"Smaller government" advocates

Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman. It's called The Biological Imperative. Look it up... .

Be careful to fully consider the word "imperative" and note that its weight registers in an entirely superior to the 'choice', with regard to one's lifestyle.
What you want marriage to be is irrelevant.

Without regard to what I want, or what you want...

Nature defines Marriage as: The Joining of One Man and One Woman. This being demonstrated through the Biological imperative, wherein Nature designed the human species (and all mammals) with two distinct, but complementing genders, each specifically designed to join with the other. ]

Nope. There is no marriage in 'nature'. There is only marriage within human societies as we invented it and we define it. It is whatever we say it is. As its our creation.

That you recognize that this is irrefutable... inarguable and otherwise irrepressible, SHOULD BE sufficient to turn you from your former position and toward that inalterable reality.

Your personal opinion isn't 'irrefutable', nor 'inarguable' nor 'reality'. Its just your opinion. You've deluded yourself into believing that anything you think, anything at all, is objective fact.

Its simply not so. Your subjective opinions are not objective reality, no matter how many times you type 'irrefutable'. Its just you, citing you, making an argument that can't withstand an even passing application of logic or reason.
the pot calling the kettle black

I'm rubber. You're glue. It bounces off me and sticks on you.

Now that we've done school yard silliness, would you care to actually address the points I raised. Or is holding your breath until you turn blue the extent of your rhetorical prowess?

u argue against Keys's using his opinion on this opinion site....only you said it very verbosely, .......please leave this opinion board if your going to waste our time with such idiotic opinions. Your stating them is only your opinion and not a point
What you want marriage to be is irrelevant.

Without regard to what I want, or what you want...

Nature defines Marriage as: The Joining of One Man and One Woman. This being demonstrated through the Biological imperative, wherein Nature designed the human species (and all mammals) with two distinct, but complementing genders, each specifically designed to join with the other. ]

Nope. There is no marriage in 'nature'. There is only marriage within human societies as we invented it and we define it. It is whatever we say it is. As its our creation.

That you recognize that this is irrefutable... inarguable and otherwise irrepressible, SHOULD BE sufficient to turn you from your former position and toward that inalterable reality.

Your personal opinion isn't 'irrefutable', nor 'inarguable' nor 'reality'. Its just your opinion. You've deluded yourself into believing that anything you think, anything at all, is objective fact.

Its simply not so. Your subjective opinions are not objective reality, no matter how many times you type 'irrefutable'. Its just you, citing you, making an argument that can't withstand an even passing application of logic or reason.
the pot calling the kettle black

I'm rubber. You're glue. It bounces off me and sticks on you.

Now that we've done school yard silliness, would you care to actually address the points I raised. Or is holding your breath until you turn blue the extent of your rhetorical prowess?

u argue against Keys's using his opinion on this opinion site....only you said it very verbosely, .......please leave this opinion board if your going to waste our time with such idiotic opinions. Your stating them is only your opinion and not a point

She does the very best she can... .
3rd Posting of this Challenge:

... Why shouldn't someone be able to marry cow?

Consent, that's the main answer. A cow can't consent to marry. Just like children can't consent to marry. It's quite simple.

Last I heard, gay people were able to say yes.


Isn't it wild how 'children' always enter into the equation somehow, with these people?

Now Reader, watch this closely...

Frigidweirdo, the APA issued a white paper; now over a decade back, wherein they 'found' that 'some children may actually benefit from a sexual relationship with a loving, caring adult', further concluding that children may well be suited to sexual consent much earlier than had been previously understood.

Now... you being a professed sexual deviant; meaning you're a person who bears little self control over whatever sexual urges flitter through your head... where do you stand in the Left's drive to defend the 14th amendment rights of a child to equal protection before the law with regard to their means to consent to sex with adults, given the growing scientific evidence that children are often capable of sexual consent, thus legalizing adults to pursue children for loving, caring relationships?

(Reader, I've asked this question of every confessed sexual deviant on this board and hundreds of others on dozens of other boards, over two decades.

And without exception... they cannot answer the challenge without qualifying their response, around legalities. Which is to say that they're only consistent problem with adults pursuing children for sex, is that it is ILLEGAL.)
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

This from an advocate of adult-child sex... .
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

It is, huh?

