SNAP's cuts have many worried.

CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
They instituted these cuts in Maine several years ago. The lines at the food pantries doubled, but that was about it. It definitely got rid of the people who had been taking advantage, though--like the fishermen who would manage to collect SNAP during the off season when they'd raked in $60,000 or more in the summer.

I still wish we would go back to more government surplus foods. They would bring them around in a truck each month and anyone who wanted could get in line to get what they liked of staples to stretch their food budget. Then no one could complain about people buying sodas and candybars with their food stamps.

Yeah, as I recall they referred to the surplus foods as "Commodities". I had a roommate in college who got them, and I tasted my share of his haul. It was good stuff - Butter, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, beans, oatmeal, etc .. all high quality.
Their instant mashed potatoes were so good even my husband would eat them. And he wouldn't eat instant mashed potatoes.

I don't remember trying those - Do remember during all the nuclear testing in the 60s my Dad was afraid of cow's milk. So he filled a freezer out in the garage with powdered milk. That shit was God-aweful! :confused:
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
He has t reduced the deficit. He’s blown a hole in the budget. Stop lying, loon
The post one article is vague on actual rule changes, went through several links in the article, NONE that goes to a website showing the specific rule changes, thus all I can do is cobble statements together in the below, from this LINK

Hundreds of thousands of Americans who rely on the federal food stamp program will lose their benefits under a new Trump administration rule that will tighten work requirements for recipients.

The plan, announced Wednesday, will limit states from exempting work-eligible adults from having to maintain steady employment in order to receive benefits.


Under current rules, work-eligible able-bodied adults without dependents and between the ages of 18 and 49 can currently receive only three months of SNAP benefits in a three-year period if they don’t meet the 20-hour work requirement. But states with high unemployment rates or a demonstrable lack of sufficient jobs can waive those time limits.

The new rule imposes stricter criteria states must meet in order to issue waivers. Under the plan, states can only issue waivers if a city or county has an unemployment rate of 6% or higher. The waivers will be good for one year and will require the governor to support the request.

That is essentially all this is for now, I think Trump administration is making a big mistake here since the rules will NOT make much of a difference as this paragraph shows:

"The Agriculture Department estimates the change would save roughly $5.5 billion over five years and cut benefits for roughly 688,000 SNAP recipients. "

Yeah lets beat down the poor struggling people, while Millionaire, Billionaires can abuse the tax code to save millions in taxes (Trump has done it too), the loopholes that were written for them and not for us poor struggling people. Bill Gates as a Multi BILLIONAIRE, one year saves over TWENTY MILLION dollars using the tax loophole, pocket change for him yet the current administration wants to deny very small amounts of money to poor struggling people. The proposed rules are overbearing and stupid, I can accept a specific time limit for the SNAP program, but to deliberately exclude over 600,000 people with new rules in the name of saving pocket change is criminal.

Save what is essentially pocket change that enormously help people who needed it, as I did needed it for 9 months time (which allowed me to save my home and keep my family intact) 4 years ago. Snap food card helped me get through a transition phase from employment, to receiving monthly disability pay which came about 7 months later.

That's right for 7 months I had ZERO income flow
, had to raid my retirement account to pay the bills. I LOST a lot of money in the process. When I started getting Disability pay SEVEN MONTHS later, my Snap card monthly benefit went from $550 for three people to $56 of three people in stages over three months, of which I ended when it reached the $56 per month level, I didn't need that help anymore.

Meanwhile The Feds waste massive amounts of money providing prisons with fancy weightlifting rooms, big TV's and the like no prisoner deserves to use, and waste a lot of money on various programs that doesn't benefit the Country either such as massive education loans (which are being forgiven or allowed to be abused by the recipient) and more that the Feds could have done the spending much better with OUR money.

I resent that kind of monetary waste for people who don't deserve it.
Last edited:
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
I might have posted my prediction on this forum, or it might have been another forum.

To blunt the Great Recession, the federal government increased welfare spending tremendously. At that time, I predicted that the day would have to come when that increase would have to be pulled back once the economy recovered. And then the people who had come to depend on that largesse would riot in the streets.

See: The Road To Serfdom.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

A majority of the folks on SNAP are Trump supporters. This won't go well for the Mango Menace.
Darn, are that many Democrats voting for Trump now???

