Snow in March defies NASA and the AGW "Scientists"

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the warmest winter since we've lived in Maine, we've had 2 days hit 60 degrees in just the past week!!!!!!!!! IN MARCH!!! for goodness sake! We had 10 ft of snow up where I live... still on the ground last year in March...... this year's winter has been like living in a Seattle, rainy....hardly any snow at all!

the warmest winter since we've lived in Maine, we've had 2 days hit 60 degrees in just the past week!!!!!!!!! IN MARCH!!! for goodness sake! We had 10 ft of snow up where I live... still on the ground last year in March...... this year's winter has been like living in a Seattle, rainy....hardly any snow at all!

Just out of curiosity, any mosquitoes yet?
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the warmest winter since we've lived in Maine, we've had 2 days hit 60 degrees in just the past week!!!!!!!!! IN MARCH!!! for goodness sake! We had 10 ft of snow up where I live... still on the ground last year in March...... this year's winter has been like living in a Seattle, rainy....hardly any snow at all!

Just out of curiosity, ant mosquitoes yet?

Building a multi-level bird house for Martins that eat mosquitos on the fly to live in will only result in a multi-level sparrow house. I know how to build a Wren house that the one hole is too small for a Sparrow. Call that discriminatory housing if you want to.
the warmest winter since we've lived in Maine, we've had 2 days hit 60 degrees in just the past week!!!!!!!!! IN MARCH!!! for goodness sake! We had 10 ft of snow up where I live... still on the ground last year in March...... this year's winter has been like living in a Seattle, rainy....hardly any snow at all!

Just out of curiosity, any mosquitoes yet?
I'm guessing they'll be here by April or May, instead of June, at this rate...we could still get a snow shower or two before then...
Sand Pipers nest in the culvert of my yard and I live one thousand miles away from the nearest ocean. Go Figure.
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.
so why do they use words like confidence? That is a prediction, and IPCC uses it quite a lot. So, sorry pal, you're wrong.
Good GRIEF! Do we REALLY need to once again point out the difference between climate and weather?
yeah tell us your version. I see you still don't understand the difference between them.
Poor, poor Mrs. Elektra, still trying the get that one functioning brain cell firing.

For the mountains on the West Coast, high elevation March snow is the norm.And, as NOAA predicted, one of the effects of a strong El Nino is usually a good deal of precipitation in California. Been a bit slow in coming in the current El Nino, nice to see it coming now.
so which is it normal or el nino. I know it as normal, but hey go for it double down with crick.
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you.
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you.

Hey, DIPSHIT! Crick began the conversation with insults, so before you go around stating I am doing this or that you ought to at least begin your post with the truth.

You don't consider "dipshit" an insult because certainly you have no problem if I am called a dipshit! Yea, I see you being a hypocrite, the Leftist Liberal Democrats can use violence, burn down cities, or simply insult conservatives or those they disagree with and hate, but as soon as one of us use your political tactics you hypocrites act as if you are all sweet, professional and never condescending.

I answered Crack with links, I ain't going to repeat myself to a hypocrite who is a condescending prick. You saw all the insults, then you saw all the links back to NASA and the Hurricane and Tropical storm forecast center. Go ahead and pretend they are not there or that you are posting from a higher, moral ground, simply defending those who did no wrong.

You should defend somebody other than crick, otherwise you are a damn hypocrite.

Snow in March defies NASA and the AGW "Scientists"
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

An LA Times article on the weather and some NASA and IPCC sites that did nothing but demonstrate that they do not give weather predictions as you'd claimed.

I throw insults when they're earned.
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you.

Hey, DIPSHIT! Crick began the conversation with insults, so before you go around stating I am doing this or that you ought to at least begin your post with the truth.

You don't consider "dipshit" an insult because certainly you have no problem if I am called a dipshit! Yea, I see you being a hypocrite, the Leftist Liberal Democrats can use violence, burn down cities, or simply insult conservatives or those they disagree with and hate, but as soon as one of us use your political tactics you hypocrites act as if you are all sweet, professional and never condescending.

I answered Crack with links, I ain't going to repeat myself to a hypocrite who is a condescending prick. You saw all the insults, then you saw all the links back to NASA and the Hurricane and Tropical storm forecast center. Go ahead and pretend they are not there or that you are posting from a higher, moral ground, simply defending those who did no wrong.