Well according to the Obama Care people, they signed up over 12 million Americans although that's been disputed and it's actually more around 10 million. That's 10 million more government dependents. How much of a larger government can you get than that?
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?

1) The US Armed forces are not "government". They do not rule or dictate law upon US citizens in any way. Just because something is funded by taxpayer dollars, does not make it a governing body.

2) No conservative has ever advocated a "ban" on gay marriage. The only laws passed were ones saying that we don't have to recognize a gay marriage as marriage in the eyes of the law. Nothing was ever suggested to ban the ceremony or keeping queers from having whatever relations they want with each other. Forced gay marriage recognition is an example of government trying to force the people into accepting gay marriage as a legitimate marriage.

3) As for marijuana, I don't think half of us conservatives really care one way or another. If people want to be stupid and get high all day on it, let them.

4) The farm thing, I'm not a fan of paying people not to produce. I think both parties have a hand in that though. I haven't heard a Dem run on a platform of cutting farming subsidies.

5) Big corporations "subsidies" are largely a myth. Big oil is the best example. They do not get many special tax breaks at all, they simply get the same tax benefits of any manufacturing company. There are plenty of tax breaks for industries that Dems defend. But the bottom line is, there isn't any tax dollars being given to these companies at all.

1) Who is the C-in-C of the Armed Forces? Who gives the Armed Forces their orders?

The Armed Forces are an extension of the Executive.

They are funded by the US govt. The larger the Armed Forces, the more govt pays.

They also act as part of government authority. They keep the govt in power.

2) No conservative as advocated a ban on gay marriage? Are you insane? Do you talk for ALL CONSERVATIVES? I doubt that very much. There are some people who would kill all gay people if they could.

3) If half the conservatives don't care, and Liberals don't care, then why is it still banned? A lot of conservatives do care.

5) Big corporation subsidies are a myth huh?


Texas pays out $19 billion a year in subsidies. The number one company is Amazon, they get $277 million a year from Texas. They're a big corporation and this is a subsidy. What myth is there here?

Samsung get $232 million
Anadarko Petroleum get $175 million

This is $759 dollars per capita. So, on average, a person pays the govt $759 dollars so the govt can then hand this over to companies.

This is 51 cents per dollar of the state budget. This is half the state budget of Texas, giving rich people money to make more profit

$11.7 billion goes to manufacturing, $3 billion to agriculture, $77 million to healthcare (ie, corruption).

This isn't a myth.
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...

WOuld you say that universal healthcare, paid for by the govt, is "legalized extortion"?
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

It is, huh?

Well according to the Obama Care people, they signed up over 12 million Americans although that's been disputed and it's actually more around 10 million. That's 10 million more government dependents. How much of a larger government can you get than that?

You mean, you're pissed because 10 million people have HEALTHCARE? Are you fucking serious?
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...

WOuld you say that universal healthcare, paid for by the govt, is "legalized extortion"?
Someone has to pay for all the freebies, l just soon pay for my own way.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have an right to earn my own healthcare...
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Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

It is, huh?

Well according to the Obama Care people, they signed up over 12 million Americans although that's been disputed and it's actually more around 10 million. That's 10 million more government dependents. How much of a larger government can you get than that?

You mean, you're pissed because 10 million people have HEALTHCARE? Are you fucking serious?
No, I think people are pissed at being forced into something they no desire to be a part of...
Last edited:
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...

WOuld you say that universal healthcare, paid for by the govt, is "legalized extortion"?
Someone has to pay for all the freebies, l just pay for my own way.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have an right to earn my own healthcare...

And again, I believe in universal healthcare paid for by the government.

You pay your way, and you also pay massively for the corruption. They estimate about 30% of healthcare spending goes on corruption. The govt pays half, you pay half.

Assume you take the slack for the corruption, that means 60% of what you pay in health insurance goes on corruption and 40% of healthcare.

You're happy with that?
Then again the times are changing AWAY from repressive policies, not towards


Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

It is, huh?

Well according to the Obama Care people, they signed up over 12 million Americans although that's been disputed and it's actually more around 10 million. That's 10 million more government dependents. How much of a larger government can you get than that?

You mean, you're pissed because 10 million people have HEALTHCARE? Are you fucking serious?
No, I think people are pissed at being forced into something they no desire to a part of...

