Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

But it is the media who sold him to us as 'the smartest' guy ever to run for POTUS. As I have shown, that is just not true. In fact, it is a lie. His GPA at Columbia College (not University... I just love pointing that out, don't know why).... could not have been higher than 3.3.... We have no idea what it was at Harvard.... BUT.... on the evidence that we have..... HE JUST IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.

The right have had it rammed down their throats from the day he 'won' the nomination until today that he is Mr Intelligent. Plainly, either the left are liars, or they are stupid. Either is fine.

Both. The lefties are liars and they are stupid.

Sure. But people who employ sweeping generalizations are so much smarter, eh? Thankies for playing, Jack.

Speaking of "sweeping generalizations", when are you going to respond to my point about WMDs and your pals warning us about them even before Bush was President?
There you have it folks. She can't respond to the point because she's dumb and a liar like her President.
But it is the media who sold him to us as 'the smartest' guy ever to run for POTUS. As I have shown, that is just not true. In fact, it is a lie. His GPA at Columbia College (not University... I just love pointing that out, don't know why).... could not have been higher than 3.3.... We have no idea what it was at Harvard.... BUT.... on the evidence that we have..... HE JUST IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.

The right have had it rammed down their throats from the day he 'won' the nomination until today that he is Mr Intelligent. Plainly, either the left are liars, or they are stupid. Either is fine.

Both. The lefties are liars and they are stupid.

Sure. But people who employ sweeping generalizations are so much smarter, eh? Thankies for playing, Jack.

"All toadstools are poisonous" -- that is also a sweeping generalization -- and sort of a necessary rule for survival, yes? Some "sweeping generalizations" actually save lives.

Though I am -- reluctantly -- forced to concur. NOT all liars are lefties. And, the correlary, NOT all Lefties are liars, may have equal validity, pending further observations in future developments.
Keep up all this criticism of the Hopey Changey One and he'll have to run away on another Vacation. Seriously,i did just read he's planning on taking yet another Vacation. Is it time to start calling this a guy a Part-Timer? SHEESH!
Keep up all this criticism of the Hopey Changey One and he'll have to run away on another Vacation. Seriously,i did just read he's planning on taking yet another Vacation. Is it time to start calling this a guy a Part-Timer? SHEESH!

Maybe we need to just "redistribute" his frequent flier miles and let some poor sucker family that hasn't ever had a vaccie in their entire lives have one instead?
BO came back from vacation last Tuesday, worked 3 days, and is currently on vacation again. BO is lazy. He's not a leader. He's going through the motions. His presidency is turning into a disaster. He's the "Commander in Grief".
Both. The lefties are liars and they are stupid.

Sure. But people who employ sweeping generalizations are so much smarter, eh? Thankies for playing, Jack.

"All toadstools are poisonous" -- that is also a sweeping generalization -- and sort of a necessary rule for survival, yes? Some "sweeping generalizations" actually save lives.

Though I am -- reluctantly -- forced to concur. NOT all liars are lefties. And, the correlary, NOT all Lefties are liars, may have equal validity, pending further observations in future developments.

To clarify my statement, cuz you're new... I use the term 'lefties' to describe the mindless, drooling hordes that follow Obama just cuz.... There are also 'liberals' - liberals are not 'lefties', liberals are capable of independent thought and, having considered the issue, decide that they agree with Obama. Two separate groups. Liberals are rational people, capable of discussion, lefties are whiny assed liars. :lol:
I have a couple of names for lefties. "Moonbats" and "educated dummies".
Sure. But people who employ sweeping generalizations are so much smarter, eh? Thankies for playing, Jack.

"All toadstools are poisonous" -- that is also a sweeping generalization -- and sort of a necessary rule for survival, yes? Some "sweeping generalizations" actually save lives.

Though I am -- reluctantly -- forced to concur. NOT all liars are lefties. And, the correlary, NOT all Lefties are liars, may have equal validity, pending further observations in future developments.

To clarify my statement, cuz you're new... I use the term 'lefties' to describe the mindless, drooling hordes that follow Obama just cuz.... There are also 'liberals' - liberals are not 'lefties', liberals are capable of independent thought and, having considered the issue, decide that they agree with Obama. Two separate groups. Liberals are rational people, capable of discussion, lefties are whiny assed liars. :lol:

AH! The Grasshopper understands, O Wise Leader!


An excellent distinction, indeed.
There's a name for anyone who makes his mind up before he has the facts and ponders them, Jack:

There's a name for anyone who makes his mind up before he has the facts and ponders them, Jack:


Yes Maudlin, I see you repeat what you hear on the Rachel Maddow show.

When are you going to respond to my point about your pals warning us of WMDs even before Bush was President?
You want to discuss US-Iraq relations, Jack, go make a thread about it in the History Forum. And I have no fucking idea who Rachel Maddow is. A talking head on tv, I presume?
But it is the media who sold him to us as 'the smartest' guy ever to run for POTUS. As I have shown, that is just not true. In fact, it is a lie. His GPA at Columbia College (not University... I just love pointing that out, don't know why).... could not have been higher than 3.3.... We have no idea what it was at Harvard.... BUT.... on the evidence that we have..... HE JUST IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.

The right have had it rammed down their throats from the day he 'won' the nomination until today that he is Mr Intelligent. Plainly, either the left are liars, or they are stupid. Either is fine.

Both. The lefties are liars and they are stupid.

Sure. But people who employ sweeping generalizations are so much smarter, eh? Thankies for playing, Jack.
you just used some rather sweeping generalities yourself
and they are not even close to the truth
Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

The election was based on intelligence? When did that happen?

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)
Only thing is, he wasn't a professor.

So, do you have any data on how 'smart' the President actually is?

(Thanks for coming back.)

Do we have any data on how smart you actually are?:eusa_liar:
So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)
Only thing is, he wasn't a professor.

So, do you have any data on how 'smart' the President actually is?

(Thanks for coming back.)

Do we have any data on how smart you actually are?:eusa_liar:

Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.
Only thing is, he wasn't a professor.

So, do you have any data on how 'smart' the President actually is?

(Thanks for coming back.)

Do we have any data on how smart you actually are?:eusa_liar:

Given the risks of revealing too much personal information, I don't expect such from fellow posters.

We either trust each other, based on immediately observable posting history and the integrity, the honor, and the validity of internal post logical processes -- or we don't.

If a fool trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a wise person trusts a fool, tough shit -- should have recognized a fool when he/she sees one.

If a fool trusts a wise person, one person learns and thereby gains some wisdom of his/her own.

If a wise person trusts a wise person, that's even better -- because two people BOTH gain in wisdom -- and in the respect which facilitates future learning from each other.

Feel free to reject my integrity and impugn my honor according to your own free and personal perceptions. Or trust and return trust for trust, respect for respect.

It is utterly no skin off my butt either way.

Because I'm not here to win adulation like some infantile and dumb Holly-freaking-Weird sex queen who must have applause and drooling males following her every move in order to like herself.

I'm here to learn. Which means I'm hunting for those with wisdom from whom I can learn. In return for which I am willing to control my own emotionalism such that I speak only what I believe to be valid -- no deliberate falsehoods -- and stand ready to change my opinions should some other poster offer me honest and true logical cause to do so.

So that's a no?
There's a name for anyone who makes his mind up before he has the facts and ponders them, Jack:

you mean like your opinion on Bush?


I admit I have bias issues, DiveCon. I hatehatehate presidents to send our soldiers to war. I voted for W this first go-round, but by the end of his 2nd term I despised him almost as much as Nixon. Nothing I have learned since has altered my view.

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