Sneering DNC-MSM loses it when Trump calls on CBN and Townhall’s Katie Pavlich

And I hate all liars and commies. All of them. I'd love to see you behind bars. Don't take it personally. You don't happen to receive a federal paycheck, do you? You must be shitting cookies.
Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
Refusal to acknowledge facts is a trade mark of shills. Now the question: "What facts?" LMAO!
the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?
the reality is that CNN is peddling fake news, and people really do want to know what reforms the president would like to see.

THIS is softball:

“I’ve talked to several people and they came up and said, you know, ‘She’s so different than I thought she would be. She’s so much more of a people person. She’s funny, she’s nice.’ Do you think that people, like, don’t get you? I mean, you get out there and people see a different side of you.” - Maria Shriver interview of Hills.

“A lot of the women that I meet from traveling overseas are very impressed by you and admire your dignity. A lot of the people you meet are people who’ve suffered, people you saw today, and who believe that they identify with you, because they have seen you suffer.” HAHAHAHAHA Christiane Amanpour after a TOUR OF REFUGEE CAMPS.

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into?”
“I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.” Bawbawa wawa softball

“What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand?...Someone told me your nickname in school was ‘Miss Frigidaire.’ Is that true?” Katie Couric softball.

So again, tell me how asking Trump what he would like to see from the press, when ALL the press are pissing themselves over the fact that he's dissing them, is *softball*?

You're a moron, btw. And creepy as well.

TV Reporters’ Top 10 Softball Questions for Hillary


I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.

More fantasy and trolling on your part, I'm afraid.

Though I am happy to hear you've been depressed. It would be a shame if you offed yourself. Or just died of liver failure like that douchebag del did.

I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Yeah, that's what he means.

When a thread exposes him as a lack luster nematode, he trolls the shit out of it. That's what he's doing here.

I bet that somewhere in your hate-filled, shriveled little heart you actually believe that calling me a "moron" will really hurt my feelings.

The fact that you hate me is something I treasure - it means I'm doing something right.

As for Doyle's verbal fellating of Drumpfenfuerer, I'm not surprised that you don't think it's inappropriate. In fact, I have no doubt that you'd support a law prohibiting any questioning of him at all. Send them all to the camps!

No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.

Now, to get this thread back on track - do you, like nazigrl, believe that Trump should refuse to allow anyone to question him?
No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.


Poor baby. And what is with your obsession with anus?
No I don't expect to hurt your feelings. I'm just identifying you for any of the fools who might want to take you seriously because you're a mod..or think you're anything except a dishonest, know-nothing troll with an inexplicable *in* with the admin.

If I could ignore you, I would. Unfortunately, since you're a mod, I have to deal with your stalkiness and your stupidity. So I am going to comment on it. You'll be otay spanky.

Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.
So you don't have any proof. We all know that. I just like to give you a chance to prove you aren't lying.
Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.
So you don't have any proof. We all know that. I just like to give you a chance to prove you aren't lying.

I don't have any "proof" of what, exactly?

That Trump is only taking questions from right-wing news sources?
Damn right I'm "otay" with it, nazigrl. Every post you make proves my point for me - I only wish you'd respond to my posts more.

Of course you do, troll. You clamor for my attention.

Well, no. Not quite.

But I do get a kick out of watching your fascist fantasies and deluded responses to my posts - and the knowledge that I get under your skin does wonders to cheer me up.
You mean her facts to your tired repetitive bullshit, don't you?

Neither you nor nazigrl would know a "fact" if it fucked you in the ass.

But I'm sure your cheerleading makes her feel better.
So you don't have any proof. We all know that. I just like to give you a chance to prove you aren't lying.
He lies continually, it's what he does.

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