Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Lol! Over here, the phrase 'old boy' is about as racist as 'old chap' or 'old bean'! And why would I worry what a bigoted turd who displays a Nazi avatar thinks anyway. The bloke's a dickhead of the first order. Anyway, specially for Disaster Zona...I'll drop the 'dear' next time.

BTW who the fuck is this guy Obama?
Obama is the current disaster of a POTUS
Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Lol! Over here, the phrase 'old boy' is about as racist as 'old chap' or 'old bean'! And why would I worry what a bigoted turd who displays a Nazi avatar thinks anyway. The bloke's a dickhead of the first order. Anyway, specially for Disaster Zona...I'll drop the 'dear' next time.

BTW who the fuck is this guy Obama?

Sorry Colin. This is a US board and as such, the word 'boy' is racist. We no longer consider context in the US. We used to, but we have now dumbed down to the point where many Americans are incapable of understanding the word.
Just one. As an outside observer of this thread I can only conclude that YOU are not very smart. As such, anything you say may be taken down and used against you.

Do carry on though, dear boy. I'm sure that one day you'll achieve your ambition of becoming a legend in your own lunchtime.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Lol! Over here, the phrase 'old boy' is about as racist as 'old chap' or 'old bean'! And why would I worry what a bigoted turd who displays a Nazi avatar thinks anyway. The bloke's a dickhead of the first order. Anyway, specially for Disaster Zona...I'll drop the 'dear' next time.

BTW who the fuck is this guy Obama?
I wish I knew.

Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Colin's a racist? I really did not see that coming! :eek::eek:

Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*

I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.
Colin's a racist? I really did not see that coming! :eek::eek:

Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*

I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.
You are correct, of course.

But, as Colin does not care for Obama's policies, he obviously is a 'rightie' in American politics. Thus, he used 'boy' in a racist sense.

I do believe that I am using the zonalogic correctly, here. It's giving me an odd feeling, practicing this zonalogic...sorta like a thrill going up my leg.
Ruh called Zona 'boy'.

You racist POS, you. ;) And that's why you don't like Obama, I am sure.

Lol! Over here, the phrase 'old boy' is about as racist as 'old chap' or 'old bean'! And why would I worry what a bigoted turd who displays a Nazi avatar thinks anyway. The bloke's a dickhead of the first order. Anyway, specially for Disaster Zona...I'll drop the 'dear' next time.

BTW who the fuck is this guy Obama?
I wish I knew.


I wish I didn't know.:eusa_eh:
Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*

I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.
You are correct, of course.

But, as Colin does not care for Obama's policies, he obviously is a 'rightie' in American politics. Thus, he used 'boy' in a racist sense.

I do believe that I am using the zonalogic correctly, here. It's giving me an odd feeling, practicing this zonalogic...sorta like a thrill going up my leg.

If you don't have your head of your ass you tend not to like Obama's silly policies.
I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.
You are correct, of course.

But, as Colin does not care for Obama's policies, he obviously is a 'rightie' in American politics. Thus, he used 'boy' in a racist sense.

I do believe that I am using the zonalogic correctly, here. It's giving me an odd feeling, practicing this zonalogic...sorta like a thrill going up my leg.

If you don't have your head of your ass you tend not to like Obama's silly policies.
hmmm, then it looks like its going to be very hard to get a grasp on zonalogic without getting rather filthy
You are correct, of course.

But, as Colin does not care for Obama's policies, he obviously is a 'rightie' in American politics. Thus, he used 'boy' in a racist sense.

I do believe that I am using the zonalogic correctly, here. It's giving me an odd feeling, practicing this zonalogic...sorta like a thrill going up my leg.

If you don't have your head of your ass you tend not to like Obama's silly policies.
hmmm, then it looks like its going to be very hard to get a grasp on zonalogic without getting rather filthy
Yes. We all need showers.

(Of course, not together. Fuck conservation; I'm the opposition.)
Colin's a racist? I really did not see that coming! :eek::eek:

Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*

I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.

Ah, but I spent many years marching to the tune of left, right, left, right, left, right. All that training left me with one very clear insight. You need both left and right in order to get to where you want to be. :cool:
If you don't have your head of your ass you tend not to like Obama's silly policies.
hmmm, then it looks like its going to be very hard to get a grasp on zonalogic without getting rather filthy
Yes. We all need showers.

(Of course, not together. Fuck conservation; I'm the opposition.)
is it conservation if you shower together but take a shower for 3 times longer than you would alone :D
Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*

I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.

