SNAP's cuts have many worried.

Betcha if trump and the republicans engineered more tax cuts to the extremely wealthy and corporations tomorrow, there wouldn't be any squeals or bitches from his working class base I'm guessing. The republican party, always comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted.
Betcha if trump and the republicans engineered more tax cuts to the extremely wealthy and corporations tomorrow, there wouldn't be any squeals or bitches from his working class base I'm guessing. The republican party, always comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted.

So what, are Trump's fans supposed to be outraged every time Trump does something for other Americans?

Trump improved black unemployment rate. GET HIM!

Sorry Bernie Bro, but not everyone is a socialist. We can make America great for all Americans.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
Letting people starve, while Trump golfs near every weekend at one of his resorts on my tax dollar.... I'd rather feed the needy than pay humongous amounts of money for him to enrich his own resorts.

This man said in his campaign he would never golf, he would be too busy working....while mocking Obama.
Last edited:
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
Letting people starve, while Trump holds near every weekend at one of his resorts on my tax dollar.... I'd rather feed the needy than pay humongous amounts of money for him to enrich his own resorts.

This man said in his campaign he would never golf, he would be too busy working....while mocking Obama.

No one is allowed to starve. The biggest problem for those people is... being too damn fat.

Getting a job is easier than ever in Trump's America.

President Trump has just donated his wage to combat Corona virus. Great charitable president we have.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
Letting people starve, while Trump holds near every weekend at one of his resorts on my tax dollar.... I'd rather feed the needy than pay humongous amounts of money for him to enrich his own resorts.

This man said in his campaign he would never golf, he would be too busy working....while mocking Obama.

And didn't DumBama say the same thing and do the same thing? And since you're a leftist, can you tell me you never complained about the deficit or debt under Trump?
Betcha if trump and the republicans engineered more tax cuts to the extremely wealthy and corporations tomorrow, there wouldn't be any squeals or bitches from his working class base I'm guessing. The republican party, always comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted.

Yes, we know. You are totally against people keeping money they earned, and totally for giving money away to people that didn't earn it.
My recollection had been that you were a reasonably intelligent feller Will. Either Donald Dumbed you Down or my recollection was off ;)

If Trump hadn't come along, I'd have to have run and won the Presidency....I'm late in the 4th quarter so I let him do it and am enjoying the hell out of him doing it while I kick back and enjoy my golden years. Your drug-addled recollections obviously didn't include my years on the Slate board calling for open warfare with the Swamp.

Ahh good ol' Slate. I found that place during the 2000 hanging chad debacle when SCOTUS selected Junior. Mostly BallotBox as I recall. All the boards eventually become cesspool RW fever swamps. This one no exception. ;)

The SCOTUS didn't select anybody. They asked the lower Florida courts to explain their judicial legislation.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

Trump is not cutting the budget nor reducing the deficit, he is merely moving where the money is spent

I have no idea what that means, or how you got that out of the OP.
Ahh good ol' Slate. I found that place during the 2000 hanging chad debacle when SCOTUS selected Junior. Mostly BallotBox as I recall. All the boards eventually become cesspool RW fever swamps. This one no exception. ;)

You're speaking with the KING of Ballot Box......JoeBlam....yard-boss after SB lost his mojo and Slate marooned us to outsiders. The BEST of was all new and exciting...we even had e-orgies....ah, the good ol days.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
They instituted these cuts in Maine several years ago. The lines at the food pantries doubled, but that was about it. It definitely got rid of the people who had been taking advantage, though--like the fishermen who would manage to collect SNAP during the off season when they'd raked in $60,000 or more in the summer.

I still wish we would go back to more government surplus foods. They would bring them around in a truck each month and anyone who wanted could get in line to get what they liked of staples to stretch their food budget. Then no one could complain about people buying sodas and candybars with their food stamps.

It's worse than that where I live. What they do here is stand in line asking customers in front or behind them if they could use their card to purchase some of their food items. Let's say a customer lets them buy 25 bucks of their food for them. At the end of the line, the customer buys his or her food back from the guy for 20 bucks. The SNAP's guy gets the 20 cash, and the customer who assisted him gets 25 bucks of food for 20 dollars saving them five bucks.
That's way too convoluted for my mind to grasp. But sounds like the surplus food truck is still a good idea.


Limit what can be bought instead.

No junk food, sodas and so on...


Have Walmart deliver a box weekly that can feed those on Snap...
Limit what can be bought instead.
No junk food, sodas and so on...

Maine tried that, Bruce. It was the federal government that nixed it. We couldn't impose restrictions that weren't in place by the feds, I guess.

