Smoking rate for U.S. adults drops to record low...

There's nothing superior about delivering nicotine. It's an addiction and shouldn't be glamorized nor should children be made to think it's better than smoking. The only thing better is not indulging at all. Vaping should face all the same restrictions as smoking.
It doesn't Impact others in any remote way similar to combustive smoking. Typical progressive, banning something because YOU don't like it, and thus the rest of us should not be able to use it.
I used to think that way until I realized nicotine was being exhaled. People feel they can do it anywhere without ill effects, unlike smoking, leading to a greater likelihood of children thinking it's cool or worse, getting hooked on second-hand nicotine.
No nicotine is being exhaled. It's water vapor.

Then there is the no nicotine liquid. I'm sure that someone somewhere is going to come up with a complaint about those.
Maybe some of you rubes should get the facts about smoking and second hand smoke instead of listening to the propaganda put out by the left and all the other control freaks. The United Nations World Health Organization did a study back in the 90's and found no significant effects from second hand smoke and actually found that the children of smokers were at a decreased risk of lung cancer of 22%. A pdf of the complete study is available at the link.

The World Health Organization's first study on SHS is a textbook example of the right way to conduct an epidemiological study. Unfortunately for them, it yielded unexpected results. They responded by doing a second one, a meta-analysis, that allowed them to extract the results they wanted. This is an analysis of their first study.

The WHO s First Study on Second Hand Smoke

What a pile of dog poo. Looks like someone has justified blowing smoke on their family.
Maybe some of you rubes should get the facts about smoking and second hand smoke instead of listening to the propaganda put out by the left and all the other control freaks. The United Nations World Health Organization did a study back in the 90's and found no significant effects from second hand smoke and actually found that the children of smokers were at a decreased risk of lung cancer of 22%. A pdf of the complete study is available at the link.

The World Health Organization's first study on SHS is a textbook example of the right way to conduct an epidemiological study. Unfortunately for them, it yielded unexpected results. They responded by doing a second one, a meta-analysis, that allowed them to extract the results they wanted. This is an analysis of their first study.

The WHO s First Study on Second Hand Smoke

What a pile of dog poo. Looks like someone has justified blowing smoke on their family.

Argue with the study authors, I just provided the study. But a study done to accepted scientific standards is a bit hard to argue with.
Smoking is one of the nastiest habits on the planet, if for no other reason than the smell. I put the stale smell of cigarette smoke covered clothes right up there with the smell of a fresh dog turd. It's about enough to make you gag trying to stand near a smoker, for example in a check out line, somewhere where the air isn't circulating well. That stink is about as offensive as any I know. I'd be embarrassed beyond words if I stunk like that.
Smoking is one of the nastiest habits on the planet, if for no other reason than the smell. I put the stale smell of cigarette smoke covered clothes right up there with the smell of a fresh dog turd. It's about enough to make you gag trying to stand near a smoker, for example in a check out line, somewhere where the air isn't circulating well. That stink is about as offensive as any I know. I'd be embarrassed beyond words if I stunk like that.

Overly squeamish. Probably a psychosomatic reaction as a result of conditioning from anti-tobacco campaigns.

Native Americans used tobacco as an incense. I have fond memories of the smell of my grandfather's pipe tobacco., I had the brainstorm of quitting. Cold turkey. didn't happen. Mr Gracie was freaking out at my blood pressure so he said he does want me to quit (3 years this month for him being smoke free) on MY terms. So..I did a bit of googling to find the right procedure for me that others have tried and since this is about the 6th or 7th time I have tried to quit..and did this before the way I am doing it now and almost made it....I will give it another go.

3 to 5 cigs per day. Smoke half, then the other half when I begin to climb the walls. I feel a little loopy but I am not freaking out knowing that half a butt is there if I need it. So today...I just smoked the last half of my 3rd cig. To me, that is a BIG thing. Three. 3!!!! All day!!! Tomorrow..the same. I will set 5 aside and see if I can have 1 or 2 leftovers for Saturday. I will be doing this all month and by january..I might be able to put them down for good.
The side affect I am trying to battle at the moment is stuffing my face. Oy.
ok, so who does us (subjects) have to thank for that? Our nanny guberment with our Nanny masters in it? Or you all BEING the high and mighty people you are. You're just being Grubered again?

