Snopes founder blew 98,000 on hookers we got pics now this garbage far left website is smearing TGP over US flags

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

You use the Alinsky card every chance you get with Repubs who have flaws. You don't attack the problem because it is part of your party normalcy. so you attack others as hypocrites. Meanwhile the things that end up destroying cultures still exists as it is promoted. We all have our flaws. It is trying to keep them t o a minimum that counts.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

He reminds me of Trump.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

Only a dope believes Trump didn't raw dog Stormy.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

What about the $250,000 check he gave her?

Listen stupid. We all know Trump had many Stormy's out there. He would have the National Enquirer contact the woman and have them pay the Enquirer for exclusive rights to the story. Then they would never tell the stories. But the woman couldn't talk because they were paid to shut up. Brilliant really but doesn't mean Trump isn't a slut.

Hell, you guys love it that Trump raw dogs porn stars. He gave Melania a STD btw.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

What about the $250,000 check he gave her?

Listen stupid. We all know Trump had many Stormy's out there. He would have the National Enquirer contact the woman and have them pay the Enquirer for exclusive rights to the story. Then they would never tell the stories. But the woman couldn't talk because they were paid to shut up. Brilliant really but doesn't mean Trump isn't a slut.

Hell, you guys love it that Trump raw dogs porn stars. He gave Melania a STD btw.

You're a gullible idiot. Stormy Daniels lied and creepy porn lawyer is a convicted extortionist who is in prison getting raw dogged right now.

Stormy claimed to have pictures. But everyone who is not a TDS afflicted moron knows they simply don't exist.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage unless the marriage improve your social standing in life...

Get a female pregnant then just pay child support unless you and her agree you will raise the child and then have her pay you child support then...

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage.

Words to live by!!!!

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

What about the $250,000 check he gave her?

Listen stupid. We all know Trump had many Stormy's out there. He would have the National Enquirer contact the woman and have them pay the Enquirer for exclusive rights to the story. Then they would never tell the stories. But the woman couldn't talk because they were paid to shut up. Brilliant really but doesn't mean Trump isn't a slut.

Hell, you guys love it that Trump raw dogs porn stars. He gave Melania a STD btw.

You're a gullible idiot. Stormy Daniels lied and creepy porn lawyer is a convicted extortionist who is in prison getting raw dogged right now.

Stormy claimed to have pictures. But everyone who is not a TDS afflicted moron knows they simply don't exist.

As soon as the nondisclosure agreement is thrown out all bets are off for the pictures. Should be just in time for November.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

What about the $250,000 check he gave her?

Listen stupid. We all know Trump had many Stormy's out there. He would have the National Enquirer contact the woman and have them pay the Enquirer for exclusive rights to the story. Then they would never tell the stories. But the woman couldn't talk because they were paid to shut up. Brilliant really but doesn't mean Trump isn't a slut.

Hell, you guys love it that Trump raw dogs porn stars. He gave Melania a STD btw.

You're a gullible idiot. Stormy Daniels lied and creepy porn lawyer is a convicted extortionist who is in prison getting raw dogged right now.

Stormy claimed to have pictures. But everyone who is not a TDS afflicted moron knows they simply don't exist.

As soon as the nondisclosure agreement is thrown out all bets are off for the pictures. Should be just in time for November.
You're probably stupid enough to believe that.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Still waiting for the pics. Not really. Everyone knows Stormy and creepy porn lawyer extortionist just fabricated the whole thing. There are no pictures.

What about the $250,000 check he gave her?

Listen stupid. We all know Trump had many Stormy's out there. He would have the National Enquirer contact the woman and have them pay the Enquirer for exclusive rights to the story. Then they would never tell the stories. But the woman couldn't talk because they were paid to shut up. Brilliant really but doesn't mean Trump isn't a slut.

Hell, you guys love it that Trump raw dogs porn stars. He gave Melania a STD btw.

You're a gullible idiot. Stormy Daniels lied and creepy porn lawyer is a convicted extortionist who is in prison getting raw dogged right now.

Stormy claimed to have pictures. But everyone who is not a TDS afflicted moron knows they simply don't exist.

As soon as the nondisclosure agreement is thrown out all bets are off for the pictures. Should be just in time for November.


The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!
Gee, I wonder how the liberal lunatics that post on here will try to spin this one?

They won't they'll avoid it . :laughing0301:
You're probably right. If any of them DO respond, it will be the typical liberal deflection, diversion, or evading the thread topic. They're good at that.