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

A majority of the folks on SNAP are Trump supporters. This won't go well for the Mango Menace.
Darn, are that many Democrats voting for Trump now???

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

View attachment 310285

See my links in #17
An able bodied 25 year old cant feed himself and im supposed to sympathize? Lmao
While i work 45 hours a week to help feed these freaks.
Fuck that
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

This guy is unmarried and living with two others in a one deb apartment... He has little in life and you think he needs motivation by making him starve...

This guy didn't have a great time growing up.. Thing is you don't care, has he refused programs? are the programs any good?

Let's start, Why didn't Trump increase funding for public funding job training first, are you sure there is enough spaces?

What does not having a good life have to do with getting a job and working for your food? If his other two buddies are also receiving the same amount in food stamps, they are bringing in close to $600.00 a month for food alone.
So what the fuck is your problem? The guy gets $194/ month in food stamps & you're bitching. It must really make you right wing fucktards feel good to target the poor. Got nothing better to do?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
I might have posted my prediction on this forum, or it might have been another forum.

To blunt the Great Recession, the federal government increased welfare spending tremendously. At that time, I predicted that the day would have to come when that increase would have to be pulled back once the economy recovered. And then the people who had come to depend on that largesse would riot in the streets.

See: The Road To Serfdom.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
I might have posted my prediction on this forum, or it might have been another forum.

To blunt the Great Recession, the federal government increased welfare spending tremendously. At that time, I predicted that the day would have to come when that increase would have to be pulled back once the economy recovered. And then the people who had come to depend on that largesse would riot in the streets.

See: The Road To Serfdom.

If the Republican Governors did not institute requirements, and Hillary were President, do you think this would have ever happened?
3 in a one bedroom apartment...….ok....and assuming all 3 work and share expenses????? They should be able to put food on the table without SNAP, but there is still food banks available to fill in
Yea & If the food pantry is empty there's always a soup line, right "Christian"?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

This guy is unmarried and living with two others in a one deb apartment... He has little in life and you think he needs motivation by making him starve...

This guy didn't have a great time growing up.. Thing is you don't care, has he refused programs? are the programs any good?

Let's start, Why didn't Trump increase funding for public funding job training first, are you sure there is enough spaces?

What does not having a good life have to do with getting a job and working for your food? If his other two buddies are also receiving the same amount in food stamps, they are bringing in close to $600.00 a month for food alone.
So what the fuck is your problem? The guy gets $194/ month in food stamps & you're bitching. It must really make you right wing fucktards feel good to target the poor. Got nothing better to do?

Where do you see me bitching about anything?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

A majority of the folks on SNAP are Trump supporters. This won't go well for the Mango Menace.
Link to these stats, please.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

A majority of the folks on SNAP are Trump supporters. This won't go well for the Mango Menace.
Darn, are that many Democrats voting for Trump now???

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

View attachment 310285

See my links in #17
So are you using primarily Liberal sources to prove that Democrats in red states are even lazier than your average Democrats???

The stats show that DEMOCRATS are the LARGEST group using food stamps!!!
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
He has t reduced the deficit. He’s blown a hole in the budget. Stop lying, loon

This is how you reduce the deficit, isn't it? You make cuts to programs. You know, like you Democrats have been complaining about during his administration?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

This guy is unmarried and living with two others in a one deb apartment... He has little in life and you think he needs motivation by making him starve...

This guy didn't have a great time growing up.. Thing is you don't care, has he refused programs? are the programs any good?

Let's start, Why didn't Trump increase funding for public funding job training first, are you sure there is enough spaces?

What does not having a good life have to do with getting a job and working for your food? If his other two buddies are also receiving the same amount in food stamps, they are bringing in close to $600.00 a month for food alone.
So what the fuck is your problem? The guy gets $194/ month in food stamps & you're bitching. It must really make you right wing fucktards feel good to target the poor. Got nothing better to do?
The leech in the OP is lazy as fuck, not poor, unless by his own devices and lack of initiative. Unfortunately, this type of economic vampire will resort to criminal activity rather than alleviate his hunger by honest work.
3 in a one bedroom apartment...….ok....and assuming all 3 work and share expenses????? They should be able to put food on the table without SNAP, but there is still food banks available to fill in

The person highlighted is 25 years old in a city with a super economy. The article doesn't state the age of his roommates, but I'm assuming they are all around the same age.

