Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

hummm on the rug thing.....interesting, it appears Obama HAS attributed the quote to King....which means....__________

Fast forward to April 2008, when I heard Barack Obama attribute the quote to Dr. King...I immediately emailed the Obama Campaign the actual citation in the interest of accuracy. Just a point of information.

I have no way of knowing if the Obama Campaign ever attended to my email. I'd like to think so. What I do know is that I cannot find an instance of Barack Obama using "the arc of the moral universe" after April 2008....until the evening of November 4th in his victory speech at Grant Park in Chicago, when he said (referring to the historic election):

Its the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

Maybe the Obama Campaign did get that email! They changed the arc of the moral universe to the arc of history and bent it toward hope instead of justice.

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Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

That's what this is really about, isn't it?

It's wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that you guys are still sore that Bush was perceived as a buffoon.

Bush earned his title.

Yes, that is what this is about. You guys love to dish it out, but when you get it right back all you can do is hurl insults like "homophobe, islamophobe, racist, bigot, etc.

Obama is dumber than a mule fuckin' a goat. Deal with it.
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

Naw. Bush was battered with his lies about WMD and his buddies stealing from DOD whilst supplying goods to our soliders that got them killed. Or his failure to save the people of New Orleans after Katrina. Or....

Why eat hamburger when you have steak tartar on offer?
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

That's what this is really about, isn't it?

It's wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that you guys are still sore that Bush was perceived as a buffoon.

Bush earned his title.
Obama is rapidly earning it, too. 57. Just sayin'.
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

Naw. Bush was battered with his lies about WMD and his buddies stealing from DOD whilst supplying goods to our soliders that got them killed. Or his failure to save the people of New Orleans after Katrina. Or....

Why eat hamburger when you have steak tartar on offer?
Any other random shit you feel the need to vomit up, blue-one?
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

That's what this is really about, isn't it?

It's wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that you guys are still sore that Bush was perceived as a buffoon.

Bush earned his title.
Obama is rapidly earning it, too. 57. Just sayin'.

When Americans start dying from that gaffe', be sure to let me know, k?
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

Naw. Bush was battered with his lies about WMD and his buddies stealing from DOD whilst supplying goods to our soliders that got them killed. Or his failure to save the people of New Orleans after Katrina. Or....

Why eat hamburger when you have steak tartar on offer?

Is that the best you can do? Pathetic. Your pals were telling us about WMDs in Iraq before Bush was president.

As far as Katrina, the Mayor and the Governor can share equally in the blame for what happened in New Orleans.

But, hey, why let the facts interfere with your life.
Can you just imagine if the tables were turned and this happened to Bush? Keith Olbermann would have used it for a week.

Naw. Bush was battered with his lies about WMD and his buddies stealing from DOD whilst supplying goods to our soliders that got them killed. Or his failure to save the people of New Orleans after Katrina. Or....

Why eat hamburger when you have steak tartar on offer?
Any other random shit you feel the need to vomit up, blue-one?

Well I hate to hijack y'all from this Great Moment In Obama Bashing Masturbatory Theater.

Seems kinda dun get it often enough, apparently.
Fair enough. It was about Zona's allegedly irrational Obama worship. And a rug.
Are you this dishonest in real life?

What was dishonest about my characterization, Si modo?
Sometime yesterday, you posted the same gripe and were told exactly what was going on. It's on record, and if you make me quote your griping about the same thing yesterday, I promise I will neg you three times for that. Then, you do it again.

Perhaps your senility makes you forget being explicitely told something, then you're saying the same thing again a day later?

Hard to say.
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Naw. Bush was battered with his lies about WMD and his buddies stealing from DOD whilst supplying goods to our soliders that got them killed. Or his failure to save the people of New Orleans after Katrina. Or....

Why eat hamburger when you have steak tartar on offer?
Any other random shit you feel the need to vomit up, blue-one?

Well I hate to hijack y'all from this Great Moment In Obama Bashing Masturbatory Theater.

Seems kinda dun get it often enough, apparently.

Aren't you going to respond to my point about your pals warning us about WMDs even before Bush was President?
That's what this is really about, isn't it?

It's wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that you guys are still sore that Bush was perceived as a buffoon.

Bush earned his title.
Obama is rapidly earning it, too. 57. Just sayin'.

