Snow in March defies NASA and the AGW "Scientists"

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I've done a lot of reading on NASA, followed most of it's projects, been a big fan since Apollo of course. As I said in my post, "I've never seen a NASA weather forecast", that's what piqued my interest in this post. You were very adamant that NASA did do forecasts. So maybe I was wrong in my assumption. I decided to check it out, I don't like to operate from a false set of beliefs, they can get a person into trouble and unnecessary confrontations. (Sort of like you've got yourself into here I think). At that point I didn't give a tinker's damn if Crick called you a dipshit or you insulted him from now until next year. I had no motive to jump to his defence.

My thread title does not mention Nasa forcasting weather nor my OP? So that could not of possibly "piqued" your interest. I think you got pissed that thread title states, "snow defies nasa", hence you began an attack with insults.

I wouldn't have posted what I did if I found anything to back up your statements. NASA does not do weather forecasting, they do exactly what I said, they collect a lot of weather relevant data and make that data available to people who are actually in the business of weather forecasting. This was easily discerned from NASA's site. They have a close relationship with NOAA who does do weather forecasts, and their satellites can spot trends in storm systems. They also make this information available to forecasting services. As this is all from your links it kind of makes me wonder how well you check out your own linked sites?

Question: Where can I find the weather forecast for my location?

NASA's Answer;
There are many excellent sources of weather forecasts on the World Wide Web. This FAQ was created to help point you in the right direction.

What is a weather forecast and Data information Website? I did post this before? To Cricks contention there was no weather forecasting done at NASA, and now I will say to you, you are in good company, with Crick. Further, I never stated you could go find your weather forecast at NASA? Did I? You could quote it if I did?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Either way, NASA does forecast Climate Change? NASA is also somehow involved in Hurricanes, any technician or laborer can simply acquire data, I work with teams that acquire data from Nuclear Power plants in which I then Analyze. We do not need a scientist or even a professional with a degree to acquire data and give that data to someone else to analyze. Yet, NASA has much more than simple laborers or technicians that acquire data, they actually employ people who, I guess is best described in a cut/paste. And, I have given this link in the thread, without the quote from it.

Meet the Hurricane Research Team

Meet the Hurricane Research Team

Meet David Adamec: Physical Oceanographer

Meet Dr. Robert F. Adler: Senior Scientist and Expert on Intense Storms

Meet Dr. Robert Atlas: Modeling Hurricane Formation, Movement and Intensification

Meet Rich Blakeslee: Senior NASA Atmospheric Scientist, Lightning Expert

Meet Scott Braun: Hurricane Computer Modeler and Research Meteorologist

Meet Jason Dunion: Meteorologist Specializing in Satellite Remote Sensing of Hurricanes

Meet Mike Gaunce: Earth Science Mission Project Manager

Meet Michael Goodman: Senior NASA Atmospheric Scientist

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Halverson: Severe Weather Meteorologist

Meet Gerald Heymsfield: Cloud Radar Expert and Research Meteorologist

Meet Robbie E. Hood: Atmospheric Scientist, Director of NOAA's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program

Meet Dr. Arthur Y. Hou: Hurricane Tracking and Rainfall in Early Stages of Hurricane Development

Meet Dr. Gail Skofronick Jackson: Physical Scientist

Meet Gregory S. Jenkins: Associate Professor In Physics And Astronomy On NASA's (NAMMA) Hurricane Mission

Meet Dr. Ramesh Kakar: Weather Focus Area leader for the NASA/Science Mission Directorate

Meet Owen Kelley, Hurricane Researcher

Meet Dr. Tiruvalum N. (T.N.) Krishnamurti: Lawton Distinguished Professor of Meteorology, Florida State University

Meet Bjorn Lambrigtsen: A Microwave Instrument Scientist On NASA's NAMMA Hurricane Mission

Meet NASA's Dr. Tim Liu: Principal Scientist With a Focus on Hurricane Winds and Heat

Meet Dr. William (Bill) Patzert: Oceanographer

I'll assume you posted that before I told you to fuck-off with your semi-literate harpie're not just a waste of skin but a yooge waste of time. I'll leave you with my other somewhat critical response. Thanks.

