Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Let's address this accusation of racism.



You ASSUME that, because I'm an English prof and familiar with university functions, I COULD NOT BE BLACK BUT MUST BE WHITE.
Actually, I never would have assumed you were an English professor. And judging by your level of intellect, I don't doubt that you aren't.
You ASSUME that, because my ancestors arrived in Texas with Austin's second bunch of immigrants, I COULD NOT BE BLACK BUT MUST BE WHITE.
I really didn't know anything about you or your ancestors to make an assumption.
You ASSume that, because I dare criticise Obama, I COULD NOT BE BLACK BUT MUST BE WHITE --
Yep, you got me. :cuckoo:
AND, without knowing one damned thing about me personally, you ASSume that, because I MUST BE WHITE, I MUST THEREFORE BE RACIALLY BIASED AND A BIGOT of the worst and most filthy disgusting order.
No, I assume that you are a bigot based on your worthless posts. Are you saying you think all white people are racists?
Next time, get the damned FACTS before you go hurlilng disgusting SLANDER AND FALSEHOOD,
learn your definitions, professor. :eusa_whistle: Defamation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
deliberate assaults INTENDED to minimize and marginalize and BASH HELL OUT of anyone who DARES DEFY your damned elitist bullshit demand for social supremacy at people YOU DON"T EVEN KNOW.
Because NOBODY shoves me to the back of the bus -- NEVER AGAIN -- and I don't sit still while they shove others to the back of the bus and force them to drink out of Conservative water fountains three feet lower and never cleaned like the Liberal bullshit LORDS OF THE DAMNED UNIVERSE only think belong to their elitist bullshit aristocratic INSULT SPITTING SCORN FILLED HATING LITTLE HEARTS.
Spare the theatrics. :cuckoo:
I AM NEITHER BLACK NOR WHITE -- I AM AN AMERICAN -- and YOU just lost all right to know who and what I am personally because YOU DEMAND THAT I BE WHITE OR BLACK and CANNOT endure the thought that a BLACK MIGHT JUST DESPISE THE LIBERAL BULLSHIT AS MUCH AND EVEN MORE THAN any dumbass White ever dreamed of.

STOP USING BLACK AMERICANS as a damned worthless club in your wars against conservatives.

When YOU learn to respect Blacks as FULL EQUALS, capable of thinking for themselves, instead of marching to the mantras of DAMNED FAKES AND PHONIES, then and only then will you begin to comprehend the real meaning of SOCIAL EQUALITY.

Guess what? There are a hell of a lot of very FINE Black thinkers in this country -- and some of them even share the scorn for Barak Obama and the USERS who spit on them and scorn them so damned much they DARE use Black struggles for their own damned SELFISH GREEDY GUT AMBITIONS.

And, unless you work up the GUTS to go meet them personally, you'll NEVER KNOW whether the person you're bashing hell out of is or is not a freaking damned KKK clone of David Duke -- or Al Worthless Shit PHONY Jeremiah Wright -- user and abuser of POOR BLACKS extraordinaire.


I don't care your race or religion. Asshole has no color.
It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nope, that dog don't hunt anymore. We're wise to the 'it's cuz he's black' thing. This is a strawman thrown around by lefties when there is no other possible argument.

Face it, 'your side' claimed he was Mr Smart... but the facts don't support that stance. That's not cuz he's black, or because he's dumb.... but, Obama isn't any 'smarter' than the rest of us.... in fact, going on grades, I'd say that, technically, I'm smarter than he is.
I think you're like one of those girls I start talking to at a party because they seem intelligent, then they keep talking and it becomes obvious that they are complete and utter morons.
You know dive? That's a pertinent question...and one I'd like solved from someone in the know.

But then? To hear the media, and many participants in this thread?

Obama deserved POTUS...and MORE...(Even though WE don't know his grades since they remain under Lock-And-Key)...:eusa_shhh::eusa_think:

If the criteria for his presidency does not include his GPA, why do you pinheads care what his GPA is?:cuckoo:

What goes around, comes around. It mattered to the left with Bush. So, it's only fair that it works equally well when Obama is POTUS and refuses to release his grades. Sucks huh?
Hypothesis confirmed. :cuckoo:
I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nope, that dog don't hunt anymore. We're wise to the 'it's cuz he's black' thing. This is a strawman thrown around by lefties when there is no other possible argument.