Well, what if you're pissed at your govt going to war in Iraq? Or pissed that you can't take whatever drugs you feel like? Or pissed you can't marry who you like? Or can't do whatever you like as long as it doesn't hurt others?

Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...

WOuld you say that universal healthcare, paid for by the govt, is "legalized extortion"?
Someone has to pay for all the freebies, l just pay for my own way.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have an right to earn my own healthcare...

And again, I believe in universal healthcare paid for by the government.

You pay your way, and you also pay massively for the corruption. They estimate about 30% of healthcare spending goes on corruption. The govt pays half, you pay half.

Assume you take the slack for the corruption, that means 60% of what you pay in health insurance goes on corruption and 40% of healthcare.

You're happy with that?
I don't have any insurance, I pay out of pocket always have. I have never claimed anything off of insurance in my life.

Made to pay into a pool is legalized extortion...

Four words: O ba ma care

Are you insane?

Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

It is, huh?

Well according to the Obama Care people, they signed up over 12 million Americans although that's been disputed and it's actually more around 10 million. That's 10 million more government dependents. How much of a larger government can you get than that?

You mean, you're pissed because 10 million people have HEALTHCARE? Are you fucking serious?
No, I think people are pissed at being forced into something they no desire to a part of...

Well, what if you're pissed at your govt going to war in Iraq? Or pissed that you can't take whatever drugs you feel like? Or pissed you can't marry who you like? Or can't do whatever you like as long as it doesn't hurt others?
That is why I am a libertarian...
  • Thanks
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Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...

WOuld you say that universal healthcare, paid for by the govt, is "legalized extortion"?
Someone has to pay for all the freebies, l just pay for my own way.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have an right to earn my own healthcare...

And again, I believe in universal healthcare paid for by the government.

You pay your way, and you also pay massively for the corruption. They estimate about 30% of healthcare spending goes on corruption. The govt pays half, you pay half.

Assume you take the slack for the corruption, that means 60% of what you pay in health insurance goes on corruption and 40% of healthcare.

You're happy with that?
I don't have any insurance, I pay out of pocket always have. I have never claimed anything off of insurance in my life.

Made to pay into a pool is legalized extortion...

And if you get cancer? Then either you're rich enough to have this luxury, or you're fucked.

My father had cancer, and without insurance he'd have either died or bankrupted the family.
Insane? No, I support a health system which is basically funded out of money from the government, that's available for all, that has a lot less corruption than the US system.

People talk about smaller govt, yet the US spent the same amount on healthcare as the UK, even though Americans had to have private health insurance and the British don't.

I'm not saying Obamacare is great, the actual thing is rubbish, but it's a step in the right direction.

It is, huh?

Well according to the Obama Care people, they signed up over 12 million Americans although that's been disputed and it's actually more around 10 million. That's 10 million more government dependents. How much of a larger government can you get than that?

You mean, you're pissed because 10 million people have HEALTHCARE? Are you fucking serious?
No, I think people are pissed at being forced into something they no desire to a part of...

Well, what if you're pissed at your govt going to war in Iraq? Or pissed that you can't take whatever drugs you feel like? Or pissed you can't marry who you like? Or can't do whatever you like as long as it doesn't hurt others?
That is why I am a libertarian...

Well, a lot of people aren't. And they'd say one thing for this issue, and something contradictory for the next issue.
Not in the right direction for those who want nothing to do with legalized extortion...

WOuld you say that universal healthcare, paid for by the govt, is "legalized extortion"?
Someone has to pay for all the freebies, l just pay for my own way.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have an right to earn my own healthcare...

And again, I believe in universal healthcare paid for by the government.

You pay your way, and you also pay massively for the corruption. They estimate about 30% of healthcare spending goes on corruption. The govt pays half, you pay half.

Assume you take the slack for the corruption, that means 60% of what you pay in health insurance goes on corruption and 40% of healthcare.

You're happy with that?
I don't have any insurance, I pay out of pocket always have. I have never claimed anything off of insurance in my life.

Made to pay into a pool is legalized extortion...

And if you get cancer? Then either you're rich enough to have this luxury, or you're fucked.

My father had cancer, and without insurance he'd have either died or bankrupted the family.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to pay for whatever comes up for myself and for my family. I should not be made to pay into any sort of pool.
Frivolous lawsuits have made the cost of medical treatment out of reach in a lot of cases...

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