Wow, are you overly sensitive. Or else a complete moron. Now you have pissed me off. You blew this off without comment - I Said "We don't have a history of friction, and my post wasn't really an attack, It had a few ifs in there but no you ares." AND I Said - "No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are" You seem to have no concept of having the ability to carry on a conversation while disagreeing. It's agree 100% with what you say or I am a "dipshit? hypocrite? hater? condescending prick? a damn hypocrite? Really?" And that was after this post;............................................................
God, your posts are little more than bilabial fricatives, incoherent poor-me moans of desperation. I've wasted an hour being pissed off at an ignorant, semi-literate twat. I tell you what, fuck off and don't bother me again cause I'm certainly not going to bother with you one more life-sucking second.
Blah, blah, blah, you were the one that dictated, if I did not behave a specific way, we would be enemies. Hey, don't start conversations with insults and cuss words if you do not expect the same treatment back.

What is the matter, you did not like me linking to the "NASA WEATHER FORECASTING AND INFORMATION WEBSITE"
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

I bet is was my link to the Hurricane and Tropical storm website (the second time I posted this) while pointing out that was weather forecasting as well.
Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Yes, your insult was just that, an insult, your attack was simply an attack. No less, that is how you began with me, that is how you intended to end with me, adding that how I respond will determine if we are enemies certainly showed the extreme you had already laid the groundwork for.

So go, leave the thread, leave my posts and my threads, I don't care for you dictating what is right or wrong and I do not care for your idea that how I respond determines if we are enemies.

We don't have a history of friction, you must be joking, as soon as you insulted and attacked me with your first post you establish that little history of being nothing but friction?

Technically speaking, in responding to you, a link to a fact is irrelevant, your only goal is to out insult and dictate your terms.

To paraphrase and close, "how I respond will determine if we are enemies", You start with insults and accusations, you follow up with dictates and ultimatums that are beyond ridiculous, and then you act even more outraged, when you set this all up, set this up from the beginning to piss me off and fail, and now you have your reason to call me an enemy.

Talk about being a troll in ones thread, you took the cake on that one.

I will be proud to have you searcher44, call me an enemy, it will be one-sided of course, your hate not mine, I simply responded to you, as you began with me, certainly you can not expect people to be meek when you begin with attacks, and follow with more attacks, yes. I guess searcher44 expects even his attack, to win, and not be answered with a like, or greater response.

Ever here of NASA's facebook weather page, I bet your top would blow off with that one.
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I'll assume you posted that before I told you to fuck-off with your semi-literate harpie're not just a waste of skin but a yooge waste of time. I'll leave you with my other somewhat critical response. Thanks.
Don't assume, you will be wrong again, I posted it after.

You said we had no history, so why begin with an attack? An attack out of the blue is pretty brutal, you blind-sided me, and got exactly what you reaped, no more.

Further you attacked me not on your own, but from "crick's" post, crick is hardly the person you should defend against insults, crick is in the top 10 when it comes to insults launched without provocation.

But, you had made your choice, to attack me first, and from deep within enemy territory (figuratively speaking), yes I understand you only launched one atom bomb from within crick's post, but still you have to consider who you were choosing to fight me, with.

As far as you ramping things up each time while pretending you are the injured party, you certainly describe yourself not as your posts portray.
I've done a lot of reading on NASA, followed most of it's projects, been a big fan since Apollo of course. As I said in my post, "I've never seen a NASA weather forecast", that's what piqued my interest in this post. You were very adamant that NASA did do forecasts. So maybe I was wrong in my assumption. I decided to check it out, I don't like to operate from a false set of beliefs, they can get a person into trouble and unnecessary confrontations. (Sort of like you've got yourself into here I think). At that point I didn't give a tinker's damn if Crick called you a dipshit or you insulted him from now until next year. I had no motive to jump to his defence.

My thread title does not mention Nasa forcasting weather nor my OP? So that could not of possibly "piqued" your interest. I think you got pissed that thread title states, "snow defies nasa", hence you began an attack with insults.

I wouldn't have posted what I did if I found anything to back up your statements. NASA does not do weather forecasting, they do exactly what I said, they collect a lot of weather relevant data and make that data available to people who are actually in the business of weather forecasting. This was easily discerned from NASA's site. They have a close relationship with NOAA who does do weather forecasts, and their satellites can spot trends in storm systems. They also make this information available to forecasting services. As this is all from your links it kind of makes me wonder how well you check out your own linked sites?

Question: Where can I find the weather forecast for my location?

NASA's Answer;
There are many excellent sources of weather forecasts on the World Wide Web. This FAQ was created to help point you in the right direction.

What is a weather forecast and Data information Website? I did post this before? To Cricks contention there was no weather forecasting done at NASA, and now I will say to you, you are in good company, with Crick. Further, I never stated you could go find your weather forecast at NASA? Did I? You could quote it if I did?

Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Either way, NASA does forecast Climate Change? NASA is also somehow involved in Hurricanes, any technician or laborer can simply acquire data, I work with teams that acquire data from Nuclear Power plants in which I then Analyze. We do not need a scientist or even a professional with a degree to acquire data and give that data to someone else to analyze. Yet, NASA has much more than simple laborers or technicians that acquire data, they actually employ people who, I guess is best described in a cut/paste. And, I have given this link in the thread, without the quote from it.

Meet the Hurricane Research Team

Meet the Hurricane Research Team

Meet David Adamec: Physical Oceanographer

Meet Dr. Robert F. Adler: Senior Scientist and Expert on Intense Storms

Meet Dr. Robert Atlas: Modeling Hurricane Formation, Movement and Intensification

Meet Rich Blakeslee: Senior NASA Atmospheric Scientist, Lightning Expert

Meet Scott Braun: Hurricane Computer Modeler and Research Meteorologist

Meet Jason Dunion: Meteorologist Specializing in Satellite Remote Sensing of Hurricanes

Meet Mike Gaunce: Earth Science Mission Project Manager

Meet Michael Goodman: Senior NASA Atmospheric Scientist

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Halverson: Severe Weather Meteorologist

Meet Gerald Heymsfield: Cloud Radar Expert and Research Meteorologist

Meet Robbie E. Hood: Atmospheric Scientist, Director of NOAA's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program

Meet Dr. Arthur Y. Hou: Hurricane Tracking and Rainfall in Early Stages of Hurricane Development

Meet Dr. Gail Skofronick Jackson: Physical Scientist

Meet Gregory S. Jenkins: Associate Professor In Physics And Astronomy On NASA's (NAMMA) Hurricane Mission

Meet Dr. Ramesh Kakar: Weather Focus Area leader for the NASA/Science Mission Directorate

Meet Owen Kelley, Hurricane Researcher

Meet Dr. Tiruvalum N. (T.N.) Krishnamurti: Lawton Distinguished Professor of Meteorology, Florida State University

Meet Bjorn Lambrigtsen: A Microwave Instrument Scientist On NASA's NAMMA Hurricane Mission

Meet NASA's Dr. Tim Liu: Principal Scientist With a Focus on Hurricane Winds and Heat

Meet Dr. William (Bill) Patzert: Oceanographer

Snow falling in the Sierra Madres is weather. You said it defied NASA and the IPCC. That would require that they have given a weather forecast that did not include snow.

Still waiting for you to identify the "filthy" lie I have told here.
Ejakulatra is a TROLL.

If you are expecting rational responses from the troll, you are in for huge disappointments.

Expect insults, deflections, off-topic nonsense, and a constant repitition of already debunked denier cult propaganda memes.
LOL. Elektra has never made a rational response to any post. And her posts on science or math are humorous beyond belief. The OP is an example in point. Amazing, snow in March in the mountains on the West Coast. LOL Who'd a thunk it?
Snow falling in the Sierra Madres is weather. You said it defied NASA and the IPCC. That would require that they have given a weather forecast that did not include snow.

Still waiting for you to identify the "filthy" lie I have told here.

Snow falling in the Sierra Madre Mountain system of Mexico would defy me, I am sure it would certainly defy NASA scientists who have predicted the World is melting.

I said, Sierra Nevada?
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LOL. Elektra has never made a rational response to any post. And her posts on science or math are humorous beyond belief. The OP is an example in point. Amazing, snow in March in the mountains on the West Coast. LOL Who'd a thunk it?
Who would of thought, Old Crock, certainly not the rag, the Los Angeles Times who made the article.

My posts on math? You mean that formula for Power that you got wrong, which I corrected, and then like an idiot you threw out numbers stating they did not produce the power that they did, and I then put them into the Correct formula for power and showed even when you are flaming and trolling my posts, you fall flat on you face? That math Old Crock?

I think Old Crock stated W=IR, as well as 12 watts was not produced by 1 amp, in which is said that was easy as PIE, power equals current times voltage (not resistance as old crock stated). 12 Watts = 1 amp x 12 volts. Is that Math you simply can not get over? There is another version Old Crock likes to run, where Old Crock changes the current and watts forgetting that all I have to do is use basic math to find the answer to the equation.

Old Crock, have some fun, give it a try yourself, this is how I do it, MAGIC!