You should defend somebody other than crick, otherwise you are a damn hypocrite.

Snow in March defies NASA and the AGW "Scientists"
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Listen Dear, I think this is how it works, I responded to one post of yours and one post only. I don't think it's fair to make me responsible for anything else in the rest of the thread. You are the OP, if you don't think you have a responsibility to reply to others who query your arguments that's fine, if you don't feel like responding to my post in particular, that's fine. But that was a pretty offensive reply to my post even if I was wrong, (which I wasn't), I kind of think it was completely inappropriate, (dipshit? hypocrite? hater? condescending prick? a damn hypocrite? Really?) You don't even know me, it's especially so as it turns out you were wrong. Jesus, I'd have had to have been at each other's throats with somebody for a while and to be damn sure I was right before I'd go that far over the top. We don't have a history of friction, and my post wasn't really an attack, It had a few ifs in there but no you ares. This block of text below... Crick saying that Nasa and IPCC don't predict the weather and your reply to that statement was what I was responding to. Simple stuff really, not the kind of disagreement that should set anybody off into that kind of vengeful rage.


"Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit".


"Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones"

I've done a lot of reading on NASA, followed most of it's projects, been a big fan since Apollo of course. As I said in my post, "I've never seen a NASA weather forecast", that's what piqued my interest in this post. You were very adamant that NASA did do forecasts. So maybe I was wrong in my assumption. I decided to check it out, I don't like to operate from a false set of beliefs, they can get a person into trouble and unnecessary confrontations. (Sort of like you've got yourself into here I think). At that point I didn't give a tinker's damn if Crick called you a dipshit or you insulted him from now until next year. I had no motive to jump to his defence. I might have interacted once with him months ago in a climate thread, I don't get involved in climate change threads very often because I don't have enough knowledge on the subject to contribute much of value. And you? I don't know, I can't remember any previous friction, can you? Anyway my next step of course was to visit the links you gave to scope out what was going on - were you right or not? And I of course I wouldn't have posted what I did if I found anything to back up your statements. NASA does not do weather forecasting, they do exactly what I said, they collect a lot of weather relevant data and make that data available to people who are actually in the business of weather forecasting. This was easily discerned from NASA's site. They have a close relationship with NOAA who does do weather forecasts, and their satellites can spot trends in storm systems. They also make this information available to forecasting services. As this is all from your links it kind of makes me wonder how well you check out your own linked sites? NOAA is attached to the Treasury and NASA is independent, reports to President only.
The final coupe de grâce to your assertion that NASA does do weather forecasting came with this FAQ I ran across. It's in the form of answers NASA gave to submitted questions from members of the public. They would hardly direct people elsewhere if they did forecasts themselves, eh? Here are the example questions and answers;

Question: Where can I find the weather forecast for my location?

NASA's Answer;
There are many excellent sources of weather forecasts on the World Wide Web. This FAQ was created to help point you in the right direction.

Question: Where do I find weather forecasts for locations in the United States and Canada?

NASA's Answer;

The National Weather Service ( NWS ) is responsible for issuing public weather forecasts for all locations in the United States. For local weather information you may want to connect to the closest NWS office to your home.
The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) is responsible for issuing all Canadian weather forecasts. For a complete listing of current conditions and local forecasts by province, go to the MSC Home Page.
There are also many www. sites and privately operated agencies offering weather forecasts. Go to the GCMD's list of weather forecast sites.

Question: Where do I find weather forecasts for locations world wide?

The Weather Underground is an excellent source for international weather forecasts.

Do you still think NASA does weather forecasting? Not many people would after that info and if they went and checked out your links. And of course IPCC is a panel that studies and reports on climate change info and gives recommendations, no forecasting, that should be self-evident.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the international body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC assessments provide a scientific basis for governments at all levels to develop climate related policies, and they underlie negotiations at the UN Climate Conference – the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The assessments are policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive: they may present projections of future climate change based on different scenarios and the risks that climate change poses and discuss the implications of response options, but they do not tell policymakers what actions to take.

So? Any regrets that you launched that vituperative attack on me without factual motivation? That was like a pre-emptive strike without any causation. If I were you I'd be tempted to give me at least a half-hearted apology, eh? No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are.
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you.

Hey, DIPSHIT! Crick began the conversation with insults, so before you go around stating I am doing this or that you ought to at least begin your post with the truth.

