Sneering DNC-MSM loses it when Trump calls on CBN and Townhall’s Katie Pavlich

The liberal MSM has only themselves to blame for being reduced to this..........:desk:................; especially after eight long years of throwing softballs at Obie!

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary
Softball questions:

A smiling Clinton, holding a roll of papers in her left hand, says to the press, “Hey guys! Welcome to our big plane! (Press responds, “Hi!”) It’s so exciting!”

First question to Clinton, “What do you think?”

Clinton replies, “I think it’s pretty cool, don’t you?”

Clinton talks over the second question, “How does it feel to…” and leans over the reporter telling him, “You’re supposed to say yes.” (Laughter from reporters.)

Third question, “Are you glad to have all of us with you?”

Clinton, “I am so happy to have all of you with me!”

Fourth question, “Have you missed us?”

Clinton, “I’ve been just waiting for this moment. And I’m thrill…No, really and I’ll come back and talk to you more formally but I wanted to welcome you onto the plane!”

Fifth question, “How was your Labor Day weekend?”

Clinton, “It was good! It was really good, yeah! We had a good time, the last moment of…(Clinton exaggerates a relaxing exhaling to demonstrate calm.)”

Clinton interrupts her reply to greet Showtime’s Mark McKinnon who is filming a documentary program on the election, “Hello Mark! I recognize your hat. How are you? I’m glad you’re here!”

Clinton finishes her reply to the Labor Day weekend question, “Yeah, last moment before the mad dash–the next two months. So I hope you guys are ready. And uh…

Clinton, “I’m ready. I’m more than ready. (To staffer) Are you ready Ruhn? (sp)

Clinton staffer, “Very ready.”

Clinton, “Has Ruhn (sp) been taking good care of you?”

Press, “Yeah, he’s great. He has”

Staffer, “They are lying. (Laughter.) It’s been great.”

Clinton, “It really has been, how long have you been working for me now?”

Staffer, “Uh, two-and-a-half years?”

Clinton, “Two-and-a-half years. He started right out of, you were still, still in college?

Reporter, “Right out of Penn!”

Clinton, “Right out of Penn!”

Reporter, “Stole him right out of college.”

Clinton, “I know, I know. We’re so happy.”

Sixth question, “Are you ready?”

THOSE are softball questions, and they are the reason that Trump isn't interested in talking to the idiots who ran after the Clintons and Obamas. It's abject groveling, and embarrassing for anybody with a scintilla of integrity or understanding of real journalism.

VIDEO=>Fawning Press Asks Softball Questions of Hillary Clinton on New Campaign Plane
"As soon as President Trump began fielding press questions, liberal reporters started developing a new pastime: balking at their conservative counterparts for lobbing "softball questions." But a quick review of the record reveals that journalism's strike zone has narrowed suddenly and significantly. The mainstream media certainly wasn't pitching heat during President Barack Obama's first couple press conferences."

"When Obama called on Jeff Zeleney back in May 2009, the New York Times reporter didn't get the president on the record about the state of national security or the worsening fiscal crisis. Instead, the writer wondered if the leader of the free world felt magical.

"During these first 100 days," he asked, "what has surprised you the most about this office? Enchanted you the most from serving in this office? Humbled you the most? And troubled you the most?"

"Even after Democrats got hammered in the 2010 midterms, the rigor of questions didn't improve. Instead, respected journalists from respectable outlets kept up their game of soft toss. Normally, the press is supposed to be a bit adversarial with their sources. But Carry Bohan of Reuters was downright congratulatory about a bipartisan tax deal forged with Republicans.

"You racked up a lot of wins in the last few weeks that a lot of people thought would be difficult to come by," Bohan asked Obama. "Are you ready to call yourself the 'comeback kid?'"

"Sometimes, the press openly batted for Democrats. During the 2011 Republican primary, CNN White House correspondent Dan Lothian asked Obama if he thought the GOP candidates were "uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible."

After letting Obama tee-off for eight years, media shouldn't complain about 'softball questions'

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!
Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

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