Slo-Joe Quits The Campaign Trail!!

Biden's strategy is to let Trump do his campaigning for him. Every crazy allegation, every bizarre reference...every super spreader event.... We'll see if it works.

My take is that Joe isn't doing enough to change minds. Trump may be...which is bad news if you're the incumbent.
Nobody shows up at Biden rally's anyways.

Sure they do. Observe the packed house.

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View attachment 404178
I stand corrected.
100% transparency from the Biden campaign. It's 100% transparent Joe has something to hide.

Joe's just taking the "safe" path as advised by the panel of the CDC council on viro-electoral safety. Joe is just coming into the home stretch now campaigning 1 day in every 7 so as to minimize the chances of him catching Covid despite wearing masks 20 hours a day and staying 40 feet apart from three other people just to be sure he doesn't catch Covid and get a little sniffle and a little under the weather for two days like Trump did. :smoke:

If this guy campaigns this way, can't you just imagine the orwellian nightmare him and Harris will try to slap on this country if elected?
He said he'll meet with governors and mayors and have them slap the draconian rules for him
He claims he doesn't have the power to do it himself
100% transparency from the Biden campaign. It's 100% transparent Joe has something to hide.

Joe's just taking the "safe" path as advised by the panel of the CDC council on viro-electoral safety. Joe is just coming into the home stretch now campaigning 1 day in every 7 so as to minimize the chances of him catching Covid despite wearing masks 20 hours a day and staying 40 feet apart from three other people just to be sure he doesn't catch Covid and get a little sniffle and a little under the weather for two days like Trump did. :smoke:

If this guy campaigns this way, can't you just imagine the orwellian nightmare him and Harris will try to slap on this country if elected?
He said he'll meet with governors and mayors and have them slap the draconian rules for him
He claims he doesn't have the power to do it himself

Joe is right about that. Trump says it too, that it's up to governors and mayors. But Joe and all the other politicians and their sheep accuse trump of dereliction of duty for not doing it. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
If Biden wins it'll be an interesting inauguration day. Practically nobody showing up for his speech, a cancelled parade, a termite tent tossed up over the White House to fumigate it with or without Trump inside.
Joe ain't coming out of his basement until after the election! :safetocomeoutff:

The debate commission is already trying to get Trump to back out with new made-up "rules" every 20 minutes...IT AIN'T GONNA WORK!

He'll be known as "No Show Joe"...head of the biden crime family!
He'll be known as "No Show Joe"...head of the biden crime family!

The Trump cult is absloutely shameless in their projection of their own rank cowardice on to normal people.

It was Trump who squealed and ran away crying from the second debate, not Biden.

It's Trump who's the coward, not Biden.

And it's Trump's followers who emulate that cowardice by refusing to admit what a coward DearLeader is. They've learned the art of cowardice well from their messiah. They had to. In the minds of the Trump cult, showing any courage marks a person as a dirty liberal, and that would get them banished from the herd.
Biden's strategy is to let Trump do his campaigning for him. Every crazy allegation, every bizarre reference...every super spreader event.... We'll see if it works.

My take is that Joe isn't doing enough to change minds. Trump may be...which is bad news if you're the incumbent.
Your ilk has no minds to change.....
He'll be known as "No Show Joe"...head of the biden crime family!

The Trump cult is absloutely shameless in their projection of their own rank cowardice on to normal people.

It was Trump who squealed and ran away crying from the second debate, not Biden.

It's Trump who's the coward, not Biden.

And it's Trump's followers who emulate that cowardice by refusing to admit what a coward DearLeader is. They've learned the art of cowardice well from their messiah. They had to. In the minds of the Trump cult, showing any courage marks a person as a dirty liberal, and that would get them banished from the herd.
Waah waah waah more incessant whining from the America haters.....
The simple empirical truth of Low IQ Joe is that he has a "negative contact gradient," meaning the more the public gets to know him, the more he drops in the polls, just like he did in NH and Iowa....

Interestingly enough, another with "negative contact gradient" is HATE HOAX HARRIS....
He'll be known as "No Show Joe"...head of the biden crime family!
The Trump cult is absloutely shameless in their projection of their own rank cowardice on to normal people.

Got a news flash for you, BigMouth-- -- -- the "Trump Cult" is AMERICA, and we ARE the normal people. We are the America that has always BEEN America, not you jacked-off kooks that crawled out of the woodwork 10-15 years ago wanting to "fundamentally transform" us.
Got a news flash for you, BigMouth-- -- -- the "Trump Cult" is AMERICA, and we ARE the normal people.

No, you're a minority, and your hatred-and-delusion based lifestyle is not normal.

We are the America that has always BEEN America, not you jacked-off kooks that crawled out of the woodwork 10-15 years ago wanting to "fundamentally transform" us.

Incorrect. We gave up trying to appeal to your better nature long ago, being how it's so very clear that you don't possess a better nature. We don't plan to change you. We plan to marginalize you and make you irrelevant.
It seems Slo-Joe needs more extended naptime:

Perhaps this is why he's in hiding again:

Maybe Hunter will go out on the campaign trail for his father like Trump's sons are doing for Donald.
Now, back to Trump.

He'd actually do less damage to himself if he runs from the debate. Whenever he talks outside of a Trump cult SafeSpace, it's a self-inflicted catastophe.

But Trump's raging narcissism doesn't allow him to undertand that. It's not helplful that he surrounds himself with yes-men who won't tell him the truth. He actually thinks that he only has to scream some insults and tell some lies, and everyone will love him.

So, he's got two forces pushing at him now. His natural cowardice makes him want to run, but his narcissism makes him want to debate. Which will win? Stay tuned.
Biden's strategy is to let Trump do his campaigning for him. Every crazy allegation, every bizarre reference...every super spreader event.... We'll see if it works.

My take is that Joe isn't doing enough to change minds. Trump may be...which is bad news if you're the incumbent.
Nobody shows up at Biden rally's anyways.
Just people selling MAGA hats :stir:
It seems Slo-Joe needs more extended naptime:

Perhaps this is why he's in hiding again:

Joe's going to sleep until Thursday night.

He had to go home. Every time he tried taking a nap on the campaign trail, they started drawing white lines around him

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