what traditionally religious conservative Gazan's follow.

Other Hamas crackdowns include trying to ban male barbers from cutting women's hair and forbidding women from smoking in public and outlawing scantly clad female mannequins.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad - ABC News

It is just like you to post the same crap over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
Hamas was the elected government in office. Fatah, who lost the elections, tried to stay in power with US money and weapons.

I wouldn't call that "overran." Your source is crap.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers have banned eight teenage students with scholarships to study in the U.S. from leaving the territory, a Palestinian rights group said Wednesday.

The move appeared to be part of an intensified Hamas campaign against independent groups that they view as a challenge to their rule and against activities that believe promote a Western lifestyle.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the eight students were granted AMIDEAST scholarships, a program that educates talented teenagers from the Middle East and North Africa for a year in the U.S. At the end of the year, students return to their home countries to finish their education. The students were granted scholarships based on their academic achievements.

In a statement, the rights group said Hamas' education minister rejected a travel request by the teenager's parents for "social and cultural reasons." It also accused Hamas of breaching the parents' right to educate their children as they choose.

Hamas would not confirm the order, much as it has in the past with similar orders travel bans on Gaza residents.

But the parents of 15-year-old Aboud Alshatari said their son was traveling to the border Wednesday when Hamas police turned him away, saying the Education Ministry refused to let him leave Gaza. Alshatari was slated to attend school in North Carolina.

The ban comes a day after a network of aid groups in Gaza criticized Hamas for forcing aid workers and employees of civil society groups to register with them before traveling for work outside the Gaza Strip. And last week, Hamas shut down the U.S.-financed International Medical Corps after it refused to submit to a Hamas audit.

The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007. Since then, Hamas has slowly imposed its radical interpretation of Islam on residents of the Gaza Strip — a world view that is even more stern than what traditionally religious conservative Gazan's follow.

Other Hamas crackdowns include trying to ban male barbers from cutting women's hair and forbidding women from smoking in public and outlawing scantly clad female mannequins.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad - ABC News

It is just like you to post the same crap over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.

Palestine Press Agency: Hamas beat and arrested children in Gaza for raising a Fatah banner last night.
Today Hamas arrested of a minor child Mohammed Abu Harbeed (13 years old) and other children, and tortured and beat them with batons and blindfolded them in the cold, for raising the banners of the Fatah movement.

A Fatah spokesman said that 'these practices are incompatible with the principles of national and moral traditions and customs, and with human rights and international covenants and instruments, which provide for the protection of the rights of children, as well as inconsistent with the teachings of our religion."

[ame=]83 b Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]

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