SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Only the right wing, claims that. Providing for the general welfare means doing what it takes to fund it.

No, it does not. As Madison pointed out, our federal government is not an agency of benevolence. He should know, he wrote the Constitution.

Here, learn something about what was meant in the writings:

But what does the term General Welfare actually mean? The term general welfare is often connected with the ancient philosophy of classic republicanism. This philosophy encapsulates many things, but for our discussion today it refers to promoting the common good or putting the interests of everyone over the interests of a select group or a few people.

Original Intent: The General Welfare
yes, it does; it means, to raise money for the general welfare, not the general warfare.

Obviously you didn't even click on the link yet alone read it. As Madison put it, the general welfare clause was limited only to that enumerated within the Constitution. And there is nothing in the Constitution that mentions housing, food, medical care, air conditioners, basketball courts, none of those things. It's within the Powers of Congress where what the federal government is to provide the people.
I already read the Federalist Papers. I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the federal doctrine, or the law.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
No, it does not. As Madison pointed out, our federal government is not an agency of benevolence. He should know, he wrote the Constitution.

Here, learn something about what was meant in the writings:

But what does the term General Welfare actually mean? The term general welfare is often connected with the ancient philosophy of classic republicanism. This philosophy encapsulates many things, but for our discussion today it refers to promoting the common good or putting the interests of everyone over the interests of a select group or a few people.

Original Intent: The General Welfare
yes, it does; it means, to raise money for the general welfare, not the general warfare.

Obviously you didn't even click on the link yet alone read it. As Madison put it, the general welfare clause was limited only to that enumerated within the Constitution. And there is nothing in the Constitution that mentions housing, food, medical care, air conditioners, basketball courts, none of those things. It's within the Powers of Congress where what the federal government is to provide the people.
I already read the Federalist Papers. I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the federal doctrine, or the law.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Did you think you had some kind of point?
No, it does not. As Madison pointed out, our federal government is not an agency of benevolence. He should know, he wrote the Constitution.

Here, learn something about what was meant in the writings:

But what does the term General Welfare actually mean? The term general welfare is often connected with the ancient philosophy of classic republicanism. This philosophy encapsulates many things, but for our discussion today it refers to promoting the common good or putting the interests of everyone over the interests of a select group or a few people.

Original Intent: The General Welfare
yes, it does; it means, to raise money for the general welfare, not the general warfare.

Obviously you didn't even click on the link yet alone read it. As Madison put it, the general welfare clause was limited only to that enumerated within the Constitution. And there is nothing in the Constitution that mentions housing, food, medical care, air conditioners, basketball courts, none of those things. It's within the Powers of Congress where what the federal government is to provide the people.
I already read the Federalist Papers. I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the federal doctrine, or the law.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.

What makes me say that? The words of James Madison. Care for me to post it again?
CBO study shows that ‘the rich’ don’t just pay a ‘fair share’ of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share

Is that wrong? Most rich ppl have jobs of no social value. They are lawyers, politicians, bankers, athletes, entertainers.. THINK

I don't think you have much "social value" flipping burgers at McDonald or being a community organizer or a climate scientist pushing the global warming scam, do you?.

Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

Regardless of how they got their money some stupid shithead welfare queen should not be entitled to it simply because they are alive, wouldn't you agree?

Interesting question.

Is a work ethic from the Age of Iron, socially valuable or only capitally, valuable.

Morals are subject in value.
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.

I think it's very wrong. When you go to the movies, do they arrange their ticket prices by how much you make? How about a restaurant or gift shop?

If we all benefit by living in this great country, we should all contribute to it as well. Nearly half of the people who live here don't contribute a dime towards income taxes which is the tax that is spent for our social goodies, military, and just about any other federal spending outside of Social Security and Medicare--most of which is funded by payroll taxes.

To me progressive tax rates are despicable.

Nobody should get a free ride. The inner city ghetto asshole that has never worked a day in his sorry life benefits just as much from national defense as the a billionaire but yet the ghetto asshole doesn't have to pay anything to get the benefit.

The progressive income tax is oppressive and unfair because it taxes people unequally.

If these Moon Bats had to pay their fair share of the cost of government maybe they wouldn't be inclined to vote for big government Liberals when they got the bill, would they?