They also did not include if he could work, if he works, how many hours, or a lot of other factors that make you wonder why they left them out.

All we really know is that he's had a tough life. But that shouldn't matter when it comes to being physically able to work and getting a job.
Instead of those slimy cuts to a very small SNAP food budget, which enormously help the poor and struggling people, lets concentrate on saving at LEAST $100 billion in cutting useless programs completely that have no useful reason to exist.

Example from CAWG:

The United States is heading toward a fiscal reckoning. An August 21, 2019 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report projected a deficit of $960 billion for fiscal year (FY) 2019 and average annual deficits of $1.2 trillion between FYs 2020 and 2029. According to CBO Director Phillip Swagel, “the nation’s fiscal outlook is challenging. Federal debt, which is already high by historical standards, is on an unsustainable course, projected to rise even higher after 2029 because of the aging of the population, growth in per capita spending on health care, and rising interest costs.”

The two-year budget deal signed by President Trump on August 2, 2019 will contribute to the nation’s fiscal morass. It increases military and non-military spending by $320 billion above the budget caps imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and will pile on an estimated $1.7 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years.

To help prevent this fiscal disaster from occurring, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is releasing Prime Cuts 2019, which has been published since 1993. The 2019 version contains 620 recommendations that would save taxpayers $433.8 billion in the first year and $3.9 trillion over five years.

Prime Cuts 2019 addresses every area of government spending. For example, the report proposes eliminating the Market Access Program (MAP), which aims to help agricultural producers promote U.S. products overseas. However, MAP is a corporate welfare program that funnels millions of dollars to large, profitable corporations and trade associations that can well afford to pay for their own ads. Eliminating MAP would save taxpayers $870 million over five years.

Numerous cuts can be made at the Pentagon without jeopardizing national security, including eliminating congressional add-ons for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. The F-35 is $195 billion over budget, eight years behind schedule, and on pace to become the most expensive weapon system in history, with an estimated lifetime cost of $1.2 trillion for operation and maintenance.

The recommendations also include long-standing proposals to eliminate the sugar, dairy, and peanut programs; reduce Medicare improper payments by 50 percent; and, increase the use of software asset management tools.

By following the blueprint provided by CAGW’s Prime Cuts 2019, wasteful government spending can be reined in and the nation can begin to chart a path toward fiscal sanity. Prime Cuts 2019 is essential reading for taxpayers, the media, and legislators alike.

Eliminate the Rural Utilities Service

1-Year Savings: $8.4 billion
5-Year Savings: $42.1 billion

The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) was established in 1935 to bring electricity to America’s rural communities. By 1981, 98.7 percent electrification and 95 percent telephone service coverage was achieved. Rather than declaring victory and shutting down the REA, the agency was transformed into the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) in 1994 and then expanded to provide loans and grants for other purposes including telephone service to underserved areas of the country. That mission was further expanded under the 2002 Farm Bill to provide broadband services to unserved or underserved rural areas, which are generally defined as communities with populations of less than 20,000. These services are provided in part through the Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program (BAP).

Some of the BAP’s wasteful projects include the $667,120 given to Buford Communications of LaGrange, Arkansas, (population 122) in 2009 to build a hybrid fiber coaxial network and a new community center. This equates to $5,468 per resident of LaGrange.

Another RUS program rife with waste is the Water and Waste Disposal System Loans and Grants Program (WWD), which was intended to improve quality of life and create jobs in rural communities. According to a July 2012 Department of Agriculture (USDA) Inspector General (IG) report, “as of September 30, 2011, RUS had obligated $3.3 billion in grants and loans to fund 854 WWD projects throughout the United States.” Only three of the 22 projects examined by the IG were completed on time, and the majority of the projects were started five to 30 months after the funds were obligated. The RUS created only 415 new jobs through the WWD, which is “less than 20 percent of the actual jobs identified in planning estimates.”

CAGW’s 2019 Congressional Pig Book identified a $10 million earmark for high energy cost grants within the RUS.

The time has come to unplug and dispose of the RUS.


red bolding mine


Some people seem to enjoy beating down the poor and needy people, while ignoring massive waste of taxpayers money that doesn't help anyone but the super rich.
Last edited:
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

A majority of the folks on SNAP are Trump supporters. This won't go well for the Mango Menace.
Darn, are that many Democrats voting for Trump now???