Face it, 'your side' claimed he was Mr Smart... but the facts don't support that stance. That's not cuz he's black, or because he's dumb.... but, Obama isn't any 'smarter' than the rest of us.... in fact, going on grades, I'd say that, technically, I'm smarter than he is.
I think you're like one of those girls I start talking to at a party because they seem intelligent, then they keep talking and it becomes obvious that they are complete and utter morons.
If the criteria for his presidency does not include his GPA, why do you pinheads care what his GPA is?:cuckoo:

What goes around, comes around. It mattered to the left with Bush. So, it's only fair that it works equally well when Obama is POTUS and refuses to release his grades. Sucks huh?
Hypothesis confirmed. :cuckoo:

I have far more evidence to support my statement that St Barack ain't as clever as his drooling Obamanation claim he is than you do to support yours. :eusa_whistle:

Difference is that I don't honestly care what some moron on the net thinks of me.... I'm more concerned with the constant stream of bullshit that y'all produce about St Barack.
I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Let's address this accusation of racism.



You ASSUME that, because I'm an English prof and familiar with university functions, I COULD NOT BE BLACK BUT MUST BE WHITE.
Actually, I never would have assumed you were an English professor. And judging by your level of intellect, I don't doubt that you aren't. I really didn't know anything about you or your ancestors to make an assumption. Yep, you got me. :cuckoo: No, I assume that you are a bigot based on your worthless posts. Are you saying you think all white people are racists? Nope. learn your definitions, professor. :eusa_whistle: Defamation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :lol:
Because NOBODY shoves me to the back of the bus -- NEVER AGAIN -- and I don't sit still while they shove others to the back of the bus and force them to drink out of Conservative water fountains three feet lower and never cleaned like the Liberal bullshit LORDS OF THE DAMNED UNIVERSE only think belong to their elitist bullshit aristocratic INSULT SPITTING SCORN FILLED HATING LITTLE HEARTS.
Spare the theatrics. :cuckoo:
I AM NEITHER BLACK NOR WHITE -- I AM AN AMERICAN -- and YOU just lost all right to know who and what I am personally because YOU DEMAND THAT I BE WHITE OR BLACK and CANNOT endure the thought that a BLACK MIGHT JUST DESPISE THE LIBERAL BULLSHIT AS MUCH AND EVEN MORE THAN any dumbass White ever dreamed of.

STOP USING BLACK AMERICANS as a damned worthless club in your wars against conservatives.

When YOU learn to respect Blacks as FULL EQUALS, capable of thinking for themselves, instead of marching to the mantras of DAMNED FAKES AND PHONIES, then and only then will you begin to comprehend the real meaning of SOCIAL EQUALITY.

Guess what? There are a hell of a lot of very FINE Black thinkers in this country -- and some of them even share the scorn for Barak Obama and the USERS who spit on them and scorn them so damned much they DARE use Black struggles for their own damned SELFISH GREEDY GUT AMBITIONS.

And, unless you work up the GUTS to go meet them personally, you'll NEVER KNOW whether the person you're bashing hell out of is or is not a freaking damned KKK clone of David Duke -- or Al Worthless Shit PHONY Jeremiah Wright -- user and abuser of POOR BLACKS extraordinaire.


I don't care your race or religion. Asshole has no color.

I love Irony. :eusa_whistle:
By "honors" do you mean magna cum laude, etc.? If true (and you must have better Google-Fu than me; I got nowhere on this) a smart person can get shitty grades. It's just (unlikely) a stupid person would be given stellar grades.

Average grade performance in college would tend to show Obama is smart, but not more than that. Not brilliant, not a genius...just smart. That's a vague catagorey...kinda like "gifted" as to a k-12 kidlet.

Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

He is a hell of a lot smarter than you are...and apparently smarter than every republican in this country since he won the presidency of the United states.

God bless democracy and God bless America.

The election was based on intelligence? When did that happen?