Ah, but I spent many years marching to the tune of left, right, left, right, left, right. All that training left me with one very clear insight. You need both left and right in order to get to where you want to be. :cool:
ah well, he has common sense, thats clearly not acceptable in zonalogic
Cool, I get to try out an application of zonalogic for the first time: Colin doesn't particularly care for Obama's policies, so he is likely a racist. Now that he called Zona 'boy', he is a racist and that's why he doesn't like Obama's policies.

*need a shower, now*

I believe we have a small conundrum here.... While Colin may not particularly care for Obama's policies, the real question is does Colin qualify as a 'conservative' (in the American view of 'conservative', not the British). Now, IF Colin identifies with American conservatives, then, yes, for him to use the word 'boy' is racist. If, however, Colin generally lean more towards the left of American politics, then no, it is not. Under current standards, it is not the word, or the context, but the political leaning of the person using the word that is the deciding factor when determining racism.
You are correct, of course.

But, as Colin does not care for Obama's policies, he obviously is a 'rightie' in American politics. Thus, he used 'boy' in a racist sense.

I do believe that I am using the zonalogic correctly, here. It's giving me an odd feeling, practicing this zonalogic...sorta like a thrill going up my leg.

Nah. You ain't doing it right. It doesn't go UP your leg. It's a warm, wet and sticky feeling that runs DOWN the leg!
hmmm, then it looks like its going to be very hard to get a grasp on zonalogic without getting rather filthy
Yes. We all need showers.

(Of course, not together. Fuck conservation; I'm the opposition.)
is it conservation if you shower together but take a shower for 3 times longer than you would alone :D
LOL. Maybe Greenpeace should have a new campaign focusing on 'stamina'?
Actually, he was a lecturer, not a professor.

I was.




and "I was" as well in here...lololololol
Link to Obama just being a lecturer: Professor Obama? - Fact Checker

As far as a link to my being a professor, forget it. I don't want whackjobs knowing my name. Those who know me, know. And, it really doesn't matter whether you or some others believe me or not.

Irrespective of that, Obama was not a professor. He was a lecturer...not all that difficult of a position to land or have.

Still a fail on your part.

Since Obama refuses to release his keep his school papers and grades I see no reason Si modo should show her credentials. We know she is smarter than Obama & Zona together.
Do you think that ObamaCare will cover a particularly painful case of stupidity?
you mean for someone that is terminally stupid?

No, I mean some 'free' treatment for those of us who suffer the impact of the terminally stupid. It gives me a headache to have such stupidity inflicted upon me on a daily basis.

In fact, I think we should ask our very own 'Obama' (Gunny), to ban the terminally stupid for the good of the 'country' (the board). :lol::lol:

Do so, and you'll have to smash me next (which you could, indubitably, do with great elan).

I don't tolerate bulllies.

And that especially extends to protecting the terminally stupid.

Now, those who persist in socially destructive behaviors, like puppies that refuse to get housebroken, that's a sub-classification in knuckleheadedness, which is not the same category as "terminally stupid." Being a different species of problems, it mandates a different corrective reaction. First, we must design a response guaranteed to get the knucklehead's attention. :lol:

STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD: it's old, it's shallow, it's logically inaccurate and false as hell when applied to at least 80% of the population (judging from the number of self-professed neo-nazi undergrads on campuses like Harvard), and it DESTROYS THE EFFECTIVENESS when such charges are merited.

Ten years ago, twenty years ago, to call someone a "racist" was a serious claim meriting serious consideration and strong corrective reaction.

Now, the term has been so cheapened, made so meaningless and so shallow and so contemptible -- and so OBSOLETE -- by overuse and by misuse as a stupid piece of FALSE political propagandizing rabble rousing bullshit -- that it has become totally risible, no more significant, having no more merit that calling someone who eats a salad a Vegan who hates beef.

And the person who calls others "racists" has all the ethos and credibility of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.

So, real, honest to God racists, who merit major re-socialization efforts, like the rabid hyenas they truly are, get off free, BECAUSE NOBODY TAKES THAT CHARGE SERIOUSLY ANYMORE.

Criticism of Obama IS NOT RACIALLY MOTIVATED unless the person making so heinous a charge can produce evidence of actual hate speech demanding somebody put some hurt on the man BECAUSE HE AND ALL BLACKS ARE, that ALL Blacks are inherently stupid and biologically not fully human, worthy of being deprived of social equity and shoved back into servile and degraded living conditions.

