Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

Woven into the new presidential seal rug adorning the Oval Office is a misattributed quotation, offering us a perfect metaphor for the Obama presidency. Jamie Stiehm reports in the Washington Post:

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." According media reports, this quote keeping Obama company on his wheat-colored carpet is from King.

Except it's not a King quote. The words belong to a long-gone Bostonian champion of social progress. His roots in the republic ran so deep that his grandfather commanded the Minutemen at the Battle of Lexington.

American Thinker: Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote
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I'm not reading 216 posts to find out, but I presume someone has pointed out that:

1. the rug attributes the quote to no one. only in the press is it attributed to MLK. But at any rate...

your point is well taken- unless he, obama or his staff advertised it as an MLK quote there is no gotcha here.....
By "honors" do you mean magna cum laude, etc.? If true (and you must have better Google-Fu than me; I got nowhere on this) a smart person can get shitty grades. It's just (unlikely) a stupid person would be given stellar grades.

Average grade performance in college would tend to show Obama is smart, but not more than that. Not brilliant, not a genius...just smart. That's a vague catagorey...kinda like "gifted" as to a k-12 kidlet.

Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:

Fact: He attended Columbia College, a satellite of Columbia University, so that 'splains why the left don't say "two Ivy League Univeristies".... Fact: whatever his grades were, they were NOT above 3.3. Now, a 3.3 might make him smart in your book, but to most of us, that makes him average.

So, let's see what his grades were at Harvard.... cuz, as has been pointed out.... This is a 'Biden' deal .... (a 'fucking big deal')... when his borglike supporters keep insisting he's Mr SmartiePants.
If the documents were released, the people who are demanding them would just claim they were false anyway. It's kind of like what happened when the state of Hawaii tried to put the whole birth certificate thing to rest.:cuckoo:

It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nope, that dog don't hunt anymore. We're wise to the 'it's cuz he's black' thing. This is a strawman thrown around by lefties when there is no other possible argument.

Face it, 'your side' claimed he was Mr Smart... but the facts don't support that stance. That's not cuz he's black, or because he's dumb.... but, Obama isn't any 'smarter' than the rest of us.... in fact, going on grades, I'd say that, technically, I'm smarter than he is.
question, did anyone make claims they deserved to be POTUS because of their grades?

You know dive? That's a pertinent question...and one I'd like solved from someone in the know.

But then? To hear the media, and many participants in this thread?

Obama deserved POTUS...and MORE...(Even though WE don't know his grades since they remain under Lock-And-Key)...:eusa_shhh::eusa_think:

If the criteria for his presidency does not include his GPA, why do you pinheads care what his GPA is?:cuckoo:

What goes around, comes around. It mattered to the left with Bush. So, it's only fair that it works equally well when Obama is POTUS and refuses to release his grades. Sucks huh?
Okay, fair enough. I didn't like his folksy manner and I despised his policies. But I suppose it isn't likely he is truely stupid....

And therein lies the point. Bush - like him or not - was not a stupid man. Obama - like him or not - is NOT the smart guy that the left make him out to be. Them's the breaks.
Soooo, shall we test all future presidential candidates against the CG standard?

*You must be THIS smart to ride this ride*

Nope. It's not about me. It's about the constant misrepresentation of the President's intellect. I'm not the POTUS and, while I'm pretty proud of my grades, my IQ is just a number - verified but actually pretty meaningless.

The point, which you consistently appear to miss, is that the media, and the drooling hordes on the left, keep whining about him being the 'smartest President we've ever had'. I'm just demonstrating that the facts do not bear that claim out. It is, therefore, dishonest to claim it.
Soooo, shall we test all future presidential candidates against the CG standard?

*You must be THIS smart to ride this ride*

Nope. It's not about me. It's about the constant misrepresentation of the President's intellect. I'm not the POTUS and, while I'm pretty proud of my grades, my IQ is just a number - verified but actually pretty meaningless.

The point, which you consistently appear to miss, is that the media, and the drooling hordes on the left, keep whining about him being the 'smartest President we've ever had'. I'm just demonstrating that the facts do not bear that claim out. It is, therefore, dishonest to claim it.
if the reported IQ for Obama is accurate, mine is higher as well
does that mean i am qualified to be POTUS

not in the least
Okay, fair enough. I didn't like his folksy manner and I despised his policies. But I suppose it isn't likely he is truely stupid....

And therein lies the point. Bush - like him or not - was not a stupid man. Obama - like him or not - is NOT the smart guy that the left make him out to be. Them's the breaks.

Well, ya, I agree. I admit there's been a whole lotta fawning going on, and it needs to stop. Obama is not the Messiah and he is not right just because he's sooooooo good lookin'.

We could all use a bit more detached critical thinking about issues and proposals.
Okay, fair enough. I didn't like his folksy manner and I despised his policies. But I suppose it isn't likely he is truely stupid....

And therein lies the point. Bush - like him or not - was not a stupid man. Obama - like him or not - is NOT the smart guy that the left make him out to be. Them's the breaks.

Well, ya, I agree. I admit there's been a whole lotta fawning going on, and it needs to stop. Obama is not the Messiah and he is not right just because he's sooooooo good lookin'.

We could all use a bit more detached critical thinking about issues and proposals.

Exactly. To many Americans seem to except Obama's Failures simply because Bush Failed as well. Disaster is Disaster whether it comes from a stupid ass White man, or a black one.
I'm not reading 216 posts to find out, but I presume someone has pointed out that:

1. the rug attributes the quote to no one. only in the press is it attributed to MLK. But at any rate...

your point is well taken- unless he, obama or his staff advertised it as an MLK quote there is no gotcha here.....

From CNN:
White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton on Saturday stood by the quote on the rug, noting that Martin Luther King Jr. did utter precisely the same words on September 2, 1957. Burton said that Theodore Parker's quote is slightly different.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Oval Office rug wrongly attributes quote to MLK - Blogs from

"Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." -----Parker


Oval Office makeover has comfy, more modern feel
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And therein lies the point. Bush - like him or not - was not a stupid man. Obama - like him or not - is NOT the smart guy that the left make him out to be. Them's the breaks.

Well, ya, I agree. I admit there's been a whole lotta fawning going on, and it needs to stop. Obama is not the Messiah and he is not right just because he's sooooooo good lookin'.

We could all use a bit more detached critical thinking about issues and proposals.

Exactly. To many Americans seem to except Obama's Failures simply because Bush Failed as well. Disaster is Disaster whether it comes from a stupid ass White man, or a black one.
neither of them are stupid
just both have some dumbass policies

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