~Smoking Banned Outdoors In NYC~

There are stadiums that have been built on the backs of smokers and drinkers of this city. And YET one cannot light up a cigarette in the stadium, but they CAN drink like fools and get in their cars and drive home or kill or maim someone on their way to the next drink

Ummm, I don't know where you live but I'm pretty certain that drunk driving is illegal.

One can just as easily light up a cigarette in the stadium as they can get behind the wheel after getting shitfaced. And in both cases one assumes the risks.

Of course it is illegal. Not my point

My point is that smoking is NOT allowed in the stadiums, but alcohol is sold in the stadiums. BOTH are taxed to pay for the stadiums.
No longer just an indoor-ban, smoking in open spaces is now banned in New York City.

The indoor ban was one thing, but is this perhaps a little too far? The ban is designed to help curb exposure to secondhand smoke as well as reduce litter. Thoughts?

Here's a better article~

New York City outdoor smoking ban begins - CNN

Personal freedom's are at risk. If you value freedom don't vote Democrat even at the local level.
No longer just an indoor-ban, smoking in open spaces is now banned in New York City.

The indoor ban was one thing, but is this perhaps a little too far? The ban is designed to help curb exposure to secondhand smoke as well as reduce litter. Thoughts?

Here's a better article~

New York City outdoor smoking ban begins - CNN

Personal freedom's are at risk. If you value freedom don't vote Democrat even at the local level.

Thats right!

If you let them Dems ban you from smoking, the next thing they will do is show up at your door and take your guns.

They might even force you to have an abortion
There are stadiums that have been built on the backs of smokers and drinkers of this city. And YET one cannot light up a cigarette in the stadium, but they CAN drink like fools and get in their cars and drive home or kill or maim someone on their way to the next drink

Ummm, I don't know where you live but I'm pretty certain that drunk driving is illegal.

One can just as easily light up a cigarette in the stadium as they can get behind the wheel after getting shitfaced. And in both cases one assumes the risks.

Of course it is illegal. Not my point

My point is that smoking is NOT allowed in the stadiums, but alcohol is sold in the stadiums. BOTH are taxed to pay for the stadiums.

I'm not sure why that should make a difference. Tobacco taxes help fund hospitals too. Doesn't mean smoking should be allowed in hospitals.
Do you have a link that proves she's Mrs Beck? Let me guess you'll prove it Friday right? See you in 3 months bitch.


Conhog, you were banned, how can you come back? Fucking sock puppet.

well that certainly seems like a pretty clear violation of two rules. AT LEAST

Nope...one. Thanks mods for pointing it out. Now back to you being a sock puppet.

Come on conhog, I read what happened to you and you have the nerve to show up again? Really? Be nice to the ladies in here dude. Don't be an asshole again.
I breathe clean air all the time. I live on the beach. Wind is always blowing. I CHOOSE to smoke. Don't want me to smoke in your bar? Ok. Your restaurant? Ok. Your parks? Ok. Your beaches? Ok. But what I do in my car, in my house, is my business.

Unfortunately, too much focus is on smokers while how many college kids are dead from drinking and OD'ing on alcohol? How many people killed due to DUI's? How many commercials push alcohol on young people, how many movies focus on being a drunk, etc etc etc.

Not all are bad drinkers. Just like not all are bad smokers.

Sorry, Grace, but the Central Planners have spoken: Smoking is bad. BAD! Anyone who smokes is not only unpatriotic, but an enemy of the State. What you need is some quality time at a Government Reeducation Camp where you will spend 18 hours cleaning the beaches of disgusting cigarette butts. Now get to work!
:boobies: I'll go topless as I pick up butts and smoke my ciggie.:tongue:

This post is useless without pics.
I breathe clean air all the time. I live on the beach. Wind is always blowing. I CHOOSE to smoke. Don't want me to smoke in your bar? Ok. Your restaurant? Ok. Your parks? Ok. Your beaches? Ok. But what I do in my car, in my house, is my business.

Unfortunately, too much focus is on smokers while how many college kids are dead from drinking and OD'ing on alcohol? How many people killed due to DUI's? How many commercials push alcohol on young people, how many movies focus on being a drunk, etc etc etc.

Not all are bad drinkers. Just like not all are bad smokers.

Sorry, Grace, but the Central Planners have spoken: Smoking is bad. BAD! Anyone who smokes is not only unpatriotic, but an enemy of the State. What you need is some quality time at a Government Reeducation Camp where you will spend 18 hours cleaning the beaches of disgusting cigarette butts. Now get to work!
:boobies: I'll go topless as I pick up butts and smoke my ciggie.:tongue:

This post is useless without pics. :lol:
i hope you'll be just as vociferous in your opposition when they try to take away women's control over their own bodies.

if you aren't, well, then i'm not going to think too much of your concern for smokers rights.