Wow, are you overly sensitive. Or else a complete moron. Now you have pissed me off. You blew this off without comment - I Said "We don't have a history of friction, and my post wasn't really an attack, It had a few ifs in there but no you ares." AND I Said - "No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are" You seem to have no concept of having the ability to carry on a conversation while disagreeing. It's agree 100% with what you say or I am a "dipshit? hypocrite? hater? condescending prick? a damn hypocrite? Really?" And that was after this post;............................................................
God, your posts are little more than bilabial fricatives, incoherent poor-me moans of desperation. I've wasted an hour being pissed off at an ignorant, semi-literate twat. I tell you what, fuck off and don't bother me again cause I'm certainly not going to bother with you one more life-sucking second.
Blah, blah, blah, you were the one that dictated, if I did not behave a specific way, we would be enemies. Hey, don't start conversations with insults and cuss words if you do not expect the same treatment back.

What is the matter, you did not like me linking to the "NASA WEATHER FORECASTING AND INFORMATION WEBSITE"
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

I bet is was my link to the Hurricane and Tropical storm website (the second time I posted this) while pointing out that was weather forecasting as well.
Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

Yes, your insult was just that, an insult, your attack was simply an attack. No less, that is how you began with me, that is how you intended to end with me, adding that how I respond will determine if we are enemies certainly showed the extreme you had already laid the groundwork for.

So go, leave the thread, leave my posts and my threads, I don't care for you dictating what is right or wrong and I do not care for your idea that how I respond determines if we are enemies.

We don't have a history of friction, you must be joking, as soon as you insulted and attacked me with your first post you establish that little history of being nothing but friction?

Technically speaking, in responding to you, a link to a fact is irrelevant, your only goal is to out insult and dictate your terms.

To paraphrase and close, "how I respond will determine if we are enemies", You start with insults and accusations, you follow up with dictates and ultimatums that are beyond ridiculous, and then you act even more outraged, when you set this all up, set this up from the beginning to piss me off and fail, and now you have your reason to call me an enemy.

Talk about being a troll in ones thread, you took the cake on that one.

I will be proud to have you searcher44, call me an enemy, it will be one-sided of course, your hate not mine, I simply responded to you, as you began with me, certainly you can not expect people to be meek when you begin with attacks, and follow with more attacks, yes. I guess searcher44 expects even his attack, to win, and not be answered with a like, or greater response.

Ever here of NASA's facebook weather page, I bet your top would blow off with that one.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to read another one of your whining, "Liar of the Year" posts again in my lifetime. Unfortunately somebody brought to my attention the best example of your smarmy deceitful tactic of re-inventing truth in vain attempts to justify some pathological need you have to always be "right". Even if that means lying your head off in the process? What are you thinking? That nobody else who reads this thread can see your re-telling of it's content is pure bullshit from word one?

Let's start with this bit of duplicitous sleight-of-tongue trickery. What, do you think, we are all fools?

To paraphrase and close, "how I respond will determine if we are enemies", You start with insults and accusations, you follow up with dictates and ultimatums that are beyond ridiculous, and then you act even more outraged, when you set this all up, set this up from the beginning to piss me off and fail, and now you have your reason to call me an enemy.

What's this "To paraphrase and close" business? Ahhh...but we know what it's about, don't we? Instead of going to the trouble of thinking up a "paraphrase" you could have just quoted me. But a direct quote would have stopped your phony fucking narrative in it's tracks and that would have screwed up the whole "poor pitiful me" motivation behind this pathetic mind-numbing thread of yours. Well I'm going to quote myself so nobody has to wonder who's got the truth on their side and who's the lying crazy twat....

If I were you I'd be tempted to give me at least a half-hearted apology, eh? No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are.

That was a hand held out in reconciliation, but that doesn't fit the lie you're pushing does it? So much better to "paraphrase" it, make it into a square peg to fit your imaginary square hole. The fact that we've never interacted before and had no reason to be enemies makes no difference to you though, once I had pointed out and proved you had made a mistake that was it. Enemies for life.
The mask came off, revealing the snarling reptilian bitch beneath that camouflage of phony human skin you hide behind but can't help shedding in times of duress. You are pathological. 90% of this and the others attacking me are pure two-faced bald-faced lies..

I bet is was my link to the Hurricane and Tropical storm website (the second time I posted this) while pointing out that was weather forecasting as well.
Hurricanes/Tropical Cyclones

That thick skull of your's is impossible to penetrate. It's been repeated over and over, NASA observes extreme weather, spots trends, and passes on this info to actual weather forecasters. Fuck, read that 10 times if you have to TO GET IT INTO THAT TEENY TINY "BRAIN" OF YOURS.