You don't consider "dipshit" an insult because certainly you have no problem if I am called a dipshit! Yea, I see you being a hypocrite, the Leftist Liberal Democrats can use violence, burn down cities, or simply insult conservatives or those they disagree with and hate, but as soon as one of us use your political tactics you hypocrites act as if you are all sweet, professional and never condescending.

I answered Crack with links, I ain't going to repeat myself to a hypocrite who is a condescending prick. You saw all the insults, then you saw all the links back to NASA and the Hurricane and Tropical storm forecast center. Go ahead and pretend they are not there or that you are posting from a higher, moral ground, simply defending those who did no wrong.

You should defend somebody other than crick, otherwise you are a damn hypocrite.

Snow in March defies NASA and the AGW "Scientists"
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Listen Dear, I think this is how it works, I responded to one post of yours and one post only. I don't think it's fair to make me responsible for anything else in the rest of the thread. You are the OP, if you don't think you have a responsibility to reply to others who query your arguments that's fine, if you don't feel like responding to my post in particular, that's fine. But that was a pretty offensive reply to my post even if I was wrong, (which I wasn't), I kind of think it was completely inappropriate, (dipshit? hypocrite? hater? condescending prick? a damn hypocrite? Really?) You don't even know me, it's especially so as it turns out you were wrong. Jesus, I'd have had to have been at each other's throats with somebody for a while and to be damn sure I was right before I'd go that far over the top. We don't have a history of friction, and my post wasn't really an attack, It had a few ifs in there but no you ares. This block of text below... Crick saying that Nasa and IPCC don't predict the weather and your reply to that statement was what I was responding to. Simple stuff really, not the kind of disagreement that should set anybody off into that kind of vengeful rage.


"Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit".


"Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones"

I've done a lot of reading on NASA, followed most of it's projects, been a big fan since Apollo of course. As I said in my post, "I've never seen a NASA weather forecast", that's what piqued my interest in this post. You were very adamant that NASA did do forecasts. So maybe I was wrong in my assumption. I decided to check it out, I don't like to operate from a false set of beliefs, they can get a person into trouble and unnecessary confrontations. (Sort of like you've got yourself into here I think). At that point I didn't give a tinker's damn if Crick called you a dipshit or you insulted him from now until next year. I had no motive to jump to his defence. I might have interacted once with him months ago in a climate thread, I don't get involved in climate change threads very often because I don't have enough knowledge on the subject to contribute much of value. And you? I don't know, I can't remember any previous friction, can you? Anyway my next step of course was to visit the links you gave to scope out what was going on - were you right or not? And I of course I wouldn't have posted what I did if I found anything to back up your statements. NASA does not do weather forecasting, they do exactly what I said, they collect a lot of weather relevant data and make that data available to people who are actually in the business of weather forecasting. This was easily discerned from NASA's site. They have a close relationship with NOAA who does do weather forecasts, and their satellites can spot trends in storm systems. They also make this information available to forecasting services. As this is all from your links it kind of makes me wonder how well you check out your own linked sites? NOAA is attached to the Treasury and NASA is independent, reports to President only.
The final coupe de grâce to your assertion that NASA does do weather forecasting came with this FAQ I ran across. It's in the form of answers NASA gave to submitted questions from members of the public. They would hardly direct people elsewhere if they did forecasts themselves, eh? Here are the example questions and answers;

Question: Where can I find the weather forecast for my location?

NASA's Answer;
There are many excellent sources of weather forecasts on the World Wide Web. This FAQ was created to help point you in the right direction.

Question: Where do I find weather forecasts for locations in the United States and Canada?

NASA's Answer;

The National Weather Service ( NWS ) is responsible for issuing public weather forecasts for all locations in the United States. For local weather information you may want to connect to the closest NWS office to your home.
The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) is responsible for issuing all Canadian weather forecasts. For a complete listing of current conditions and local forecasts by province, go to the MSC Home Page.
There are also many www. sites and privately operated agencies offering weather forecasts. Go to the GCMD's list of weather forecast sites.

Question: Where do I find weather forecasts for locations world wide?

The Weather Underground is an excellent source for international weather forecasts.

