Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

Do so, and you'll have to smash me next (which you could, indubitably, do with great elan).

I don't tolerate bulllies.

And that especially extends to protecting the terminally stupid.

Now, those who persist in socially destructive behaviors, like puppies that refuse to get housebroken, that's a sub-classification in knuckleheadedness, which is not the same category as "terminally stupid." Being a different species of problems, it mandates a different corrective reaction. First, we must design a response guaranteed to get the knucklehead's attention. :lol:

STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD: it's old, it's shallow, it's logically inaccurate and false as hell when applied to at least 80% of the population (judging from the number of self-professed neo-nazi undergrads on campuses like Harvard), and it DESTROYS THE EFFECTIVENESS when such charges are merited.

Ten years ago, twenty years ago, to call someone a "racist" was a serious claim meriting serious consideration and strong corrective reaction.

Now, the term has been so cheapened, made so meaningless and so shallow and so contemptible -- and so OBSOLETE -- by overuse and by misuse as a stupid piece of FALSE political propagandizing rabble rousing bullshit -- that it has become totally risible, no more significant, having no more merit that calling someone who eats a salad a Vegan who hates beef.

And the person who calls others "racists" has all the ethos and credibility of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.

So, real, honest to God racists, who merit major re-socialization efforts, like the rabid hyenas they truly are, get off free, BECAUSE NOBODY TAKES THAT CHARGE SERIOUSLY ANYMORE.

Criticism of Obama IS NOT RACIALLY MOTIVATED unless the person making so heinous a charge can produce evidence of actual hate speech demanding somebody put some hurt on the man BECAUSE HE AND ALL BLACKS ARE, that ALL Blacks are inherently stupid and biologically not fully human, worthy of being deprived of social equity and shoved back into servile and degraded living conditions.

If you cannot PROVE that the person is a current member of the KKK or the neo-nazi movement, PROVE that the other person as indeed advocated and sought the physical and social oppression of ALL Blacks or some other racial group based on no other cause than biological somotypes, STOP CHEAPENING THE TERM so that real racists get to skate for what really is a hate crime.

Racism is a hate crime. And that's not a term to hurl around carelessly so that it becomes no more significant than calling someone a blockhead or a pinhead or a doofus.

Very damned few Americans reject Barak Obama because of his biological somotype inherited from his father.

IT IS BECAUSE OF HIS DUMB ASS DESTRUCTIVE IDEOLOGY and TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE INEFFECTIVENESS and WASTREL EXTRAVAGANT SELF-INDULGENCES during the worst economic conditions we've faced since 1929 that the man is under fire.

The vast majority of the population is COLOR BLIND -- and the sooner the radical Left GROWS UP and becomes color blind themselves, the sooner we can focus on the REAL CRISES facing our entire population.

Now, back to the extravagant and stupid and WASTED tax dollars represented in that damned UNNECESSARY redecoration of the Oval Office.

How many college loans would that money have helped repay, digging desperate and hurting citizens out of some of the economic rubble they've been smashed by?

Or how many past due utility bills, rent payments, mortgage payments for citizens facing no water, no electricity, and NO SHELTER AT ALL, would that money have helped?

How many small mom and pop cleaning services or house repair services could that money have put back to work so they could begin to dig themselves out of catastrophes?

Why the hell did Barak Obama NEED the Oval Office redecorated in January, 2009? Even though it came out of his own fat bank account, that money COULD HAVE DONE ONE HELL OF A LOT OF GOOD if it had been used to help a few families trapped in truly desperate conditions.

And NOW, less than two years later, he decided to do it again -- this time with PUBLIC money desperately needed in a billion other areas -- actually in several trillion other areas.

Ditto all the vacations and MASSIVE waste of money for his own pleasures.

NOW IS NOT THE TIME for the American Marcos Imitator to be wasting so much as a thin dime on LUXURIES when we've got increasing numbers of people facing real crises -- just the number of mortgages in default and facing foreclosure MUST BE REDRESSED -- with money wasted on PERSONAL LUXURIES, while entire families end up homeless, living in a damned slum with leaking toilets overhead dripping shitty crap into the apartment below -- and this man NEEDS A NEW CARPET?


He has all the compassion and concern for the poor to be expected from a buzzard that just spotted a dying fawn in the desert.