When Americans start dying from that gaffe', be sure to let me know, k?
I guess you DO need to keep vomiting up random shit.

Stay away from aluminum cookware. It's not good for your senility.
Looks like Maudlin is not going to respond to my post about her pals warning us about WMDs even before Bush was President. Just keep spewing shit until you hit the brick wall of reality and then go hide.
Obviously this isn't a big deal but i do find it very interesting that his "Genius" status was jammed down our throats during the campaign yet neither him or any of his lackeys knew that this wasn't a Martin Luther King quote. Kind of puts an end to that whole "Genius" thing no?

"Genius"? I've never heard that term attached to Obama. Smart and intelligent? Sure. Genius? No.

Mostly, Obama's intelligence was simply a reflection of stark contrast to the perception that Bush was less than intelligent but that certainly doesn't equate to "genius".

I don't think a simple mistake really reflects on someone's intelligence. It's just a funny gaffe.

But it is the media who sold him to us as 'the smartest' guy ever to run for POTUS. As I have shown, that is just not true. In fact, it is a lie. His GPA at Columbia College (not University... I just love pointing that out, don't know why).... could not have been higher than 3.3.... We have no idea what it was at Harvard.... BUT.... on the evidence that we have..... HE JUST IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.

The right have had it rammed down their throats from the day he 'won' the nomination until today that he is Mr Intelligent. Plainly, either the left are liars, or they are stupid. Either is fine.
Obviously this isn't a big deal but i do find it very interesting that his "Genius" status was jammed down our throats during the campaign yet neither him or any of his lackeys knew that this wasn't a Martin Luther King quote. Kind of puts an end to that whole "Genius" thing no?

"Genius"? I've never heard that term attached to Obama. Smart and intelligent? Sure. Genius? No.

Mostly, Obama's intelligence was simply a reflection of stark contrast to the perception that Bush was less than intelligent but that certainly doesn't equate to "genius".

I don't think a simple mistake really reflects on someone's intelligence. It's just a funny gaffe.

But it is the media who sold him to us as 'the smartest' guy ever to run for POTUS. As I have shown, that is just not true. In fact, it is a lie. His GPA at Columbia College (not University... I just love pointing that out, don't know why).... could not have been higher than 3.3.... We have no idea what it was at Harvard.... BUT.... on the evidence that we have..... HE JUST IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.

The right have had it rammed down their throats from the day he 'won' the nomination until today that he is Mr Intelligent. Plainly, either the left are liars, or they are stupid. Either is fine.

Both. The lefties are liars and they are stupid.
I guess Oval Office rugs need footnotes now


complete with ibids and op cits., por favor, si vous plais, danke shoon

Euh, vous ne devez pas utiliser une langue étrangère, sauf si vous pouvez y faire face. L'orthographe correcte est "sil vous plaît". und in Deutsch, "danke", oder "danke schoen".


Je vous demande pardon! L'othographe medieval c'est ne convient pas en une conversation moderne, surtout lorsque je ne parler pas la lingue pendant de longues annees.

I do sincerely thank you for the opportunity to dust off my brain cells -- and my French dictionary is especially grateful for its own long overdue dusting, as well. :clap2:

A lessoning much needed, much valued -- and nicely delivered!
Where'd they go? All of a sudden the moonbats ran out of the room.
"Genius"? I've never heard that term attached to Obama. Smart and intelligent? Sure. Genius? No.

Mostly, Obama's intelligence was simply a reflection of stark contrast to the perception that Bush was less than intelligent but that certainly doesn't equate to "genius".

I don't think a simple mistake really reflects on someone's intelligence. It's just a funny gaffe.

But it is the media who sold him to us as 'the smartest' guy ever to run for POTUS. As I have shown, that is just not true. In fact, it is a lie. His GPA at Columbia College (not University... I just love pointing that out, don't know why).... could not have been higher than 3.3.... We have no idea what it was at Harvard.... BUT.... on the evidence that we have..... HE JUST IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.

The right have had it rammed down their throats from the day he 'won' the nomination until today that he is Mr Intelligent. Plainly, either the left are liars, or they are stupid. Either is fine.

Both. The lefties are liars and they are stupid.

Sure. But people who employ sweeping generalizations are so much smarter, eh? Thankies for playing, Jack.

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