Do you still think NASA does weather forecasting? Not many people would after that info and if they went and checked out your links. And of course IPCC is a panel that studies and reports on climate change info and gives recommendations, no forecasting, that should be self-evident.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the international body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC assessments provide a scientific basis for governments at all levels to develop climate related policies, and they underlie negotiations at the UN Climate Conference – the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The assessments are policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive: they may present projections of future climate change based on different scenarios and the risks that climate change poses and discuss the implications of response options, but they do not tell policymakers what actions to take.

So? Any regrets that you launched that vituperative attack on me without factual motivation? That was like a pre-emptive strike without any causation. If I were you I'd be tempted to give me at least a half-hearted apology, eh? No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are.

Do I have any regrets calling you names, after you begin an attack on me?

Wow, you make one post where all you did is make and take an oppurtunity to flame and troll my thread and now you reply as if you began on the high road?

Further you call me Dear? I am not your "dear", nor anyone elses. So stern, I bet you would be surprised to learn an avatar is just that, and mine may be of a record label and nothing more.

So you, being the condensending prick, prove as much and continue, calling me dear but expand, dictating how things work in my thread.

You are not responsible for anything else in my thread? While that is oh so high and mighty of you to state so, but you certainly came in as the police of my thread, making the claim that you read everything and thus passed judgement on everything I wrote.

But yes, you ONLY made one little post?

Pre-emptive strike? Am I sorry? Enemies? Bitter and Abusive attack?

No, I am not sorry, you certainly began this exchange, not me. You did not quote a post, you cussed and insulted and defended one who deserves every icomment I directed at him/her.

So when you reply dictating how it will be and that my reply will determine if we are enemies, my only reply is get a grip, this the

Seriously, how I respond determines if we are enemies? Okay, go to hell. Nobody here as ever told me we would be enemies in any post, nobody. And you expect me to respond to the rest of your post.

You came into my thread, you did not address the OP, you addressed a side fight with Crick, you qouted nothing, you cussed and insulted, and in your second post you pretend to be on the high road, needlessly attacked by me, dictate how things will be, and end by stating if I do not respond as you dictate we will be enemies. You are a bit too emotional, get over yourself, if I met anyone of the idiots that began all the crap with me the last thing I would ever consider is that we are enemies. But you are a first, so attached to your posts and what is said, you appear to have an enemies list.

How about this, you can pretend you never said the things you did, come back and address the OP, quote, and I will respond.

You have done a nice job thus far.
I've done a lot of reading on NASA, followed most of it's projects, been a big fan since Apollo of course. As I said in my post, "I've never seen a NASA weather forecast", that's what piqued my interest in this post. You were very adamant that NASA did do forecasts. So maybe I was wrong in my assumption. I decided to check it out, I don't like to operate from a false set of beliefs, they can get a person into trouble and unnecessary confrontations. (Sort of like you've got yourself into here I think). At that point I didn't give a tinker's damn if Crick called you a dipshit or you insulted him from now until next year. I had no motive to jump to his defence.

My thread title does not mention Nasa forcasting weather nor my OP? So that could not of possibly "piqued" your interest. I think you got pissed that thread title states, "snow defies nasa", hence you began an attack with insults.

I wouldn't have posted what I did if I found anything to back up your statements. NASA does not do weather forecasting, they do exactly what I said, they collect a lot of weather relevant data and make that data available to people who are actually in the business of weather forecasting. This was easily discerned from NASA's site. They have a close relationship with NOAA who does do weather forecasts, and their satellites can spot trends in storm systems. They also make this information available to forecasting services. As this is all from your links it kind of makes me wonder how well you check out your own linked sites?

Question: Where can I find the weather forecast for my location?

NASA's Answer;
There are many excellent sources of weather forecasts on the World Wide Web. This FAQ was created to help point you in the right direction.

What is a weather forecast and Data information Website? I did post this before? To Cricks contention there was no weather forecasting done at NASA, and now I will say to you, you are in good company, with Crick. Further, I never stated you could go find your weather forecast at NASA? Did I? You could quote it if I did?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Either way, NASA does forecast Climate Change? NASA is also somehow involved in Hurricanes, any technician or laborer can simply acquire data, I work with teams that acquire data from Nuclear Power plants in which I then Analyze. We do not need a scientist or even a professional with a degree to acquire data and give that data to someone else to analyze. Yet, NASA has much more than simple laborers or technicians that acquire data, they actually employ people who, I guess is best described in a cut/paste. And, I have given this link in the thread, without the quote from it.