((Can we maybe stop focusing on our own wars for social supremacy in a comparatively small social arena, a single forum, and go back to bashing hell out of Mr. Stupid Waste and Wallow in Personal Luxuries? Please?)
Rhet, zona is terminally stupid

Then she's in the permanently protected status of terminally ill cancer victims, paraplegics, and drooling brain damaged with an IQ below 80 -- those whom we cheer when today they learn to hold a spoon -- and tomorrow cheer when they again learn how to hold a spoon -- ad perpetuity because of brain injuries that prevent long term education which endures past the next sleep cycle.

That's PROTECTED. So please stop picking on.

I'd rather classify as obstinate knucklehead who consciously and deliberately, willfully and deliberately REFUSES to learn out of sheer egoism. Please?

Obama IS NOT STUPID; he's a wooden-brained obstinate and willful IGNORAMUS who REFUSES to learn because of brain-lock addiction to childhood MEMORIZED and never thought about myths and fairy tales.

They way I look at it, there is not enough evidence to determine whether Zona is a true moron (protected class, as you say) or if he is obstinate and refuses to learn. If it is the latter, I have to ask myself what sort of brainpower does a person who prefers to look like a moron over practicing rationale because of some obstinance to learning have?

Hmmmm. 'Tis a puzzle.
Yanno, I hate to break in on this love fest, but a person can be bright, well informed, reasonable and patriotic...and STILL think Obamacare is an excellent idea.
Woven into the new presidential seal rug adorning the Oval Office is a misattributed quotation, offering us a perfect metaphor for the Obama presidency. Jamie Stiehm reports in the Washington Post:

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." According media reports, this quote keeping Obama company on his wheat-colored carpet is from King.

Except it's not a King quote. The words belong to a long-gone Bostonian champion of social progress. His roots in the republic ran so deep that his grandfather commanded the Minutemen at the Battle of Lexington.

American Thinker: Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

Wow, that's embarrassing for Obama.

Okay, I am over it.
Yanno, I hate to break in on this love fest, but a person can be bright, well informed, reasonable and patriotic...and STILL think Obamacare is an excellent idea.
And, this has what to do with what, exactly?
I feel ya there. T'aint like we dun got any REAL problems worth 44 pages of discussion.
I feel ya there. T'aint like we dun got any REAL problems worth 44 pages of discussion.
Problem is, most of the thread wasn't about the rug.

But, we know that you know that.

Forthright. A word you should ponder.
Rhet, zona is terminally stupid

Then she's in the permanently protected status of terminally ill cancer victims, paraplegics, and drooling brain damaged with an IQ below 80 -- those whom we cheer when today they learn to hold a spoon -- and tomorrow cheer when they again learn how to hold a spoon -- ad perpetuity because of brain injuries that prevent long term education which endures past the next sleep cycle.

That's PROTECTED. So please stop picking on.

I'd rather classify as obstinate knucklehead who consciously and deliberately, willfully and deliberately REFUSES to learn out of sheer egoism. Please?

Obama IS NOT STUPID; he's a wooden-brained obstinate and willful IGNORAMUS who REFUSES to learn because of brain-lock addiction to childhood MEMORIZED and never thought about myths and fairy tales.

They way I look at it, there is not enough evidence to determine whether Zona is a true moron (protected class, as you say) or if he is obstinate and refuses to learn. If it is the latter, I have to ask myself what sort of brainpower does a person who prefers to look like a moron over practicing rationale because of some obstinance to learning have?

Hmmmm. 'Tis a puzzle.

Is just a fairly simple classification process: 1) use meticulous observation to describe three things -- a) the first category of critter, brain damaged and therefore not subject to self-chosen behaviors; b) the second category of critter, not brain damaged but egotistically dependent on group acceptance and group identity, unable and unwilling to examine learned ideological mantras, and therefore unwilling and unable to recognize previously unseen details, and therefore unable to change thinking patterns to adapt to new discoveries (having no new thoughts that mandate adaptation). Then, the last step, c) meticulous description of that which needs classification, in basic comparison contrast mode, comparing the classifiable whatever to the two categories already established. If the new phenomenon cannot be fit to either of the two existing categories, then a third category needs to be created to account for the variations in the third phenomenon.

Barack Obama most assuredly fits the second category: not brain damaged, egotistically dependent on group acceptance and group identity, unable to recognize data which defies his apriori assumptions and group mandated POV, therefore unable to recognize fallacies in his conclusions, and therefore unable to adapt his responses to fit the reality he knows NOTHING about.

He also fits a different classification pattern: self-indulgent WASTREL unable to effectively control himself, and therefore unable to perform Due Diligence when assigning responsibilities to subordinates, because he is unwilling and therefore unable to actually do the research required to acknowledge the flaws as well as the strengths in those beings he accepts as members of his own Self-Worshipping Ideologue Nitwits -- that group identity which mandates so damned much of his ideology and his behaviors.