:lol: Apples and Oranges, sweetie, but there's no way we can ever agree on that so why bother?

actually, no, individual rights count more when we're dealing with issues that matter... not whether you have to wear a seatbelt or can't smoke in a public park.

i'm going to tell your wife on you.

I spoke to my wife about abortion. She is against it which really surprised me because she is a liberal. She considers abortion murder. How about that?
There WILL come a time when tobacco is illegal. Then what? Guess who is next? Yep. Alcohol.

Those would both be fine by me. I see no significant need for either one of them in society.

You do realize how much crime would be created by making alcohol and the most addictive drug on the planet illegal, right?

Prohibition has done nothing but foster organized crime and has done nothing to deal with addiction
The thing that pisses me off the most is that even back when the smoking in bars and restaurants ban came into effect, Bloomberg grandfathered in a few "cigar bars", because he still smokes cigars.

I just moved from NY, right before this came into effect - to San Francisco, which has already had this law for a few years.

I'm firmly against nanny-state laws, think this is a pile of bullshit, etc etc.

But then again, I'm a pack-a-day smoker.

Dude...SF....NANNY STATE AT ITS FINEST! Just think..you can smoke on spare the air days..but you cant have a bbq. Or on cold days have a fire. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

It's San Francisco. It doesn't get "cold" here. 55 - 65 degrees, year round.

And there's no law against BBQing here, or fireplace fires.

Oh no...you better look that one up. I dont know about you but I cant burn a fire when I WANT to...that would be when it is cold.

And look at that, a number to call to burn a fire when its cold :lol

Can I burn?
Check before you burn

Call 1-877-4NO BURN

BAAQMD - Wood Burning Rule Information
Last edited:
No longer just an indoor-ban, smoking in open spaces is now banned in New York City.

The indoor ban was one thing, but is this perhaps a little too far? The ban is designed to help curb exposure to secondhand smoke as well as reduce litter. Thoughts?

Here's a better article~

New York City outdoor smoking ban begins - CNN

Personal freedom's are at risk. If you value freedom don't vote Democrat even at the local level.

Thats right!

If you let them Dems ban you from smoking, the next thing they will do is show up at your door and take your guns.

They might even force you to have an abortion

They sure as hell try to limit what guns you can own.
Thats right!

If you let them Dems ban you from smoking, the next thing they will do is show up at your door and take your guns.

They might even force you to have an abortion

They sure as hell try to limit what guns you can own.

Fuckers won't let me buy a .50 cal machine gun!

They won't. But how about some of the other horse shit laws like you can't have a muzzle flash and a collapsable stock on the same gun. Ridiculous feel good laws that do nothing. And states with these ridiculous laws enacted by democrats actually have higher incidents with guns than states that have no laws at all. Go figure that shit. You can own a 50 cal in PA. How many people in PA have used a 50 cal to commit a crime or murder?
People living in a dense urban environment complaining about 2nd hand smoke while constantly breathing in exhaust fumes and poor quality air in general is pretty funny.

I wonder how long it will be until the people of NYC will start looking at you like you have 3 heads when you light up to have a smoke

Dude...SF....NANNY STATE AT ITS FINEST! Just think..you can smoke on spare the air days..but you cant have a bbq. Or on cold days have a fire. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

It's San Francisco. It doesn't get "cold" here. 55 - 65 degrees, year round.

And there's no law against BBQing here, or fireplace fires.

Oh no...you better look that one up. I dont know about you but I cant burn a fire when I WANT to...that would be when it is cold.

And look at that, a number to call to burn a fire when its cold :lol

Can I burn?
Check before you burn

Call 1-877-4NO BURN

BAAQMD - Wood Burning Rule Information

You're right.

I didn't know about this at all - I think it's retarded.

But I don't have a fireplace, so it's a moot point for me.
I say all us health loving anti-smokers jump into our SUVs and drive to the Empire state to show our support for this healthful law.

We can have cookout, too!
Are they going to ban barbques on the sidewalks? Hot dog carts?

What's next? All vehicles? It's stupid.
Of course it's stupid. It's also selective. If one walks by a restaurant where the kitchen exhaust fan faces the sidewalk, pedestrians are bombarded with that thick smelly acrid greasy smoke.
Why have these not been banned?
BTW, the City of Belmont, CA passed an ordinance that banned smoking except on one's own property. That included a ban on smoking in one's own private vehicle.
To date I do not know that status of the ordinance.
BTW, the NYC law is almost unenforceable. Imagine a person flagging down a cop to run into Central Park to write a $50 ticket on someone puffing a Marlboro....REALLY?!!!
Bloomburg has always been a law and order liberal and an anti-smoking nazi.
If it were up to him tobacco would be outlawed entirely.
i bet that bastard has been short selling tobacco company stocks for years.

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