Meet the Hurricane Research Team

Meet the Hurricane Research Team

Meet David Adamec: Physical Oceanographer

Meet Dr. Robert F. Adler: Senior Scientist and Expert on Intense Storms

Meet Dr. Robert Atlas: Modeling Hurricane Formation, Movement and Intensification

Meet Rich Blakeslee: Senior NASA Atmospheric Scientist, Lightning Expert

Meet Scott Braun: Hurricane Computer Modeler and Research Meteorologist

Meet Jason Dunion: Meteorologist Specializing in Satellite Remote Sensing of Hurricanes

Meet Mike Gaunce: Earth Science Mission Project Manager

Meet Michael Goodman: Senior NASA Atmospheric Scientist

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Halverson: Severe Weather Meteorologist

Meet Gerald Heymsfield: Cloud Radar Expert and Research Meteorologist

Meet Robbie E. Hood: Atmospheric Scientist, Director of NOAA's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program

Meet Dr. Arthur Y. Hou: Hurricane Tracking and Rainfall in Early Stages of Hurricane Development

Meet Dr. Gail Skofronick Jackson: Physical Scientist

Meet Gregory S. Jenkins: Associate Professor In Physics And Astronomy On NASA's (NAMMA) Hurricane Mission

Meet Dr. Ramesh Kakar: Weather Focus Area leader for the NASA/Science Mission Directorate

Meet Owen Kelley, Hurricane Researcher

Meet Dr. Tiruvalum N. (T.N.) Krishnamurti: Lawton Distinguished Professor of Meteorology, Florida State University

Meet Bjorn Lambrigtsen: A Microwave Instrument Scientist On NASA's NAMMA Hurricane Mission

Meet NASA's Dr. Tim Liu: Principal Scientist With a Focus on Hurricane Winds and Heat

Meet Dr. William (Bill) Patzert: Oceanographer
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you.

Hey, DIPSHIT! Crick began the conversation with insults, so before you go around stating I am doing this or that you ought to at least begin your post with the truth.

You don't consider "dipshit" an insult because certainly you have no problem if I am called a dipshit! Yea, I see you being a hypocrite, the Leftist Liberal Democrats can use violence, burn down cities, or simply insult conservatives or those they disagree with and hate, but as soon as one of us use your political tactics you hypocrites act as if you are all sweet, professional and never condescending.

I answered Crack with links, I ain't going to repeat myself to a hypocrite who is a condescending prick. You saw all the insults, then you saw all the links back to NASA and the Hurricane and Tropical storm forecast center. Go ahead and pretend they are not there or that you are posting from a higher, moral ground, simply defending those who did no wrong.

You should defend somebody other than crick, otherwise you are a damn hypocrite.

Snow in March defies NASA and the AGW "Scientists"
Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit.

Listen Dear, I think this is how it works, I responded to one post of yours and one post only. I don't think it's fair to make me responsible for anything else in the rest of the thread. You are the OP, if you don't think you have a responsibility to reply to others who query your arguments that's fine, if you don't feel like responding to my post in particular, that's fine. But that was a pretty offensive reply to my post even if I was wrong, (which I wasn't), I kind of think it was completely inappropriate, (dipshit? hypocrite? hater? condescending prick? a damn hypocrite? Really?) You don't even know me, it's especially so as it turns out you were wrong. Jesus, I'd have had to have been at each other's throats with somebody for a while and to be damn sure I was right before I'd go that far over the top. We don't have a history of friction, and my post wasn't really an attack, It had a few ifs in there but no you ares. This block of text below... Crick saying that Nasa and IPCC don't predict the weather and your reply to that statement was what I was responding to. Simple stuff really, not the kind of disagreement that should set anybody off into that kind of vengeful rage.


"Neither NASA nor the IPCC are in the business of predicting weather dipshit".