What is the matter, you did not like me linking to the "NASA WEATHER FORECASTING AND INFORMATION WEBSITE"
Weather Forecast Data and Information Website

Google "NASA WEATHER FORECASTING AND INFORMATION WEBSITE" stupid, Google who usually generates thousands of links in fractions of seconds gives us this;
"No results found for "NASA WEATHER FORECASTING AND INFORMATION WEBSITE". That's just another not-very-clever attempt at conflating the two, a deceit, an attempt to portray this -
"Weather Forecast Data and Information Website - NASA" as equal to your invented "NASA WEATHER FORECASTING AND INFORMATION WEBSITE" God you're such a transparent unregenerate old liar you should be better at it by now. The lie disproves your claim and the true name of the website proves Cricks and my statement that NASA does not forecast weather, for the Nth fucking time, they supply data and information.

Yes, your insult was just that, an insult, your attack was simply an attack. No less, that is how you began with me, that is how you intended to end with me, adding that how I respond will determine if we are enemies certainly showed the extreme you had already laid the groundwork for.

How I began was my first post, which I repeated a few times in reply to your inventive re-imagining of it. I've repeated it already again here, you might as well stop lying about it, it can be judged stand alone without you trying to massage it into something it isn't. And I didn't start "flaming and trolling" 'til my third post by which time you deserved having your fat lying ass kicked around the block a few times with what is real flaming and trolling, see the difference? And I guess this post is another example you have the right to whine about. Carry on, need a tiny violin?

We don't have a history of friction, you must be joking, as soon as you insulted and attacked me with your first post you establish that little history of being nothing but friction?

Repeat Repeat Repeat.
Yeah, I see you've erased my first post from the enclosed posts above. A little too hard to lie about when it's right there in easy view, eh? Jesus you're such a transparently cunning old fraud. It must be so second nature to you the thought never registers "Everybody sees your naked lying ass like the Emperor's lack of clothes".

To paraphrase and close, "how I respond will determine if we are enemies", You start with insults and accusations, you follow up with dictates and ultimatums that are beyond ridiculous, and then you act even more outraged, when you set this all up, set this up from the beginning to piss me off and fail, and now you have your reason to call me an enemy.

"dictates and ultimatums" "insults and accusations" "you set this all up, set this up from the beginning" And there's that "to paraphrase and close" again. You cunning old bitch. You paranoid ancient drama Queen. You lying treacherous witch. I wouldn't in this lifetime call you an enemy. That would elevate you to a status above the world of rotting windfall filth you actually slither around in.

I will be proud to have you searcher44, call me an enemy, it will be one-sided of course, your hate not mine, I simply responded to you, as you began with me, certainly you can not expect people to be meek when you begin with attacks, and follow with more attacks, yes. I guess searcher44 expects even his attack, to win, and not be answered with a like, or greater response.

Says the most hateful, most prevaricating, dung heap of an excuse for a human being I have ever ran across in cyberspace. I'll give you a hint, you don't have to "paraphrase" this post, you have inspired the ugliest I can produce. Now try to fuck off for good this time and stop biting at my ankles.
I was hoping I wouldn't have to read another one of your whining, "Liar of the Year" posts again in my lifetime. Unfortunately somebody brought to my attention the best example of your smarmy deceitful tactic of re-inventing truth in vain attempts to justify some pathological need you have to always be "right". Even if that means lying your head off in the process? What are you thinking? That nobody else who reads this thread can see your re-telling of it's content is pure bullshit from word one?.....................................

Let's start with this bit of duplicitous sleight-of-tongue trickery. What, do you think, we are all fools?................................

Yeah, I see you've erased my first post from the enclosed posts above. A little too hard to lie about when it's right there in easy view, eh? Jesus you're such a transparently cunning old fraud. It must be so second nature to you the thought never registers "Everybody sees your naked lying ass like the Emperor's lack of clothes"............................................................................

Says the most hateful, most prevaricating, dung heap of an excuse for a human being I have ever ran across in cyberspace. I'll give you a hint, you don't have to "paraphrase" this post, you have inspired the ugliest I can produce. Now try to fuck off for good this time and stop biting at my ankles.
You were hoping you did not have to read my posts again? But you had to, you had no choice, or do you figure your vitriol and insults and threats is enough to scare people away?