If you cannot PROVE that the person is a current member of the KKK or the neo-nazi movement, PROVE that the other person as indeed advocated and sought the physical and social oppression of ALL Blacks or some other racial group based on no other cause than biological somotypes, STOP CHEAPENING THE TERM so that real racists get to skate for what really is a hate crime.

Racism is a hate crime. And that's not a term to hurl around carelessly so that it becomes no more significant than calling someone a blockhead or a pinhead or a doofus.

Very damned few Americans reject Barak Obama because of his biological somotype inherited from his father.

IT IS BECAUSE OF HIS DUMB ASS DESTRUCTIVE IDEOLOGY and TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE INEFFECTIVENESS and WASTREL EXTRAVAGANT SELF-INDULGENCES during the worst economic conditions we've faced since 1929 that the man is under fire.

The vast majority of the population is COLOR BLIND -- and the sooner the radical Left GROWS UP and becomes color blind themselves, the sooner we can focus on the REAL CRISES facing our entire population.

Now, back to the extravagant and stupid and WASTED tax dollars represented in that damned UNNECESSARY redecoration of the Oval Office.

How many college loans would that money have helped repay, digging desperate and hurting citizens out of some of the economic rubble they've been smashed by?

Or how many past due utility bills, rent payments, mortgage payments for citizens facing no water, no electricity, and NO SHELTER AT ALL, would that money have helped?

How many small mom and pop cleaning services or house repair services could that money have put back to work so they could begin to dig themselves out of catastrophes?

Why the hell did Barak Obama NEED the Oval Office redecorated in January, 2009? Even though it came out of his own fat bank account, that money COULD HAVE DONE ONE HELL OF A LOT OF GOOD if it had been used to help a few families trapped in truly desperate conditions.

And NOW, less than two years later, he decided to do it again -- this time with PUBLIC money desperately needed in a billion other areas -- actually in several trillion other areas.

Ditto all the vacations and MASSIVE waste of money for his own pleasures.

NOW IS NOT THE TIME for the American Marcos Imitator to be wasting so much as a thin dime on LUXURIES when we've got increasing numbers of people facing real crises -- just the number of mortgages in default and facing foreclosure MUST BE REDRESSED -- with money wasted on PERSONAL LUXURIES, while entire families end up homeless, living in a damned slum with leaking toilets overhead dripping shitty crap into the apartment below -- and this man NEEDS A NEW CARPET?


He has all the compassion and concern for the poor to be expected from a buzzard that just spotted a dying fawn in the desert.

((Can we maybe stop focusing on our own wars for social supremacy in a comparatively small social arena, a single forum, and go back to bashing hell out of Mr. Stupid Waste and Wallow in Personal Luxuries? Please?)
Last edited:
you mean for someone that is terminally stupid?

No, I mean some 'free' treatment for those of us who suffer the impact of the terminally stupid. It gives me a headache to have such stupidity inflicted upon me on a daily basis.

In fact, I think we should ask our very own 'Obama' (Gunny), to ban the terminally stupid for the good of the 'country' (the board). :lol::lol:

Do so, and you'll have to smash me next (which you could, indubitably, do with great elan).

I don't tolerate bulllies.

And that especially extends to protecting the terminally stupid.

Now, those who persist in socially destructive behaviors, like puppies that refuse to get housebroken, that's a sub-classification in knuckleheadedness, which is not the same category as "terminally stupid." Being a different species of problems, it mandates a different corrective reaction. First, we must design a response guaranteed to get the knucklehead's attention. :lol:

STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD: it's old, it's shallow, it's logically inaccurate and false as hell when applied to at least 80% of the population (judging from the number of self-professed neo-nazi undergrads on campuses like Harvard), and it DESTROYS THE EFFECTIVENESS when such charges are merited.

Ten years ago, twenty years ago, to call someone a "racist" was a serious claim meriting serious consideration and strong corrective reaction.

Now, the term has been so cheapened, made so meaningless and so shallow and so contemptible -- and so OBSOLETE -- by overuse and by misuse as a stupid piece of FALSE political propagandizing rabble rousing bullshit -- that it has become totally risible, no more significant, having no more merit that calling someone who eats a salad a Vegan who hates beef.

And the person who calls others "racists" has all the ethos and credibility of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.