In other words, he marches to the drumbeat of a screwed up bunch of damned fools anti-originalists, anti-individualists, who never stop to think about the long term consequences and alternatives to whatever the hell beliefs tickle their damnable need to believe themselves more advanced and therefore more worthy of luxurious lifestyles of the corrupt and WASTED.

Just a bunch of self-congratulatory Prom Queens parading through the high school telling each other how wonderful and socially superior they are to every other student because they wear the most costly clothes, drive the most expensive cars, and live on the "right side of the tracks" in expensive gated communities and have a free ride into Rich Man's Nirvana, since they are obviously the wisest and bestest critters on the planet.

Which they KNOW to be true because THEY say so.

In short, snot-nosed snobs too arrogant to admit that they MIGHT learn something from somebody NOT included in their own social snob clique.

The knuckleheaded SELFISH EGO PIG wasted a hell of a lot of money that could have and should have made a HUGE LIFE LONG difference to entire families.

And he did it for one and only one reason: to show off and flaunt his own NOT REAL social superiority to the rest of the retards in the human species.
Obviously this isn't a big deal but i do find it very interesting that his "Genius" status was jammed down our throats during the campaign yet neither him or any of his lackeys knew that this wasn't a Martin Luther King quote. Kind of puts an end to that whole "Genius" fantasy no?
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Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

Fact: He attended Columbia College, a satellite of Columbia University, so that 'splains why the left don't say "two Ivy League Univeristies".... Fact: whatever his grades were, they were NOT above 3.3. Now, a 3.3 might make him smart in your book, but to most of us, that makes him average.

So, let's see what his grades were at Harvard.... cuz, as has been pointed out.... This is a 'Biden' deal .... (a 'fucking big deal')... when his borglike supporters keep insisting he's Mr SmartiePants.

hummm..interesting. I am left wondering why the MSM created all the hoopla over gore vs. bush vs. kerry academia credentials grades etc....humm, maybe because they discovered that there was minimal deference’s between their grades. Wheres the hunger for comparisons on a qualitative basis NOW? Gone with the wind baby...

So they didn't want to chance Obama a) having been granted an affirmative action slot to college and b) his grades may not have been world class along the lines they crafted to anoint him the Big Intellect, so they never pursed it.

Why History Can't Wait
By David Von Drehle Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2008

But crisis has a way of ushering even great events into the past. As Obama has moved with unprecedented speed to build an Administration that would bolster the confidence of a shaken world, his flash and dazzle have faded into the background. In the waning days of his extraordinary year and on the cusp of his presidency, what now seems most salient about Obama is the opposite of flashy, the antithesis of rhetoric: he gets things done. He is a man about his business — a Mr. Fix It going to Washington.

That's why he's here and why he doesn't care about the furniture. We've heard fine speechmakers before and read compelling personal narratives. We've observed candidates who somehow latch on to just the right issue at just the right moment. Obama was all these when he started his campaign: a talented speaker who had opposed the Iraq war and lived a biography that was all things to all people. But while events undermined those pillars of his candidacy, making Iraq seem less urgent and biography less relevant, Obama has kept on rising. He possesses a rare ability to read the imperatives and possibilities of each new moment and organize himself and others to anticipate change and translate it into opportunity. (See pictures of Obama's nation of hope.)

Read more: Why History Can't Wait - Person of the Year 2008 - TIME


How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular
By Michael Scherer Thursday, Sep. 02, 2010

Read more: Obama Unpopular Ahead of Midterms: Will the GOP Benefit? - TIME

Some are waking up.....he isn’t and never was adept at governing as some expected him to be, they thrived on the Utopian liberal hope for the 'downtrodden' and he was ‘one of them’, so they just blew off detailed analysis into his they appear to be waking with all fairy tales, its to good to be true...

Heres a salient point they make-

One explanation for Obama's steep decline is that his presidency rests on what Gallup's Frank Newport calls a "paradox" between Obama and the electorate. In 2008, Newport notes, trust in the federal government was at a historic low, dropping to around 25%, where it still remains. Yet Obama has offered government as the primary solution to most of the nation's woes, calling for big new investments in health care, education, infrastructure and energy.
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Obviously this isn't a big deal but i do find it very interesting that his "Genius" status was jammed down our throats during the campaign yet neither him or any of his lackeys knew that this wasn't a Martin Luther King quote. Kind of puts an end to that whole "Genius" thing no?