"Crick, when will you learn that you are playing with only a partial brain. You should stop before you overheat that cranium of yours and destroy what is left. Just curious, does somebody type for you or can you still function enough to type?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones"

I've done a lot of reading on NASA, followed most of it's projects, been a big fan since Apollo of course. As I said in my post, "I've never seen a NASA weather forecast", that's what piqued my interest in this post. You were very adamant that NASA did do forecasts. So maybe I was wrong in my assumption. I decided to check it out, I don't like to operate from a false set of beliefs, they can get a person into trouble and unnecessary confrontations. (Sort of like you've got yourself into here I think). At that point I didn't give a tinker's damn if Crick called you a dipshit or you insulted him from now until next year. I had no motive to jump to his defence. I might have interacted once with him months ago in a climate thread, I don't get involved in climate change threads very often because I don't have enough knowledge on the subject to contribute much of value. And you? I don't know, I can't remember any previous friction, can you? Anyway my next step of course was to visit the links you gave to scope out what was going on - were you right or not? And I of course I wouldn't have posted what I did if I found anything to back up your statements. NASA does not do weather forecasting, they do exactly what I said, they collect a lot of weather relevant data and make that data available to people who are actually in the business of weather forecasting. This was easily discerned from NASA's site. They have a close relationship with NOAA who does do weather forecasts, and their satellites can spot trends in storm systems. They also make this information available to forecasting services. As this is all from your links it kind of makes me wonder how well you check out your own linked sites? NOAA is attached to the Treasury and NASA is independent, reports to President only.
The final coupe de grâce to your assertion that NASA does do weather forecasting came with this FAQ I ran across. It's in the form of answers NASA gave to submitted questions from members of the public. They would hardly direct people elsewhere if they did forecasts themselves, eh? Here are the example questions and answers;

Question: Where can I find the weather forecast for my location?

NASA's Answer;
There are many excellent sources of weather forecasts on the World Wide Web. This FAQ was created to help point you in the right direction.

Question: Where do I find weather forecasts for locations in the United States and Canada?

NASA's Answer;

The National Weather Service ( NWS ) is responsible for issuing public weather forecasts for all locations in the United States. For local weather information you may want to connect to the closest NWS office to your home.
The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) is responsible for issuing all Canadian weather forecasts. For a complete listing of current conditions and local forecasts by province, go to the MSC Home Page.
There are also many www. sites and privately operated agencies offering weather forecasts. Go to the GCMD's list of weather forecast sites.

Question: Where do I find weather forecasts for locations world wide?

The Weather Underground is an excellent source for international weather forecasts.

Do you still think NASA does weather forecasting? Not many people would after that info and if they went and checked out your links. And of course IPCC is a panel that studies and reports on climate change info and gives recommendations, no forecasting, that should be self-evident.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the international body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC assessments provide a scientific basis for governments at all levels to develop climate related policies, and they underlie negotiations at the UN Climate Conference – the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The assessments are policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive: they may present projections of future climate change based on different scenarios and the risks that climate change poses and discuss the implications of response options, but they do not tell policymakers what actions to take.

So? Any regrets that you launched that vituperative attack on me without factual motivation? That was like a pre-emptive strike without any causation. If I were you I'd be tempted to give me at least a half-hearted apology, eh? No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are.

Do I have any regrets calling you names, after you begin an attack on me?

Wow, you make one post where all you did is make and take an oppurtunity to flame and troll my thread and now you reply as if you began on the high road?

Further you call me Dear? I am not your "dear", nor anyone elses. So stern, I bet you would be surprised to learn an avatar is just that, and mine may be of a record label and nothing more.

So you, being the condensending prick, prove as much and continue, calling me dear but expand, dictating how things work in my thread.

You are not responsible for anything else in my thread? While that is oh so high and mighty of you to state so, but you certainly came in as the police of my thread, making the claim that you read everything and thus passed judgement on everything I wrote.

But yes, you ONLY made one little post?

Pre-emptive strike? Am I sorry? Enemies? Bitter and Abusive attack?

No, I am not sorry, you certainly began this exchange, not me. You did not quote a post, you cussed and insulted and defended one who deserves every icomment I directed at him/her.

So when you reply dictating how it will be and that my reply will determine if we are enemies, my only reply is get a grip, this the

Seriously, how I respond determines if we are enemies? Okay, go to hell. Nobody here as ever told me we would be enemies in any post, nobody. And you expect me to respond to the rest of your post.

You came into my thread, you did not address the OP, you addressed a side fight with Crick, you qouted nothing, you cussed and insulted, and in your second post you pretend to be on the high road, needlessly attacked by me, dictate how things will be, and end by stating if I do not respond as you dictate we will be enemies. You are a bit too emotional, get over yourself, if I met anyone of the idiots that began all the crap with me the last thing I would ever consider is that we are enemies. But you are a first, so attached to your posts and what is said, you appear to have an enemies list.