Besides, your suggestions would require a lot of record keeping and more bureaucrats to keep books. I think surplus food would be cheaper in the long run--and maybe we could use some of that perfectly good food that gets thrown away every year by farmers who find it cheaper than taking it to market.

They throw it away because:

1. Government regulations prevent them from selling it.
2. Consumers don't want it. Do you really think all chickens lay perfectly sized, white eggs? No, they don't, but the farmer throws them away because no one will buy them.

There are other reasons why so much gets thrown away, but cheaper is not a big driver.
My recollection had been that you were a reasonably intelligent feller Will. Either Donald Dumbed you Down or my recollection was off ;)

If Trump hadn't come along, I'd have to have run and won the Presidency....I'm late in the 4th quarter so I let him do it and am enjoying the hell out of him doing it while I kick back and enjoy my golden years. Your drug-addled recollections obviously didn't include my years on the Slate board calling for open warfare with the Swamp.

Ahh good ol' Slate. I found that place during the 2000 hanging chad debacle when SCOTUS selected Junior. Mostly BallotBox as I recall. All the boards eventually become cesspool RW fever swamps. This one no exception. ;)

The SCOTUS didn't select anybody. They asked the lower Florida courts to explain their judicial legislation.

Your opinion. What Scalia essentially said was that continuing to count the votes could be detrimental to Junior. It was pure partisan BS. But Jeb! and his sidekick Katherine "Cruella" Harris put the fix in. And we got Iraq. Yay us!

Ahh good ol' Slate. I found that place during the 2000 hanging chad debacle when SCOTUS selected Junior. Mostly BallotBox as I recall. All the boards eventually become cesspool RW fever swamps. This one no exception. ;)

You're speaking with the KING of Ballot Box......JoeBlam....yard-boss after SB lost his mojo and Slate marooned us to outsiders. The BEST of was all new and exciting...we even had e-orgies....ah, the good ol days.

BLAMMY - Good to see ya man! Howz life in (is it) Phoenix? Still runnin' the canals and beatin' up lib-ruls?

Have ya stayed in touch with that inherited wealth scrawny legged slut in Florida? :cool:
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
Letting people starve, while Trump holds near every weekend at one of his resorts on my tax dollar.... I'd rather feed the needy than pay humongous amounts of money for him to enrich his own resorts.

This man said in his campaign he would never golf, he would be too busy working....while mocking Obama.

No one is allowed to starve. The biggest problem for those people is... being too damn fat.

Getting a job is easier than ever in Trump's America.

President Trump has just donated his wage to combat Corona virus. Great charitable president we have.
It's harder to get a job now in TRUMPs great economy..... unemployment is low, we are nearly at full capacity for the kind of job these people would get, imo. There will always be poor people, that we have to take care of, or give a lift up.... now, and in Christ's time and in Moses time etc... not all are slackers...

And the bottom line is we should not have to pay for his staff and Ron Paul or Ted Cruise or Mulveyney or his press secretary etc etc etc to spend weekends at his resorts, but we do.... they turn it in as expenses... And then secret service, and air force one and maybe it's pilot and crew to stay there every or near, weekend....

While you take away $197 dollars a month of food assistance for someone who needs it... it's just not right....imho.

Hopefully they can find a church or soup kitchen....
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

This guy is unmarried and living with two others in a one deb apartment... He has little in life and you think he needs motivation by making him starve...

This guy didn't have a great time growing up.. Thing is you don't care, has he refused programs? are the programs any good?

Let's start, Why didn't Trump increase funding for public funding job training first, are you sure there is enough spaces?

It is not the Federal Government to increase job training programs...

The State of Illinois, Cook County and the City of Chicago can offer Job training programs and can offer a State type food stamp system to supplement the shortfall from the Federal Government.

In the end you should be asking why the State, County and Local governments are failing their tax paying citizens?

So they want SNAP a federal program to rely on Job Training a State Program without the Trump Administration informing them...
Can we ask what are the standards for these Job Training Programs and which qualified Federal Employees are going to vet and oversee these programs... Where is the dept to check (interfere with) States...
I think a State should have a nose picking job training course....

This is what happens when you work without co-ordination...
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

This guy is unmarried and living with two others in a one deb apartment... He has little in life and you think he needs motivation by making him starve...

This guy didn't have a great time growing up.. Thing is you don't care, has he refused programs? are the programs any good?

Let's start, Why didn't Trump increase funding for public funding job training first, are you sure there is enough spaces?
How about getting a job?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

This guy is unmarried and living with two others in a one deb apartment... He has little in life and you think he needs motivation by making him starve...

This guy didn't have a great time growing up.. Thing is you don't care, has he refused programs? are the programs any good?