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)
Only thing is, he wasn't a professor.

So, do you have any data on how 'smart' the President actually is?

(Thanks for coming back.)
Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

The election was based on intelligence? When did that happen?

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)
Only thing is, he wasn't a professor.

So, do you have any data on how 'smart' the President actually is?

(Thanks for coming back.)

Less than 3.3 GPA at Columbia College. :eusa_whistle:
So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)
Only thing is, he wasn't a professor.

So, do you have any data on how 'smart' the President actually is?

(Thanks for coming back.)

Less than 3.3 GPA at Columbia College. :eusa_whistle:

It's like, "Who's on first?" with Zona.

(Apparently he thinks that the memory of others is as bad as his own.)
Nope, he was a constitutional law professor and that makes him smarter than you are. He was not a 6 schooled beauty pageant winner may have palin beat...

Now, if you feel as though you have more knowledge than a constitutional law professor, please expound.

I have seen what you wrote and write in here, and there is no way, in my opinion, you are in the same stratosphere with Obama intelligence wise.

when attempting to condescend to someone, it almost always kills it when you can't spell *jethro*, jethro. :thup:

only people who've never been to school equate professor with high intelligence, reflexively, btw.

those who went know better.

In accordance with

jethrow- no dictionary results

so you are correct. Thank you.

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

This is what makes him smarter than Si Modo.


Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
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when attempting to condescend to someone, it almost always kills it when you can't spell *jethro*, jethro. :thup:

only people who've never been to school equate professor with high intelligence, reflexively, btw.

those who went know better.

In accordance with

jethrow- no dictionary results

so you are correct. Thank you.

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

This is what makes him smarter than Si Modo.


Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.
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In accordance with

jethrow- no dictionary results

so you are correct. Thank you.

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

This is what makes him smarter than Si Modo.


Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.
think zona will add that one to his sig as well?
without a link for context, of course ;)
It's like, "Who's on first?" with Zona.

(Apparently he thinks that the memory of others is as bad as his own.)

Do you think that ObamaCare will cover a particularly painful case of stupidity?
you mean for someone that is terminally stupid?

No, I mean some 'free' treatment for those of us who suffer the impact of the terminally stupid. It gives me a headache to have such stupidity inflicted upon me on a daily basis.

In fact, I think we should ask our very own 'Obama' (Gunny), to ban the terminally stupid for the good of the 'country' (the board). :lol::lol:
In accordance with

jethrow- no dictionary results

so you are correct. Thank you.

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

This is what makes him smarter than Si Modo.


Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Colin's a racist? I really did not see that coming! :eek::eek:

Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Colin's a racist? I really did not see that coming! :eek::eek:

Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*
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Do you think that ObamaCare will cover a particularly painful case of stupidity?
you mean for someone that is terminally stupid?

No, I mean some 'free' treatment for those of us who suffer the impact of the terminally stupid. It gives me a headache to have such stupidity inflicted upon me on a daily basis.

In fact, I think we should ask our very own 'Obama' (Gunny), to ban the terminally stupid for the good of the 'country' (the board). :lol::lol:
ah, there might be coverage for that, then
but it doesnt take effect till 2014
you mean for someone that is terminally stupid?

No, I mean some 'free' treatment for those of us who suffer the impact of the terminally stupid. It gives me a headache to have such stupidity inflicted upon me on a daily basis.

In fact, I think we should ask our very own 'Obama' (Gunny), to ban the terminally stupid for the good of the 'country' (the board). :lol::lol:
ah, there might be coverage for that, then
but it doesnt take effect till 2014

Ohhhh, that's right.... we just start paying for it immediately. Pay before you play, as it were.
In accordance with

jethrow- no dictionary results

so you are correct. Thank you.

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

This is what makes him smarter than Si Modo.


Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Lol! Over here, the phrase 'old boy' is about as racist as 'old chap' or 'old bean'! And why would I worry what a bigoted turd who displays a Nazi avatar thinks anyway. The bloke's a dickhead of the first order. Anyway, specially for Disaster Zona...I'll drop the 'dear' next time.

BTW who the fuck is this guy Obama?

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