One of the things that these Moon Bats are really confused about is the corporate tax. Those dumbasses don't even know that they are the ones paying the tax whenever they buy something made by a corporation. The dumbshits think somebody else pays it.
Progressive tax rates are quite rational, what is despicable, is a moral of "badwill toward men". You don't' really work hard enough by Age of Iron standards, to whine about the poor.
yes, it does; it means, to raise money for the general welfare, not the general warfare.

Obviously you didn't even click on the link yet alone read it. As Madison put it, the general welfare clause was limited only to that enumerated within the Constitution. And there is nothing in the Constitution that mentions housing, food, medical care, air conditioners, basketball courts, none of those things. It's within the Powers of Congress where what the federal government is to provide the people.
I already read the Federalist Papers. I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the federal doctrine, or the law.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Did you think you had some kind of point?
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.
don't believe me? if i have to post a link, i won't take your arguments seriously either, with links for Every point of contention.

i don't have to lie or resort to fallacy for my Cause.
Obviously you didn't even click on the link yet alone read it. As Madison put it, the general welfare clause was limited only to that enumerated within the Constitution. And there is nothing in the Constitution that mentions housing, food, medical care, air conditioners, basketball courts, none of those things. It's within the Powers of Congress where what the federal government is to provide the people.
I already read the Federalist Papers. I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the federal doctrine, or the law.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Did you think you had some kind of point?
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Would you care to share the point you think you have with us then?
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.
don't believe me? if i have to post a link, i won't take your arguments seriously either, with links for Every point of contention.

i don't have to lie or resort to fallacy for my Cause.
No I don't believe
I already read the Federalist Papers. I don't need to appeal to ignorance of the federal doctrine, or the law.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Did you think you had some kind of point?
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Would you care to share the point you think you have with us then?
Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
In other words, you want to put the palms of your hands over your ears and sing aloud. That's fine, but don't pretend the founders of this country meant welfare the way you do. Nobody would start a country with the dream of loafers sitting around while others work to support them.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Did you think you had some kind of point?
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Would you care to share the point you think you have with us then?
Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Again....did you have a fucking point?
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes
special pleading if you don't distinguish, real personal income taxes, like the ninety percent usually pay.

Simply having a foundation pay all of your taxes for you, is not the same as personal income taxes on personal, earned income.
What makes you say that? Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Did you think you had some kind of point?
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Would you care to share the point you think you have with us then?
Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Again....did you have a fucking point?
Yes, that you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.


if foul language is tolerated in the name of free speech, then why isn't relevant forms of porn, in the Information Age?
Did you think you had some kind of point?
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Would you care to share the point you think you have with us then?
Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Again....did you have a fucking point?
Yes, that you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.


if foul language is tolerated in the name of free speech, then why isn't relevant forms of porn, in the Information Age?
Then do you care to share your FUCKING point with us?
Some have inherited wealth but most rich people that pay into that filthy ass trillion a year in income tax earned their money somewhere along the line.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about rich heirs. Of course they didn't earn their millions. But even rich people with jobs usually do nothing of any social value. What does lebron do to help america? Maybe he works real hard and no doubt he makes money for his owner, but the fact remains that athletes are useless people. THINK
How much does the one percent actually pay in real, personal income tax?

We know our, tax avoider in chief, may not have to pay any personal income taxes, for decades.
don't believe me? if i have to post a link, i won't take your arguments seriously either, with links for Every point of contention.

i don't have to lie or resort to fallacy for my Cause.
No I don't believe
cool. i don't believe you either, person on the fantastical right wing, in advance.

here is the link:

Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.--

The rich cannot care if they don't pay personal income taxes for it.
yes; to Every one who has some clue, and some Cause; unlike most of the right wing.
Would you care to share the point you think you have with us then?
Both, promote and provide are terms used when referring to the general welfare, in our federal Constitution.
Again....did you have a fucking point?
Yes, that you are simply clueless and Causeless.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.


if foul language is tolerated in the name of free speech, then why isn't relevant forms of porn, in the Information Age?
Then do you care to share your FUCKING point with us?

thank you for the practice in patience, with you, grasshopper.

Promoting the general welfare does not mean, promoting the general badfare, or the general warfare or the common offense.

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