Small town folks explain why they support Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Obviously they want things to improve. Who wouldn't? They want someone like Trump in the White House who fully understands their problems.

---As for the 2024 presidential election, Mayo said, “We hope Trump gets back in there. Maybe he can straighten it out … Because it wasn’t in this turmoil when he left. All this has managed to happen in the last three years.”---

Obviously they want things to improve. Who wouldn't? They want someone like Trump in the White House who fully understands their problems.

---As for the 2024 presidential election, Mayo said, “We hope Trump gets back in there. Maybe he can straighten it out … Because it wasn’t in this turmoil when he left. All this has managed to happen in the last three years.”---

They think Trump redistributing their meager wealth to the ruling class will improve their lives. Smart.
We are naturally opposed to groups that want to murder us, Democrats seem to have forgotten what Democracy means. RULE OF THE "People", not a hegemony of wealthy. Hello!
Obviously they want things to improve. Who wouldn't? They want someone like Trump in the White House who fully understands their problems.

---As for the 2024 presidential election, Mayo said, “We hope Trump gets back in there. Maybe he can straighten it out … Because it wasn’t in this turmoil when he left. All this has managed to happen in the last three years.”---

Yes, about right.

They want someone who they THINK understands their problems. Trump trawls the internet, finds out what people are saying, then repeats this.

Like "lock her up", they town folk thought locking up Hillary would improve their lives. Trump then said "Lock her up". Then he got elected and DIDN'T because... it wouldn't have improved their lives. Then Trump said they were dumb for believing that they thought it was real.

He did "build a wall" because these people are worried about immigration. They don't understand the issues of immigration, Trump didn't want to tell them the problems of immigration, he saw their simplistic view on immigration and he went for it.

How to manipulate stupid people, tell them their stupidity is right, and they will love you for it.

What next "Jump off a cliff", it's got a rhythm to it.
Compliments like that will have them jumping to your side...not.

Exactly, stupid people don't want to be told they're stupid. They won't vote for you if you tell them they're idiots. Tell them they're forking GENIUSES and they will vote for you, not matter what crap you throw their way.
Compliments like that will have them jumping to your side...not.
Not worried about them (rednecks) at ALL.
Those redneck hicks will ALWAYS vote (R), even if as trump promised, that trump could shoot a rednecks mother and grandmother, and they would still vote for trump.

trump was correct on that claim.
A Real American doesn't dismiss another American as a "clueless hick" because of where they live or because of political disagreements.
Do you treat gays/homosexuals/transgenders/ with respect or do you "Dismiss" them as sub-human.
Do you treat gays/homosexuals/transgenders/ with respect or do you "Dismiss" them as sub-human.
Irrelevant to the discussion but I'll answer. I have had Gay and Trans friends since college and I believe that your sexual persuasion is your business as long as you do not try to coerce kids or "straights' into your sexual world.
Irrelevant to the discussion but I'll answer. I have had Gay and Trans friends since college and I believe that your sexual persuasion is your business as long as you do not try to coerce kids or "straights' into your sexual world.
Curious, when you emphasize YOUR, do you mean the gays and trans, or are you trying to be clever and suggest something else?
I answered your question, if you want to play word games go ahead.
That's funny when you try to claim you have gay and trans friends.

I have plenty of gay friends, but I can't say I even know of even ONE trans friend.
Where do you find these trans friends?

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