Smoking may be bad for you, but no one ever crashed their car because of it


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Short of the perverbial dropped ash causing a distraction and accident, smoking tobacco does not impair driving ability like alcohol does. Yet when you think of what's being said about smoking, you would think it's the worse of the two.

The current push to ban smoking tobacco is well under way. Instead of trying to do it all at ocne (and failing,) they do it incrementally. Missouri's gone from being able to smoke just about anywhere 15 years ago to only being able to smoke in your own home. Can't smoke out by the pool any more, that went away a few years ago. And I'm sure it's only a matter of time before inside our own homes is banned as it already has been in some states and cities.

But I'm equally confident we'll always be able to drink, get liver disease, and wipe out whole families behind the wheel since drinking doesn't effect the guy next to you like smoking does...
Short of the perverbial dropped ash causing a distraction and accident, smoking tobacco does not impair driving ability like alcohol does. Yet when you think of what's being said about smoking, you would think it's the worse of the two.

The current push to ban smoking tobacco is well under way. Instead of trying to do it all at ocne (and failing,) they do it incrementally. Missouri's gone from being able to smoke just about anywhere 15 years ago to only being able to smoke in your own home. Can't smoke out by the pool any more, that went away a few years ago. And I'm sure it's only a matter of time before inside our own homes is banned as it already has been in some states and cities.

But I'm equally confident we'll always be able to drink, get liver disease, and wipe out whole families behind the wheel since drinking doesn't effect the guy next to you like smoking does...

Dear Delta4Embassy
(1) If you are going to say alcohol is worse, that doesn't diminish the risks and dangers of pot use.
Arguing that "rape and murder combined" is worse than either rape or murder by itself
does not justify either one! Rape, murder, theft are still crimes even if one is worse than the other.

(2) You also do not address the lack of responsibility for consequences that pro-pot-users keep justifying.

Funny, I don't see pot users or pro-pot people scrambling to set up their own health care system to pay for any potential damage to their health.

Large numbers and groups of people have rallied to stop drunk driving from costing innocent people and taxpayers! Lots of people fight against that, including people who want alcohol to stay legal. There IS a constant push for responsibility with drinking, but with drug legalization I don't see proponents pushing for responsibility only the opponents. Why?

Why is there such DENIAL with pot users who keep playing down any damage to the personality and mentality of users.
If they so busy denying this, of course, they are not lobbying to stop abuse or to pay for the damage of drug abuse
they want to pretend is not related!

The main people I see pushing to address the root cause of drug addictions
are the CHRISTIANS who push for spiritual healing to end addiction, abuse, crime and any related social ills.

And we see how they are treated by liberals pushing anti-church anti-Christian agenda!!

This is really messed up, my friend!

I would like to make a bet that if all the people who go through spiritual healing
and totally remove the causes of the addiction, NONE of these people would want to smoke any more
if they finish the entire healing process. They would at least try to quit instead of justifying further use.
The knowledge and freedom that comes with spiritual healing is the opposite of whatever negative impulses drive people to smoke, drink, or use other drugs to suppress.

At least two of my friends who were in denial about alcohol
and/or pot, have made the commitment to change and quit after going through spiritual healing.
They no longer have a desire to enable their own addictions.
And these two friends are NOT Christian, and had to overcome a lot of animosity towards Christians
in order to fully heal of their addictive abusive personality mindsets which they projected onto others as
"a worse problem." Christians can be bigger hypocrites but that doesn't excuse you from fixing your
own problems just because someone else is worse than you.

Given how my two friends reduced or quit their negative projecting behavior after working on their own inner issues,
I believe if more people had that experience or knowledge of spiritual healing
maybe this Anti-Christian bias would change. And people would realize
there is something vital for human health and safety to remove these
negative roots of abuse and addiction so we don't have so much unchecked
crime and social ills that cost taxpayers so much money.

You don't have to be a Christian to benefit from the spiritual healing process
that is natural, universal and effective without causing any harm, unlike these drugs that are pushed by
anti-christian agenda as a form of rebellion against authority.

The denial has to stop at some point. It is not fair to push legalization while denying
the damage done to people who didn't know they were harming themselves, and not taking
financial and social responsibility for paying for that if you TRULY believe you want that freedom.

Who is going to pay for the damages?

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