Dealing with leftist pricks for 16 yrs bricks for brains becomes the norm--- ignoring them unless they are asses comes easy..
We don't have to do anything but laugh at you trump supporters trying to make this an issue after your boy trump paid 2-300,000 to a porn star and a playboy nude model to be quiet about him fucking them and cheating on his pregnant wife.

annd u ( public school /Americans were taught a total lie as to why you think Malcom X was killed your false information on malcom x makes you ( you is referring to leftist) lol think that he hated whites and he did despise whites hten came a lonng reality when he realized INSTEAD OF TURNING ON ALL RACES ESP. THE WHITES HE LEARNED WHAT MLK DIID ' BRINGG ALL TOGETHER DUMB FKS" BRING ALL TOGETHER AND THE GLOBALIST MARGARET SANGER POS CREATED THEIR BLACKS HATE WHITES AND THE WHITES HATE BLACKS-------

Learn the truth before using these men as IDLES who you think HATED THE FK OUT OF WHITES!!



They tell you what they do to keep the country divided the weak fall fo rit and act uupon it.......

United we stand DIVIDED we fall and we are falling because of racial lies and bs......... all from your deep state bitches u punks keep wanting to vote in

they all fkd this nation in ways your average idiots will never notice let alone see......

If you haven't noticed it unnfoldinng


The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!

Gee, your *pResident did that shit too, and more. Are you trying to have a discussion on who's party is more depraved? Is that the hill you wanna die on, nitwit? Any depravity you try pinning on one party to claim loose morality has already been done by the other party too. It's pretty much a guarantee.

Karma, bitch.
Fraid not u just choose to believe the mental steam media.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

why are you so surprised?

Human beings are the most duplicitous creature to have ever existed

I'd be surprised to find someone who wasn't a hypocrite

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

"But MOMMY!!! Billy also stole from the cookie jar! That means you shouldn't spank me right?"
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!!!

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!

Gee, your *pResident did that shit too, and more. Are you trying to have a discussion on who's party is more depraved? Is that the hill you wanna die on, nitwit? Any depravity you try pinning on one party to claim loose morality has already been done by the other party too. It's pretty much a guarantee.

Karma, bitch.
Fraid not u just choose to believe the mental steam media.

And you believe crackpot media. What's the difference?

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!
Wow how do you spend that much money on it. You would think he would get soar. You know if he were a bull and you raised cattle he would be a champion bull right?LOL He must have one hell of a libedo.

The founder of the far left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
Snopes Founder Blew $98,000 on Hookers — We Got Pics — Now This Garbage Far Left Website is Smearing TGP Over US Flags

Snope's one of the pigest left ass sites there is. These losers were used to feed the American sheep every lie there was. Most Obama asses used this site because hte idiots saw this as the truth bible and omg it proved their little leftist bitch innocent every time. I wonder why.

And then dummies really can't figure out how crooked they are just by the fact Obama and Clinton made it a point to mention this site to their idiots who used it as the die hard truth bible lmfao-------and no FACT CHECK isn't any better and neither is politfact......THEY ARE LEFTIST LEANING and get SOROS donation gawd ppl follow the gawd dam money!!!

Gee, your *pResident did that shit too, and more. Are you trying to have a discussion on who's party is more depraved? Is that the hill you wanna die on, nitwit? Any depravity you try pinning on one party to claim loose morality has already been done by the other party too. It's pretty much a guarantee.

Karma, bitch.
Fraid not u just choose to believe the mental steam media.

And you believe crackpot media. What's the difference?

Im not a dumb fk like you that's the difference. When your a clueless ass : lol

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

You use the Alinsky card every chance you get with Repubs who have flaws. You don't attack the problem because it is part of your party normalcy. so you attack others as hypocrites. Meanwhile the things that end up destroying cultures still exists as it is promoted. We all have our flaws. It is trying to keep them t o a minimum that counts.

These idiots are lucky they have ever heard of " Alinsky"..........

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage unless the marriage improve your social standing in life...

Get a female pregnant then just pay child support unless you and her agree you will raise the child and then have her pay you child support then...

Actually if most men were smart they would just pay for a hooker and forget marriage.

Words to live by!!!!

Can't handle that real person issue---- donn't find women in bars u might find one that actually wants a husband and not his wanker and wallet.
Go watch tale of two brains by Mark Gungor

LOL u don't want some skanky ass hooker whose had gutter throat.

Same ole, same ole. what the dems accuse you of their doing.

You didn't have a problem with the Prez spending 130K.

You use the Alinsky card every chance you get with Repubs who have flaws. You don't attack the problem because it is part of your party normalcy. so you attack others as hypocrites. Meanwhile the things that end up destroying cultures still exists as it is promoted. We all have our flaws. It is trying to keep them t o a minimum that counts.

When it's a republican it's a flaw, when it's a democrat they are perversed. Smfh, what a hypocrite.

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