"Genius"? I've never heard that term attached to Obama. Smart and intelligent? Sure. Genius? No.

Mostly, Obama's intelligence was simply a reflection of stark contrast to the perception that Bush was less than intelligent but that certainly doesn't equate to "genius".

I don't think a simple mistake really reflects on someone's intelligence. It's just a funny gaffe.
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

That's what this is really about, isn't it?

It's wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that you guys are still sore that Bush was perceived as a buffoon.

Bush earned his title.
Then she's in the permanently protected status of terminally ill cancer victims, paraplegics, and drooling brain damaged with an IQ below 80 -- those whom we cheer when today they learn to hold a spoon -- and tomorrow cheer when they again learn how to hold a spoon -- ad perpetuity because of brain injuries that prevent long term education which endures past the next sleep cycle.

That's PROTECTED. So please stop picking on.

I'd rather classify as obstinate knucklehead who consciously and deliberately, willfully and deliberately REFUSES to learn out of sheer egoism. Please?

Obama IS NOT STUPID; he's a wooden-brained obstinate and willful IGNORAMUS who REFUSES to learn because of brain-lock addiction to childhood MEMORIZED and never thought about myths and fairy tales.

They way I look at it, there is not enough evidence to determine whether Zona is a true moron (protected class, as you say) or if he is obstinate and refuses to learn. If it is the latter, I have to ask myself what sort of brainpower does a person who prefers to look like a moron over practicing rationale because of some obstinance to learning have?

Hmmmm. 'Tis a puzzle.

Is just a fairly simple classification process: 1) use meticulous observation to describe three things -- a) the first category of critter, brain damaged and therefore not subject to self-chosen behaviors; b) the second category of critter, not brain damaged but egotistically dependent on group acceptance and group identity, unable and unwilling to examine learned ideological mantras, and therefore unwilling and unable to recognize previously unseen details, and therefore unable to change thinking patterns to adapt to new discoveries (having no new thoughts that mandate adaptation). Then, the last step, c) meticulous description of that which needs classification, in basic comparison contrast mode, comparing the classifiable whatever to the two categories already established. If the new phenomenon cannot be fit to either of the two existing categories, then a third category needs to be created to account for the variations in the third phenomenon.

Barack Obama most assuredly fits the second category: not brain damaged, egotistically dependent on group acceptance and group identity, unable to recognize data which defies his apriori assumptions and group mandated POV, therefore unable to recognize fallacies in his conclusions, and therefore unable to adapt his responses to fit the reality he knows NOTHING about.

He also fits a different classification pattern: self-indulgent WASTREL unable to effectively control himself, and therefore unable to perform Due Diligence when assigning responsibilities to subordinates, because he is unwilling and therefore unable to actually do the research required to acknowledge the flaws as well as the strengths in those beings he accepts as members of his own Self-Worshipping Ideologue Nitwits -- that group identity which mandates so damned much of his ideology and his behaviors.

In other words, he marches to the drumbeat of a screwed up bunch of damned fools anti-originalists, anti-individualists, who never stop to think about the long term consequences and alternatives to whatever the hell beliefs tickle their damnable need to believe themselves more advanced and therefore more worthy of luxurious lifestyles of the corrupt and WASTED.

Just a bunch of self-congratulatory Prom Queens parading through the high school telling each other how wonderful and socially superior they are to every other student because they wear the most costly clothes, drive the most expensive cars, and live on the "right side of the tracks" in expensive gated communities and have a free ride into Rich Man's Nirvana, since they are obviously the wisest and bestest critters on the planet.

Which they KNOW to be true because THEY say so.

In short, snot-nosed snobs too arrogant to admit that they MIGHT learn something from somebody NOT included in their own social snob clique.

The knuckleheaded SELFISH EGO PIG wasted a hell of a lot of money that could have and should have made a HUGE LIFE LONG difference to entire families.

And he did it for one and only one reason: to show off and flaunt his own NOT REAL social superiority to the rest of the retards in the human species.

Apparently Zona dun have a stranglehold on "irrational" all by himself.
Problem is, most of the thread wasn't about the rug.

But, we know that you know that.

Forthright. A word you should ponder.

Fair enough. It was about Zona's allegedly irrational Obama worship. And a rug.
Are you this dishonest in real life?

They all are. They're stupid liars and that is why they are going to be kicked out into the street on Nov 2. I hope this generation has finally learned their lesson.

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