Snopes founder blew 98,000 on hookers we got pics now this garbage far left website is smearing TGP over US flags


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!
Gee, I wonder how the liberal lunatics that post on here will try to spin this one?

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!
Gee, I wonder how the liberal lunatics that post on here will try to spin this one?

They won't they'll avoid it . :laughing0301:

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!
Gee, I wonder how the liberal lunatics that post on here will try to spin this one?

They won't they'll avoid it . :laughing0301:
You're probably right. If any of them DO respond, it will be the typical liberal deflection, diversion, or evading the thread topic. They're good at that.
We don't have to do anything but laugh at you trump supporters trying to make this an issue after your boy trump paid 2-300,000 to a porn star and a playboy nude model to be quiet about him fucking them and cheating on his pregnant wife.

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!

Gee, your *pResident did that shit too, and more. Are you trying to have a discussion on who's party is more depraved? Is that the hill you wanna die on, nitwit? Any depravity you try pinning on one party to claim loose morality has already been done by the other party too. It's pretty much a guarantee.

Karma, bitch.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.


Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

Yep, do as I say, NOT as I do. Hypocrites.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

Yeah, every political tribe is depraved in the exact same ways. What a revelation. :yapyapyapf:

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

Yep, do as I say, NOT as I do. Hypocrites.

Try looking in a mirror.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

Yep, do as I say, NOT as I do. Hypocrites.

Try looking in a mirror.

I'm NOT a hypocrite, d*ckhead. That would be virtually every liberal I have the displeasure of knowing.
I did a thorough investigation of SNOPES a while back (see my conclusions on post in 2018):

Snopes is not a legit unbias fact check source, I noticed their fact checking was based on subjective opinion of flawed logic not actual investigation or hard evidence, so I dug into who owned the web site and found their parent co owned a Clinton web site which was also validated by another source that busts fake news and here is more:
Fact-Checking Snopes Website of Political ‘Fact-Checking' Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Snopes is already exposed by who owns them (Proper Media in liberal San Diego, California), exposing that Clinton and Snopes needs to hide who's behind their propaganda sites posing as journalism and that you don't know who owns or is behind your info.
Proper Media owns 'web properties' and
their execs are kept secret as is the web page ownerships through Perfect Privacy.

If you want to connect the dots to snopes then try:
Snopes owner that is Proper Media partners with BlueKai® that is Oracle
and Oracle is a partner of The Nature Conservancy, a liberal and active proponent of cap and trade and a carbon tax, they support planned parenthood and same sex marriage=have a liberal agenda.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage unless the marriage improve your social standing in life...

Get a female pregnant then just pay child support unless you and her agree you will raise the child and then have her pay you child support then...

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage unless the marriage improve your social standing in life...

Get a female pregnant then just pay child support unless you and her agree you will raise the child and then have her pay you child support then...

Men have been ever increasingly becoming hip to the divorce rape/enslavement racket. As such marriages have been on the decline. If this guy wanted to blow his money on hookers... No big deal. The fact that he was stealing the money to do it though; that’s another matter.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage unless the marriage improve your social standing in life...

Get a female pregnant then just pay child support unless you and her agree you will raise the child and then have her pay you child support then...

Men have been ever increasingly becoming hip to the divorce rape/enslavement racket. As such marriages have been on the decline. If this guy wanted to blow his money on hookers... No big deal. The fact that he was stealing the money to do it though; that’s another matter.

True, stealing the money to cover your need for a prostitute is wrong no matter how you look at it.

The guy is a idiot and should suffer the moral and legal consequences of his theft from the company...
Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

When did Snopes "Preach Morality"? Snopes has one function, investigating dubious internet claims on BOTH sides and determining the facts behind them.

Also not sure how spending money on your girlfriend is "embezzling", exactly, but never mind.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

And suddenly we see how much sexual harassment complaints by woman means to the left when the liberal media is silent about the Biden complaint and how they protected the finally convicted Harvey Weinstein. Seems it only matters if it's a political tactic to demonize their opposition. Which makes people wonder if the DNC is taking out Biden with their go to sexual harassment schpiel they are famous for, so they can talk others to run as a replacement.

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