Let's start, Why didn't Trump increase funding for public funding job training first, are you sure there is enough spaces?

It is not the Federal Government to increase job training programs...

The State of Illinois, Cook County and the City of Chicago can offer Job training programs and can offer a State type food stamp system to supplement the shortfall from the Federal Government.

In the end you should be asking why the State, County and Local governments are failing their tax paying citizens?

So they want SNAP a federal program to rely on Job Training a State Program without the Trump Administration informing them...
Can we ask what are the standards for these Job Training Programs and which qualified Federal Employees are going to vet and oversee these programs... Where is the dept to check (interfere with) States...
I think a State should have a nose picking job training course....

This is what happens when you work without co-ordination...
Maybe they can find a job. Notice not one of you loons has thought this guy should get a job.
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?
Letting people starve, while Trump holds near every weekend at one of his resorts on my tax dollar.... I'd rather feed the needy than pay humongous amounts of money for him to enrich his own resorts.

This man said in his campaign he would never golf, he would be too busy working....while mocking Obama.

No one is allowed to starve. The biggest problem for those people is... being too damn fat.

Getting a job is easier than ever in Trump's America.

President Trump has just donated his wage to combat Corona virus. Great charitable president we have.
It's harder to get a job now in TRUMPs great economy..... unemployment is low, we are nearly at full capacity for the kind of job these people would get, imo. There will always be poor people, that we have to take care of, or give a lift up.... now, and in Christ's time and in Moses time etc... not all are slackers...

And the bottom line is we should not have to pay for his staff and Ron Paul or Ted Cruise or Mulveyney or his press secretary etc etc etc to spend weekends at his resorts, but we do.... they turn it in as expenses... And then secret service, and air force one and maybe it's pilot and crew to stay there every or near, weekend....

While you take away $197 dollars a month of food assistance for someone who needs it... it's just not right....imho.

Hopefully they can find a church or soup kitchen....

Someone other than the federal government can deal with those poor people who truly are not capable enough to get a job in Trump economy. Yicks, horrible existence...

But Care what is this obsession with the Trump resorts? It is a joke right?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

Trump is not cutting the budget nor reducing the deficit, he is merely moving where the money is spent

I have no idea what that means, or how you got that out of the OP.

You said "Now Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit..."

This is false, I pointed it out.

Seems simple enough
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

Trump is not cutting the budget nor reducing the deficit, he is merely moving where the money is spent

I have no idea what that means, or how you got that out of the OP.

You said "Now Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit..."

This is false, I pointed it out.

Seems simple enough
One day he's a government expert and the next an infectious disease expert. Who knew?
CHICAGO (AP) — Having food stamps offers Richard Butler stability he’s rarely known in his 25 years. He was in state custody at age 2, spent his teen years at a Chicago boys’ home and jail for burglary, and has since struggled to find a permanent home.

The $194 deposited monthly on his benefits card buys fresh produce and meat.

“It means the world to me,” said Butler, who shares a one-bedroom apartment with two others. “We can go without a lot of things, like phones and music. We can’t go without eating.”

But that stability is being threatened for people like Butler, who are able-bodied, without dependents and between the ages 18 and 49. New Trump administration rules taking effect April 1 put hundreds of thousands of people in his situation at risk of losing their benefits. They hit particularly hard in places like Illinois, which also has been dealing with a separate, similar change in the nation's third-largest city.

From Hawaii to Pennsylvania, states are scrambling to blunt the impact, with roughly 700,000 people at risk of losing benefits unless they meet certain work, training or school requirements. They've filed a multi-state lawsuit, expanded publicly funded job training, developed pilot programs and doubled down efforts to reach vulnerable communities, including the homeless, rural residents and people of color.

States scramble to prepare ahead of food stamps rule change

Just a little something different from the 50 primary topics today.

For the last year or so, all we have seen are the leftists on this board protest Trump's spending. Well, Trump heard your pleas. Now he's cutting spending. This is not a new idea, it's been implemented in many of the Republican governed states, and seems to have been successful.

Now that Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit, how many of you spending complainers approve of his idea? After all, the economy is doing well, so you can't complain that some people can't get a job. It won't hurt our elderly as the age limit is up to 49. It won't hurt the children because these standards only apply to those with no dependents. What can you object to?

Trump is not cutting the budget nor reducing the deficit, he is merely moving where the money is spent

I have no idea what that means, or how you got that out of the OP.

You said "Now Trump is cutting the budget to reduce the deficit..."

This is false, I pointed it out.

Seems simple enough
One day he's a government expert and the next an infectious disease expert. Who knew?

You really should not post when you are drunk, you make no sense

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