Snl has black only auditions

It's the story of a modern black american family celebrating christmas.

For gods sake...

Why does it have to be "black American family?" Why not just "American Family?" Why do we have to define ourselves by our race? More importantly, what do you think would happen if they aired a show called "White Nativity?"

Needs repeating.

Because it's an adaptation from an earlier play the was about a white family, this time told from the perspective of a black family.

Don't worry, it only got 2 stars from idmb, bad reviews and has a limited release, so it won't be intruding on your white christmas.
Cris Rock ROCKS. I love him, lol.

Chris Rock is hilarious and like Dave Chappel and Richard Pryor before him echoes of truth about race relations in american can be realized...if one can take off their race blinders.
Yeah, he has a mouth on him, but going past his choice of words, the truth is there. THAT is what I like. And he isn't biased. He slams everyone with the ugly truth, regardless of color.
Why does it have to be "black American family?" Why not just "American Family?" Why do we have to define ourselves by our race? More importantly, what do you think would happen if they aired a show called "White Nativity?"

Needs repeating.

Because it's an adaptation from an earlier play the was about a white family, this time told from the perspective of a black family.

Don't worry, it only got 2 stars from idmb, bad reviews and has a limited release, so it won't be intruding on your white christmas.

Was the earlier play called "White Nativity?" I didn't think so.
Yeah, he has a mouth on him, but going past his choice of words, the truth is there. THAT is what I like. And he isn't biased. He slams everyone with the ugly truth, regardless of color.

Sorry, can't get past the mouth. Why do so many idiots think the "f" word is funny? If you have to resort to profanity to get a laugh, guess what? It isn't funny!
That's what Bill Cosby said. I agree. But...I also laugh at fart jokes too. :lol:
Tut did have sickle cell among other ailments. Funny thing is they were from exactly where they said they were from. The Great Lakes region of Africa.

The Thuya Gene

That's ridiculous. Tutankhamen did not have sickel cell. He died as healthy as someone that inbred could be. For years it was believed that he was murdered. Possibly by an uncle or the vizier that married Tut's wife. Advanced forensic techniques agree that it was most probably a chariot crash.

One German scientist said that Tut may have died of sickel cell anemia which would have been remarkable since the first recorded case of that disease in Egypt did not occur until 1951.

Hmmm, no. The first diagnosed case AND they didn't say tut had SC, they said he carried the gene. If you don't know the difference then don't post and look...less then educated.

Honestly this was the last link I had. Do you have something more recent?

King Tut Died of Blood Disorder: Study : Discovery News
Nice try, but wrong:

African American Celebrity & Civil Rights: 1946-1960


Sidney Potier was always one of my favorites.

You know what I mean. All the good roles were reserved for white actors. Blacks usually got the servant, slave, and jigaboo roles. Just one of the things that drives today's perceptions of Black people.

Yes, I know what you mean. You mean that white people are always racist and blacks are always victims. Can't get much more racist than that, can you? You even ended your little paragraph with an excuse for things to continue to be that way.

All white people are not racist. i know that for a fact believe me. However, burying your head in the sand and pretending Hollywood did and still does not drive perceptions is pretty naive.
That's ridiculous. Tutankhamen did not have sickel cell. He died as healthy as someone that inbred could be. For years it was believed that he was murdered. Possibly by an uncle or the vizier that married Tut's wife. Advanced forensic techniques agree that it was most probably a chariot crash.

One German scientist said that Tut may have died of sickel cell anemia which would have been remarkable since the first recorded case of that disease in Egypt did not occur until 1951.

Hmmm, no. The first diagnosed case AND they didn't say tut had SC, they said he carried the gene. If you don't know the difference then don't post and look...less then educated.

Honestly this was the last link I had. Do you have something more recent?

King Tut Died of Blood Disorder: Study : Discovery News

That's ridiculous. Tutankhamen did not have sickel cell. He died as healthy as someone that inbred could be. For years it was believed that he was murdered. Possibly by an uncle or the vizier that married Tut's wife. Advanced forensic techniques agree that it was most probably a chariot crash.

One German scientist said that Tut may have died of sickel cell anemia which would have been remarkable since the first recorded case of that disease in Egypt did not occur until 1951.

Hmmm, no. The first diagnosed case AND they didn't say tut had SC, they said he carried the gene. If you don't know the difference then don't post and look...less then educated.

Honestly this was the last link I had. Do you have something more recent?

King Tut Died of Blood Disorder: Study : Discovery News

Your own words say "he died of a blood disorder". For a long time, Tut was thought to have died of malaria. Advanced forensic techniques and virtual modeling revealed massive trauma.

