Sneering DNC-MSM loses it when Trump calls on CBN and Townhall’s Katie Pavlich

The press should be this vigilant with EVERY President, not just the ones with which whom they disagree. That's disingenuous at best and flat out propoganda more likely.
No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.

Now, to get this thread back on track - do you, like nazigrl, believe that Trump should refuse to allow anyone to question him?
False narrative...I.e., lie. He hasn't refused to be questioned by anyone. He has failed to cater to abusive, dishonest hacks.

Try again. You wish you were a hack. Instead you're just another sad, dishonest troll.
The press should be this vigilant with EVERY President, not just the ones with which whom they disagree. That's disingenuous at best and flat out propoganda more likely.
There is a reason the doctor is stupid uses a giant anus as his avatar.

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

That was yesterday, Doc. Today is a new day. Trump went toe-to-toe with looney leftist media at his news presser, and hit it ouutta da' park! Now, that is a really, really good thing to me, along with the rest of the half of the country that supports him!!!......................cue the yellow dancin' man, pleeze......................:dance:...................
Trump is formally acknowledging he's terrified of the press.

He's simply punishing fake news outlets.
hes refusing to cater to them why should he? Theyve repeatedly lied and jeered when they were given the chance to behave as journalists. He doesnt have to keep giving them a platform.


The press already has a platform. Trump can't take it away, all he can do is whine about it.

No honey, that's his platform, his podium.

And if he doesnt' call on them, they have no platform. They have nada.

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.
That's a textbook definition of a 'softball' question
Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.

Now, to get this thread back on track - do you, like nazigrl, believe that Trump should refuse to allow anyone to question him?
False narrative...I.e., lie. He hasn't refused to be questioned by anyone. He has failed to cater to abusive, dishonest hacks.

Try again. You wish you were a hack. Instead you're just another sad, dishonest troll.

If you watched the presser he talked over and shouted down CNN, chastised them and deferred to the outlets that are "fair" to him, since he whines incessantly about the press being so "unfair". Such a big ass baby this Trump von ClownStick.
So let's see what we have here.

The MSM spends hours broadcasting how Trump is Hitler and going to...well it doesn't matter what he does he's Hitler! The leftwing nut bags that watch this shit not only agree but run to the forums to proclaim TRUMP IS HITLER!!!

Trump doesn't call on these people that spend all this time calling him Hitler and the MSM get's all pissy and their lemming followers follow suit. Of course by saying if he doesn't call on the people calling him HITLER, he's...well...hitler.

And not one of you left wingers seem to be able to figure out why he and his supporters won't take you seriously. Because I'm sure you will explain to me he is Hitler and we're all Nazi's.

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

what on earth are you talking about. no one loses it except for trump loons.

now stop whining like the little beatch you are.

He's on your side.....stupid.
Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.

Now, to get this thread back on track - do you, like nazigrl, believe that Trump should refuse to allow anyone to question him?
False narrative...I.e., lie. He hasn't refused to be questioned by anyone. He has failed to cater to abusive, dishonest hacks.

Try again. You wish you were a hack. Instead you're just another sad, dishonest troll.

If you watched the presser he talked over and shouted down CNN, chastised them and deferred to the outlets that are "fair" to him, since he whines incessantly about the press being so "unfair". Such a big ass baby this Trump von ClownStick.

Actually, cnn tried to shout him down.
Extremely bad form, but everything they do is bad form.

'Karma's a b*tch, isn't it'? Sneering MSM lose it when Trump calls on Katie Pavlich, CBN

Because only the MSM has the proper skill and training to ask the president hard-hitting questions such as this “enchanting” example courtesy of Jeff Zeleny, then with the New York Times, now with CNN:

No, it's because they are far right conservative fake news outlets.

Nope, the fake news are the guys who aren't getting the chance to lie anymore.

'Karma's a b*tch, isn't it'? Sneering MSM lose it when Trump calls on Katie Pavlich, CBN

Because only the MSM has the proper skill and training to ask the president hard-hitting questions such as this “enchanting” example courtesy of Jeff Zeleny, then with the New York Times, now with CNN:

Pavlich is one of the best legitimate reporters on the planet. She reports the facts, something CNN and the NY Times DESPERATELY need to learn to do.

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

You mean like "how enchanted he is" in his 1st hundred days? I'm having fun watching the MSM squirm. They need to learn manners, and they need to learn how to be competent journalists again. They became nothing but propagandists under obama and it became very obvious that they would have continued the same bullshit with hillary.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”

Sounds like a valid question.

CNN is a joke, no better than DailKOS or ThinkProgress. And let's face it, the NY Times isn't much better.


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

You have an overactive imagination and FAR too much delusion of your worth if you think anyone here invests enough emotion to bother hating you. :eusa_whistle:

Seriously dude, you're pathetic leftist wanker. You're good to bat around and illustrate what fools you Communists are, but that's the extent of it...

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