Too bad you all don't care about abortions as much as you do people smoking a LEGAL product
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Smoking is one of the nastiest habits on the planet, if for no other reason than the smell. I put the stale smell of cigarette smoke covered clothes right up there with the smell of a fresh dog turd. It's about enough to make you gag trying to stand near a smoker, for example in a check out line, somewhere where the air isn't circulating well. That stink is about as offensive as any I know. I'd be embarrassed beyond words if I stunk like that.

Overly squeamish. Probably a psychosomatic reaction as a result of conditioning from anti-tobacco campaigns.

Native Americans used tobacco as an incense. I have fond memories of the smell of my grandfather's pipe tobacco.

Hardly the same thing. Somehow I have my doubts that Native Americans founded huge faceless international corporations to keep leagues of impoverished rednecks growing massive fields of tobacco with gummint assistance just to stay alive, then sprayed it all with unspeakable toxins and rolled it up into mashed-up trees that have been bleached with chlorine so that "only pure white touches your lips" for the sole purpose of addicting their own consumers to make heap wampum.
ok, so who does us (subjects) have to thank for that? Our nanny guberment with our Nanny masters in it? Or you all BEING the high and mighty people you are. You're just being Grubered again?

Too bad you all don't care about abortions as much as you do people smoking a LEGAG product

"leGAG" -- exactly.

What happens to every smoker in the world on the occasion of their first taste? In French, "le gag".

That's Nature telling you something., I had the brainstorm of quitting. Cold turkey. didn't happen. Mr Gracie was freaking out at my blood pressure so he said he does want me to quit (3 years this month for him being smoke free) on MY terms. So..I did a bit of googling to find the right procedure for me that others have tried and since this is about the 6th or 7th time I have tried to quit..and did this before the way I am doing it now and almost made it....I will give it another go.

3 to 5 cigs per day. Smoke half, then the other half when I begin to climb the walls. I feel a little loopy but I am not freaking out knowing that half a butt is there if I need it. So today...I just smoked the last half of my 3rd cig. To me, that is a BIG thing. Three. 3!!!! All day!!! Tomorrow..the same. I will set 5 aside and see if I can have 1 or 2 leftovers for Saturday. I will be doing this all month and by january..I might be able to put them down for good.

You don't get a drum-roll until you've quit for 6 months.

I understand that you wished death on me, due to the fact that we disagree on what's happening in Ferguson, but I still wish you the best of luck. It took me at least 15 attempts before I was disgusted enough to quit. If I can do it, anyone can.

When you are really serious, there won't be any 3-5 smokes per day.
Maybe some of you rubes should get the facts about smoking and second hand smoke instead of listening to the propaganda put out by the left and all the other control freaks. The United Nations World Health Organization did a study back in the 90's and found no significant effects from second hand smoke and actually found that the children of smokers were at a decreased risk of lung cancer of 22%. A pdf of the complete study is available at the link.

The World Health Organization's first study on SHS is a textbook example of the right way to conduct an epidemiological study. Unfortunately for them, it yielded unexpected results. They responded by doing a second one, a meta-analysis, that allowed them to extract the results they wanted. This is an analysis of their first study.

The WHO s First Study on Second Hand Smoke

What a pile of dog poo. Looks like someone has justified blowing smoke on their family.

Argue with the study authors, I just provided the study. But a study done to accepted scientific standards is a bit hard to argue with.

Your link took me to My advise is to ask your doctor about second hand smoke...but then, we already know the answer, don't we?
ok, so who does us (subjects) have to thank for that? Our nanny guberment with our Nanny masters in it? Or you all BEING the high and mighty people you are. You're just being Grubered again?

Too bad you all don't care about abortions as much as you do people smoking a LEGAG product

OMG....ABORTION! Is this thread about abortion? Jesus.

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