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

View attachment 310285

See my links in #17
So are you using primarily Liberal sources to prove that Democrats in red states are even lazier than your average Democrats???

The stats show that DEMOCRATS are the LARGEST group using food stamps!!!

Sorry, that is NOT what the stats show.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

STOP Red State Socialism!

Instead of those slimy cuts to a very small SNAP food budget, which enormously help the poor and struggling people, lets concentrate on saving at LEAST $100 billion in cutting useless programs completely that have no useful reason to exist.

Example from CAWG:

The United States is heading toward a fiscal reckoning. An August 21, 2019 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report projected a deficit of $960 billion for fiscal year (FY) 2019 and average annual deficits of $1.2 trillion between FYs 2020 and 2029. According to CBO Director Phillip Swagel, “the nation’s fiscal outlook is challenging. Federal debt, which is already high by historical standards, is on an unsustainable course, projected to rise even higher after 2029 because of the aging of the population, growth in per capita spending on health care, and rising interest costs.”

The two-year budget deal signed by President Trump on August 2, 2019 will contribute to the nation’s fiscal morass. It increases military and non-military spending by $320 billion above the budget caps imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and will pile on an estimated $1.7 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years.

To help prevent this fiscal disaster from occurring, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is releasing Prime Cuts 2019, which has been published since 1993. The 2019 version contains 620 recommendations that would save taxpayers $433.8 billion in the first year and $3.9 trillion over five years.

Prime Cuts 2019 addresses every area of government spending. For example, the report proposes eliminating the Market Access Program (MAP), which aims to help agricultural producers promote U.S. products overseas. However, MAP is a corporate welfare program that funnels millions of dollars to large, profitable corporations and trade associations that can well afford to pay for their own ads. Eliminating MAP would save taxpayers $870 million over five years.

Numerous cuts can be made at the Pentagon without jeopardizing national security, including eliminating congressional add-ons for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. The F-35 is $195 billion over budget, eight years behind schedule, and on pace to become the most expensive weapon system in history, with an estimated lifetime cost of $1.2 trillion for operation and maintenance.

The recommendations also include long-standing proposals to eliminate the sugar, dairy, and peanut programs; reduce Medicare improper payments by 50 percent; and, increase the use of software asset management tools.

By following the blueprint provided by CAGW’s Prime Cuts 2019, wasteful government spending can be reined in and the nation can begin to chart a path toward fiscal sanity. Prime Cuts 2019 is essential reading for taxpayers, the media, and legislators alike.

Eliminate the Rural Utilities Service

1-Year Savings: $8.4 billion
5-Year Savings: $42.1 billion

The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) was established in 1935 to bring electricity to America’s rural communities. By 1981, 98.7 percent electrification and 95 percent telephone service coverage was achieved. Rather than declaring victory and shutting down the REA, the agency was transformed into the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) in 1994 and then expanded to provide loans and grants for other purposes including telephone service to underserved areas of the country. That mission was further expanded under the 2002 Farm Bill to provide broadband services to unserved or underserved rural areas, which are generally defined as communities with populations of less than 20,000. These services are provided in part through the Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program (BAP).

Some of the BAP’s wasteful projects include the $667,120 given to Buford Communications of LaGrange, Arkansas, (population 122) in 2009 to build a hybrid fiber coaxial network and a new community center. This equates to $5,468 per resident of LaGrange.

Another RUS program rife with waste is the Water and Waste Disposal System Loans and Grants Program (WWD), which was intended to improve quality of life and create jobs in rural communities. According to a July 2012 Department of Agriculture (USDA) Inspector General (IG) report, “as of September 30, 2011, RUS had obligated $3.3 billion in grants and loans to fund 854 WWD projects throughout the United States.” Only three of the 22 projects examined by the IG were completed on time, and the majority of the projects were started five to 30 months after the funds were obligated. The RUS created only 415 new jobs through the WWD, which is “less than 20 percent of the actual jobs identified in planning estimates.”

CAGW’s 2019 Congressional Pig Book identified a $10 million earmark for high energy cost grants within the RUS.

The time has come to unplug and dispose of the RUS.


red bolding mine


Some people seem to enjoy beating down the poor and needy people, while ignoring massive waste of taxpayers money that doesn't help anyone but the super rich.
Let's eliminate the Federal Department of Education. Totally superfluous and serves no purpose that local school districts/boards cannot.

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