Somebody brought my last post to your attention, noticed you did not respond (cause your notifications are turned off), hence your back after you said I was not worthy of a response, that you were finished with me? If I can paraphrase, which you do not like, huh?

And you state I am the most hateful, when you are the one declaring in your second post that how I respond determines if we are enemies?

Nobody is telling you to come here and respond, what are you guys, a legion of trolls, you did get two thanks or agrees, from crick and old crock, (crick crock crick crock, right twice a day when they leave the boards and go to bed). So you are either a liar and came on our own or you are cricks or crocks second account. Or maybe crick, crock, and searcher are all the same person, all are trolls and fail.

Enemies? Get a life!!!!!!
If I were you I'd be tempted to give me at least a half-hearted apology, eh? No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are.

That was a hand held out in reconciliation, but that doesn't fit the lie you're pushing does it? So much better to "paraphrase" it, make it into a square peg to fit your imaginary square hole. The fact that we've never interacted before and had no reason to be enemies makes no difference to you though, once I had pointed out and proved you had made a mistake that was it. Enemies for life.
The mask came off, revealing the snarling reptilian bitch beneath that camouflage of phony human skin you hide behind but can't help shedding in times of duress. You are pathological. 90% of this and the others attacking me are pure two-faced bald-faced lies..[/QUOTE]
"The mask came off", "the others attacking me"?

Gee Searcher44, you are one parnoid, asshole of a troll. We are attacking you? Grow up and find another life, I think the pressure of posting on a message board is a bit much for you.

A, "hand held out in reconciliation" begins with the phrase, "If I were you....."?
I got to hand it to you screacher44, you are about as nuts as they come on this board. I still say you got to be crick or crock, you are awfully crazy nuts over little old me.

And how about the, "others", how long they been out to get you, since you began flaming their posts?
If I were you I'd be tempted to give me at least a half-hearted apology, eh? No use being enemies until we're sure that we really are.

That was a hand held out in reconciliation, but that doesn't fit the lie you're pushing does it? So much better to "paraphrase" it, make it into a square peg to fit your imaginary square hole. The fact that we've never interacted before and had no reason to be enemies makes no difference to you though, once I had pointed out and proved you had made a mistake that was it. Enemies for life.
The mask came off, revealing the snarling reptilian bitch beneath that camouflage of phony human skin you hide behind but can't help shedding in times of duress. You are pathological. 90% of this and the others attacking me are pure two-faced bald-faced lies..
"The mask came off", "the others attacking me"?

Gee Searcher44, you are one parnoid, asshole of a troll. We are attacking you? Grow up and find another life, I think the pressure of posting on a message board is a bit much for you.

A, "hand held out in reconciliation" begins with the phrase, "If I were you....."?
I got to hand it to you screacher44, you are about as nuts as they come on this board. I still say you got to be crick or crock, you are awfully crazy nuts over little old me.

And how about the, "others", how long they been out to get you, since you began flaming their posts?[/QUOTE]

You must think I'm having a great time here playing the Organ Grinder, but it ain't that much fun when the Monkey's doing such a lousy job. I've told you several times, your lies are just too transparent. At least make an effort to shine them up with a modicum of believability, or else! No more bananas for you. There, I've given you a gift, don't waste it, you should be able to spin a good yarn around that "Or Else". "Paraphrase" the hell out of it all you like. Jeez, I'm really nailing down your modus operandi, eh?

"We are attacking you,
" Who's this we? You got a friend? I find that doubtful. That thing about "the others" ain't bad but points as much toward a lack of reading comprehension on your part as anything, so...not so good. Say, it doesn't take much to get you onboard the crazy-train with your pedal to the metal and steam belching out of every orifice does it? Oh long as you're willing to keep dancing I'll keep grinding away.
You are pathological. 90% of this and the others attacking me are pure two-faced bald-faced lies..
Yes, Searcher44, we can all see you are pathological, and that you project, meaning you call others, what you are. I must quote you exactly because Searcher44 can not remember what Searcher44 writes. So who are the, "others" attacking you. And how Pot do you smoke, it is obviously you are paranoid and can not remember a thing.
Moderation Message:

Don't know how snow in March can become personal. But there's no apparent topic left here
with all the jousting. It's Zone2 and topical control is why you're ALLOWED to flame each other
as long as EVERY post moves the topic forward. Since the clocks are already forward and there
will still be snow on the ground in April --- you'll have other opportunities to flame according to the rules
of the board.. Closed... Remember the different rules of each forum please..
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