Sneering DNC-MSM loses it when Trump calls on CBN and Townhall’s Katie Pavlich


I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.
Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.
If you had no problem with 8 years of softball qiestions for Obama, why do you have your panties in tight little wad about it now?

I can't help but ask - does no one else see the irony of the right-wing party line these days?

Are you really that proud that your Drumpfenfuerer is only taking soft-ball questions from specifically friendly media?

Is that really a good thing to you?

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Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
That's not softball lol.


Sure it is. All that's missing is an offer to wash Der Fuerer's balls for him, too.

But please, continue to deny reality. It's amazing to watch.

what on earth are you talking about. no one loses it except for trump loons.

now stop whining like the little beatch you are.

He's on your side.....stupid.

It's not Jillian's fault, she hasn't been the same since the toilet lid fell as she was getting a drink.

What's funny is these Stalinist loons actually thing THEY are winning..

Fucking morons.
Interesting how CNN and friends feel compelled to be there. They don't need to - just wasting their time since their stories are written by their fearless leaders hours before any press conference begins. Hey, chillins like that could better spend their time on actual naps!
As far as "the press" goes there may be three decent news organizations left in this country, None of them tart with C, N, A, M, or even H, so the truth may hurt you lying murdering liberals just because you cant look at yourself in the mirror without seeing what shit you are, and how disgusting and vile you are BUT hey THE TRUTH IS YOUR "press" is just a propaganda medium for the most dangerous group of murdering scum on earth.
Folks who missed it, check out today's press conference held by the President. He took questions from CNN, BBC, anyone and everyone and he fucking pwnd them all. Much more entertaining than all the SNL shows combined. Just awesome. It is so great to have The Donald as President. :)
Give us an example of a softball question, there, commie.

Sure thing, nazigrl. From Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News:

“With CNN's decision to publish fake news, and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”
And how is that a softball question


If you can't see it, I can't help you.
So you say it is a softball question. You can't back up why it is a softball question so you claim one is too stupid if they can't see it. So you determine that if you say it it is true, end of story, and the rest of us should just accept that. Perfect example of a lack of critical thinking which is a contagion among leftist trump haters. You can't insult your way to win an argument.

It's a "softball" question because it accepts the premises of Trump's delusions, rather than challenging them.

But you don't see that, because you're party to that delusion too. Hense my post.

The job of the press is not to enthusiastically agree with everything the President says.

Do you even read what you write. The job of the press,is not to,enthusiastically agree with everything the president says? Where have you been the last eight years? So it is a delusion that the msm is vehemently and passionately anti trump? You can't be serious. Have another glass of wine doc or don't bogart that joint pass it over to me.

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