So, real, honest to God racists, who merit major re-socialization efforts, like the rabid hyenas they truly are, get off free, BECAUSE NOBODY TAKES THAT CHARGE SERIOUSLY ANYMORE.

Criticism of Obama IS NOT RACIALLY MOTIVATED unless the person making so heinous a charge can produce evidence of actual hate speech demanding somebody put some hurt on the man BECAUSE HE AND ALL BLACKS ARE, that ALL Blacks are inherently stupid and biologically not fully human, worthy of being deprived of social equity and shoved back into servile and degraded living conditions.

If you cannot PROVE that the person is a current member of the KKK or the neo-nazi movement, PROVE that the other person as indeed advocated and sought the physical and social oppression of ALL Blacks or some other racial group based on no other cause than biological somotypes, STOP CHEAPENING THE TERM so that real racists get to skate for what really is a hate crime.

Racism is a hate crime. And that's not a term to hurl around carelessly so that it becomes no more significant than calling someone a blockhead or a pinhead or a doofus.

Very damned few Americans reject Barak Obama because of his biological somotype inherited from his father.

IT IS BECAUSE OF HIS DUMB ASS DESTRUCTIVE IDEOLOGY and TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE INEFFECTIVENESS and WASTREL EXTRAVAGANT SELF-INDULGENCES during the worst economic conditions we've faced since 1929 that the man is under fire.

The vast majority of the population is COLOR BLIND -- and the sooner the radical Left GROWS UP and becomes color blind themselves, the sooner we can focus on the REAL CRISES facing our entire population.

Now, back to the extravagant and stupid and WASTED tax dollars represented in that damned UNNECESSARY redecoration of the Oval Office.

How many college loans would that money have helped repay, digging desperate and hurting citizens out of some of the economic rubble they've been smashed by?

Or how many past due utility bills, rent payments, mortgage payments for citizens facing no water, no electricity, and NO SHELTER AT ALL, would that money have helped?

How many small mom and pop cleaning services or house repair services could that money have put back to work so they could begin to dig themselves out of catastrophes?

Why the hell did Barak Obama NEED the Oval Office redecorated in January, 2009? Even though it came out of his own fat bank account, that money COULD HAVE DONE ONE HELL OF A LOT OF GOOD if it had been used to help a few families trapped in truly desperate conditions.

And NOW, less than two years later, he decided to do it again -- this time with PUBLIC money desperately needed in a billion other areas -- actually in several trillion other areas.

Ditto all the vacations and MASSIVE waste of money for his own pleasures.

NOW IS NOT THE TIME for the American Marcos Imitator to be wasting so much as a thin dime on LUXURIES when we've got increasing numbers of people facing real crises -- just the number of mortgages in default and facing foreclosure MUST BE REDRESSED -- with money wasted on PERSONAL LUXURIES, while entire families end up homeless, living in a damned slum with leaking toilets overhead dripping shitty crap into the apartment below -- and this man NEEDS A NEW CARPET?


He has all the compassion and concern for the poor to be expected from a buzzard that just spotted a dying fawn in the desert.

((Can we maybe stop focusing on our own wars for social supremacy in a comparatively small social arena, a single forum, and go back to bashing hell out of Mr. Stupid Waste and Wallow in Personal Luxuries? Please?)
Rhet, zona is terminally stupid
No, I mean some 'free' treatment for those of us who suffer the impact of the terminally stupid. It gives me a headache to have such stupidity inflicted upon me on a daily basis.

In fact, I think we should ask our very own 'Obama' (Gunny), to ban the terminally stupid for the good of the 'country' (the board). :lol::lol:

Do so, and you'll have to smash me next (which you could, indubitably, do with great elan).

I don't tolerate bulllies.

And that especially extends to protecting the terminally stupid.

Now, those who persist in socially destructive behaviors, like puppies that refuse to get housebroken, that's a sub-classification in knuckleheadedness, which is not the same category as "terminally stupid." Being a different species of problems, it mandates a different corrective reaction. First, we must design a response guaranteed to get the knucklehead's attention. :lol:

STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD: it's old, it's shallow, it's logically inaccurate and false as hell when applied to at least 80% of the population (judging from the number of self-professed neo-nazi undergrads on campuses like Harvard), and it DESTROYS THE EFFECTIVENESS when such charges are merited.

Ten years ago, twenty years ago, to call someone a "racist" was a serious claim meriting serious consideration and strong corrective reaction.

