Sleepy Joe disrespects Gold Star Mum

She said he talked more about his son than hers. Even rolled his eyes at her when she asked him not to make it about himself.

Biden is a POS

She was a Conservative who hated Biden
She was going to be irate over anything Biden said.

Biden handled it respectfully

”You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i feel and i let you know that you don’t know how i feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i feel!”

Biden just can’t offer anything that she would accept
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She was a Conservative who hated Biden
She was going to be irate over anything Biden said.

Biden handled it respectfully

”You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i feel and i let you know that you don’t know how i feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i feel!”

Biden just can’t offer anything that she would accept
He was making it about himself.
Lame, loon.

Now let's get back to topic, old used up fck

You know Biden is suffering a mental ailment and if you don't? You're a fcking fraud and stupid as a stump

End of discussion
Biden is just fine mentally and physically
Biden routinely comments on complex issues and provides detailed answers
You trying to present a stutter as dementia is pretty lame
No he's not. And you'll never convince anyone of it.

Trolls troll, old man

Partisan hatred does not constitute medical or psychological knowledge.

Biden routinely demonstrates detailed knowledge of complex issues. Disproves your partisan diagnosis
Sorry, I'm not buying this woman's account of the eye roll.
She is very likely a Trumpling.
And well - You know

Blame the victim?
Once again you fail to provide a credible response
Snarky comments and name calling seems to be the extent of your intellect

Get back to topic....and why does the Senile jackass keep regressing to his past, nods off, looks confused, can't answer direct questions,

You've never dealt with dementia and you're a flaming asshole, asshole
Get back to topic....and why does the Senile jackass keep regressing to his past, nods off, looks confused, can't answer direct questions,

You've never dealt with dementia and you're a flaming asshole, asshole

Is that really the best you bring to this board?
In ten years you have never started a thread. You never contribute to a thread and rely on snarky comments and insults
You must be a miserable person to live with
After seeing the picture of Bidumb looking at his watch like he would rather be anywhere but where he was honoring the 13 dead I can understand the woman's response.

Had Bidumb followed the plan that was left by Trump her son would still be alive as would the 12 others.
Followed the plan by Trump, really? How as Trump going to move that many folks by May? Why didn't Trump start vetting Afghans last year? I didn't hear you say shit when Trump removed 13K troops from there.

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