How about this, you can pretend you never said the things you did, come back and address the OP, quote, and I will respond.

You have done a nice job thus far.

Wow, are you overly sensitive. Or else a complete moron. Now you have pissed me off. You blew this off without comment - I Said "We don't have a history of friction, and my post wasn't really an attack, It had a few ifs in there but no you ares." AND I Said - "No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are" You seem to have no concept of having the ability to carry on a conversation while disagreeing. It's agree 100% with what you say or I am a "dipshit? hypocrite? hater? condescending prick? a damn hypocrite? Really?" And that was after this post;

I posted Originally;
"Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you."

Now that's a pretty mild post compared to what goes on in these boards. You made claims which your own links proved wrong and then you proceeded to insult another poster for saying you were wrong. Pretty much the same thing you do to me in reaction to my post that gave you evidence that you were wrong. Before you start an angry insulting spiel why don't you show how you're right and then pop off? The way you go about it without answering a doubter it strongly suggests you can't defend your claims and avoid that by making completely ridiculous and exaggerated accusations of being persecuted. I've read my original post over several times and see some sarcasm there but nothing that should have turned you into the crazed sputtering caterwauling crone you presented in your reply to me. What the hell does the following have to do with my challenge to you to show that NASA does weather forecasting? Obviously nothing. NADA.

You Said;
"You don't consider "dipshit" an insult because certainly you have no problem if I am called a dipshit! Yea, I see you being a hypocrite, the Leftist Liberal Democrats can use violence, burn down cities, or simply insult conservatives or those they disagree with and hate, but as soon as one of us use your political tactics you hypocrites act as if you are all sweet, professional and never condescending."

That was the opening to your response after the initial "Dipshit". Really, this..."Hey, DIPSHIT! Crick began the conversation with insults, so before you go around stating I am doing this or that you ought to at least begin your post with the truth". might as well be in Chinese for all it's relevance to my post. Why the fuck should I concern myself with your apparently ongoing battle with Crick? Like I told you, I don't know him, have no reason to "defend" him, and no motivation to take his side except for the fact that he was right and you were wrong. Yes you can consider the bolding as me raising my voice. As I said your unwarranted, asinine attack on me, pissed me off. Let's make it real easy, why don't you show us how NASA is a weather forecasting service right now, I'll admit I was wrong and you can win this little war you've apparently declared in order to avoid admitting mistakes, come on deal in some reality for a few minutes instead of indulging your delusions of persecution. It's a minor fucking dispute, I don't mind being proven wrong, I'll learn something.

All I did in my first post was ask for a link to show NASA as a weather forecaster. That's common around here isn't it? Asking for a Link? NASA has a massive presence on the web, if you are right it should have taken you about one minute to grab that link and end this. No Link? Still? My opinion is still still the same, if you can't come up with a link all the insults to Crick on this point, and now all the insults directed at me, automatically devolve back onto you, that's how it works. Let's have another look at my original post...

Psst. NASA supplies data to weather services and their satellites can spot trends but I've never seen a NASA weather forecast, have you? The way you're throwing around insults you must have. Could you give me a link if you're not just making shit up? If you can't back up your claims with evidence then...well all those insults you directed at Crick actually describe you.

Mild sarcasm and a request for a link. Which enraged you more? The sarcasm or the fact you were shooed into a corner without a link and with it seems, a vile, grossly mutated ego that turns you into a scaly screeching helion on steroids when embarrassed by your own ignorance. Really, it's not that big a deal, everybody makes mistakes. The little mistakes you made here are dwarfed by the Ms. Jekyll and Miserable Hyde reaction that seems to possess your soul when shamed. What's next, your head rotating while spewing pea soup?

Honestly dear, do really consider that little non-offensive missive as "flaming and trolling"? You say that here....

"Wow, you make one post where all you did is make and take an oppurtunity to flame and troll my thread and now you reply as if you began on the high road?"

God, your posts are little more than bilabial fricatives, incoherent poor-me moans of desperation. I've wasted an hour being pissed off at an ignorant, semi-literate twat. I tell you what, fuck off and don't bother me again cause I'm certainly not going to bother with you one more life-sucking second.
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