King Tutankhamun was a BOY RACER who died in chariot accident, British study reveals - Mirror Online

If you know anything about Egyptology, you have to know that if there was a genetic disease like sickle cell, it would not have been carried by one person, it would have been present throughout the royal family since only the children of a brother and sister are eligible to advance to the throne. The exception was when Alexander conquered Egypt in 332 BC and installed Cleomenes as Viceroy. Cleomenes remained viceroy until Ptolomey brought Alexander's body back to Egypt and became Pharoah. Thereafter, the royal family contained Greek genetic material, which might have given it a boost in the continuation of the royal family. Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolomeic royal family so instead of black, Cleopatra would have been GREEK!

At Tut's time, Egypt was at war with Nubia over trade routes. While there were Nubians in Egypt, they would have been slaves captured in battle.

There is no way to conceptualize sickle cell present in Egyptian genes since the 18th dynasty and then remained dormant until the first reported case in 1951. After all, Tut's mummy was not the only one discovered.
Hmmm, no. The first diagnosed case AND they didn't say tut had SC, they said he carried the gene. If you don't know the difference then don't post and look...less then educated.

Honestly this was the last link I had. Do you have something more recent?

King Tut Died of Blood Disorder: Study : Discovery News

Your own words say "he died of a blood disorder". For a long time, Tut was thought to have died of malaria. Advanced forensic techniques and virtual modeling revealed massive trauma.

King Tutankhamun was a BOY RACER who died in chariot accident, British study reveals - Mirror Online

If you know anything about Egyptology, you have to know that if there was a genetic disease like sickle cell, it would not have been carried by one person, it would have been present throughout the royal family since only the children of a brother and sister are eligible to advance to the throne. The exception was when Alexander conquered Egypt in 332 BC and installed Cleomenes as Viceroy. Cleomenes remained viceroy until Ptolomey brought Alexander's body back to Egypt and became Pharoah. Thereafter, the royal family contained Greek genetic material, which might have given it a boost in the continuation of the royal family. Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolomeic royal family so instead of black, Cleopatra would have been GREEK!

At Tut's time, Egypt was at war with Nubia over trade routes. While there were Nubians in Egypt, they would have been slaves captured in battle.

There is no way to conceptualize sickle cell present in Egyptian genes since the 18th dynasty and then remained dormant until the first reported case in 1951. After all, Tut's mummy was not the only one discovered.

At times nubia was part of the egyptian empire and nubians citizens. It is believed there was at least one pharoah who was black.
Hmmm, no. The first diagnosed case AND they didn't say tut had SC, they said he carried the gene. If you don't know the difference then don't post and look...less then educated.

Honestly this was the last link I had. Do you have something more recent?

King Tut Died of Blood Disorder: Study : Discovery News

Your own words say "he died of a blood disorder". For a long time, Tut was thought to have died of malaria. Advanced forensic techniques and virtual modeling revealed massive trauma.

King Tutankhamun was a BOY RACER who died in chariot accident, British study reveals - Mirror Online

If you know anything about Egyptology, you have to know that if there was a genetic disease like sickle cell, it would not have been carried by one person, it would have been present throughout the royal family since only the children of a brother and sister are eligible to advance to the throne. The exception was when Alexander conquered Egypt in 332 BC and installed Cleomenes as Viceroy. Cleomenes remained viceroy until Ptolomey brought Alexander's body back to Egypt and became Pharoah. Thereafter, the royal family contained Greek genetic material, which might have given it a boost in the continuation of the royal family. Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolomeic royal family so instead of black, Cleopatra would have been GREEK!

At Tut's time, Egypt was at war with Nubia over trade routes. While there were Nubians in Egypt, they would have been slaves captured in battle.

There is no way to conceptualize sickle cell present in Egyptian genes since the 18th dynasty and then remained dormant until the first reported case in 1951. After all, Tut's mummy was not the only one discovered.

Were you aware that sickle cell is classified as a blood disorder? Please tell me you are not that stupid and talking about genetics in the same post? :lol:

What Is Sickle Cell Anemia? - NHLBI, NIH

Sickle cell anemia (uh-NEE-me-uh) is the most common form of sickle cell disease (SCD). SCD is a serious disorder in which the body makes sickle-shaped red blood cells. “Sickle-shaped” means that the red blood cells are shaped like a crescent.
No doubt a white only audition would be completely fine, eh libs?

?SNL? invites black women to secret auditions

If you're looking to cast a part for an elderly Asian man, do you invite young Jewish women to the Audition???

You fucking idiot!!

Go back to stormfront, take your sheet and leave.

Watched the play "Tommy" last year. A white couple had a baby that turned into an Asian toddler and then a black teenager. They were all versions of "Tommy", the main character. It worked. So why do we have to have an Asian person or a black person or anything to play anything? Just wondering, how come we can get away with it in a play but not in a TV show?

Other than the above, I don't really care if Saturday Nite Live hires a black woman. I do care that they have a show called "Black Nativity". That's insulting. Why not just call it "Nativity?"

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