Now, the term has been so cheapened, made so meaningless and so shallow and so contemptible -- and so OBSOLETE -- by overuse and by misuse as a stupid piece of FALSE political propagandizing rabble rousing bullshit -- that it has become totally risible, no more significant, having no more merit that calling someone who eats a salad a Vegan who hates beef.

And the person who calls others "racists" has all the ethos and credibility of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.

So, real, honest to God racists, who merit major re-socialization efforts, like the rabid hyenas they truly are, get off free, BECAUSE NOBODY TAKES THAT CHARGE SERIOUSLY ANYMORE.

Criticism of Obama IS NOT RACIALLY MOTIVATED unless the person making so heinous a charge can produce evidence of actual hate speech demanding somebody put some hurt on the man BECAUSE HE AND ALL BLACKS ARE, that ALL Blacks are inherently stupid and biologically not fully human, worthy of being deprived of social equity and shoved back into servile and degraded living conditions.

If you cannot PROVE that the person is a current member of the KKK or the neo-nazi movement, PROVE that the other person as indeed advocated and sought the physical and social oppression of ALL Blacks or some other racial group based on no other cause than biological somotypes, STOP CHEAPENING THE TERM so that real racists get to skate for what really is a hate crime.

Racism is a hate crime. And that's not a term to hurl around carelessly so that it becomes no more significant than calling someone a blockhead or a pinhead or a doofus.

Very damned few Americans reject Barak Obama because of his biological somotype inherited from his father.

IT IS BECAUSE OF HIS DUMB ASS DESTRUCTIVE IDEOLOGY and TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE INEFFECTIVENESS and WASTREL EXTRAVAGANT SELF-INDULGENCES during the worst economic conditions we've faced since 1929 that the man is under fire.

The vast majority of the population is COLOR BLIND -- and the sooner the radical Left GROWS UP and becomes color blind themselves, the sooner we can focus on the REAL CRISES facing our entire population.

Now, back to the extravagant and stupid and WASTED tax dollars represented in that damned UNNECESSARY redecoration of the Oval Office.

How many college loans would that money have helped repay, digging desperate and hurting citizens out of some of the economic rubble they've been smashed by?

Or how many past due utility bills, rent payments, mortgage payments for citizens facing no water, no electricity, and NO SHELTER AT ALL, would that money have helped?

How many small mom and pop cleaning services or house repair services could that money have put back to work so they could begin to dig themselves out of catastrophes?

Why the hell did Barak Obama NEED the Oval Office redecorated in January, 2009? Even though it came out of his own fat bank account, that money COULD HAVE DONE ONE HELL OF A LOT OF GOOD if it had been used to help a few families trapped in truly desperate conditions.

And NOW, less than two years later, he decided to do it again -- this time with PUBLIC money desperately needed in a billion other areas -- actually in several trillion other areas.

Ditto all the vacations and MASSIVE waste of money for his own pleasures.

NOW IS NOT THE TIME for the American Marcos Imitator to be wasting so much as a thin dime on LUXURIES when we've got increasing numbers of people facing real crises -- just the number of mortgages in default and facing foreclosure MUST BE REDRESSED -- with money wasted on PERSONAL LUXURIES, while entire families end up homeless, living in a damned slum with leaking toilets overhead dripping shitty crap into the apartment below -- and this man NEEDS A NEW CARPET?


He has all the compassion and concern for the poor to be expected from a buzzard that just spotted a dying fawn in the desert.

((Can we maybe stop focusing on our own wars for social supremacy in a comparatively small social arena, a single forum, and go back to bashing hell out of Mr. Stupid Waste and Wallow in Personal Luxuries? Please?)
Rhet, zona is terminally stupid

Then she's in the permanently protected status of terminally ill cancer victims, paraplegics, and drooling brain damaged with an IQ below 80 -- those whom we cheer when today they learn to hold a spoon -- and tomorrow cheer when they again learn how to hold a spoon -- ad perpetuity because of brain injuries that prevent long term education which endures past the next sleep cycle.

That's PROTECTED. So please stop picking on.

I'd rather classify as obstinate knucklehead who consciously and deliberately, willfully and deliberately REFUSES to learn out of sheer egoism. Please?

Obama IS NOT STUPID; he's a wooden-brained obstinate and willful IGNORAMUS who REFUSES to learn because of brain-lock addiction to childhood MEMORIZED and never thought about myths and fairy tales.

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