Snowden gets web site job.

When DHS was created, the Right cheered. When the Patriot Act was passed, creating massive new police powers, the Right cheered. They actually sneered at organizations like the ACLU trying to reel it in.

When Bush was locking up US citizens without habaes corpus and was waterboarding detainees, they cheered. To this day, they deny waterboarding is torture.

When Bush began spying on tens of millions of Americans, they yawned.

Everyone was too worried about whether or not a Democrat was wearing a flag pin. They actually made note of those who didn't!

They didn't give a fuck about our Constitution, but HOLY GODAMM SHIT OBAMA DIDN'T PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART QUICK ENOUGH!!!

You stupid dumb motherfuckers birthed this police state monster, and nursed it, and wiped its ass.

And now you are shocked, shocked Obama is using it.
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I stand by my post

If Snowden is so enthralled with the Russians, let him see how much freedom they give him

Well seeing that Obama kills US citizens and Snowden has been called a terrorist by the Dem party I'd say he has a lot more fucking freedom there than in his own country where all he had to do was out the President for illegally spying on citizens and allies.

Again, you side with a President that spies on it's citizens and allies, then lies about it.... then admits it... then pretends it's a non issue. That's you RW. You would rather see Snowden hung rather than hold Obama accountable for the very things you once claimed to vote for him over, transparency. You and Obama are upset that Snowden made Obama transparent.


Welcome to post 9-11 America

We trust nobody. NSA is doing what they have always done, gather mega-rheems of data and information. That includes Americans, enemies and allies

Here it is G5, you attack me while defending THIS guy lol. Don;t believe me, just look up as your past posts and see him thanking you.


We deserve to be spied on illegally because we are post 9/11... Did you hear that g5? RW once hated Bush's policies only to now defend them under Obama, and you call me out as a hypocrite. That sir is hypocrisy, not me or snowden, the rest of the world or Americans being upset that O-FUCKING-BABA proves to be just like Bush.
When DHS was created, the Right cheered. When the Patriot Act was passed, creating massive new police powers, the Right cheered. They actually sneered at organizations like the ACLU trying to reel it in.

When Bush was locking up US citizens without habaes corpus and was waterboarding detainees, they cheered.

When Bush began spying on tens of millions of Americans, they yawned.

Everyone was too worried about whether or not a Democrat was wearing a flag pin. They actually made note of those who didn't!

They didn't give a fuck about our Constitution, but HOLY GODAMM SHIT OBAMA DIDN'T PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART QUICK ENOUGH!!!

You stupid dumb motherfuckers birthed this police state monster, and nursed it, and wiped its ass.

And now you are shocked, shocked Obama is using it.

I'm not shocked at all... I never cheered nor yawned... But guess who is, RIGHTWINGER. And boy does he love you fighting with me and defending Obama's actions. Or wait, not not defending Obama, you just want people to start blaming Bush.... for...... 2013... er, wtf is going on here?
Well seeing that Obama kills US citizens and Snowden has been called a terrorist by the Dem party I'd say he has a lot more fucking freedom there than in his own country where all he had to do was out the President for illegally spying on citizens and allies.

Again, you side with a President that spies on it's citizens and allies, then lies about it.... then admits it... then pretends it's a non issue. That's you RW. You would rather see Snowden hung rather than hold Obama accountable for the very things you once claimed to vote for him over, transparency. You and Obama are upset that Snowden made Obama transparent.


Welcome to post 9-11 America

We trust nobody. NSA is doing what they have always done, gather mega-rheems of data and information. That includes Americans, enemies and allies

Here it is G5, you attack me while defending THIS guy lol. Don;t believe me, just look up as your past posts and see him thanking you.


We deserve to be spied on illegally because we are post 9/11... Did you hear that g5? RW once hated Bush's policies only to now defend them under Obama, and you call me out as a hypocrite. That sir is hypocrisy, not me or snowden, the rest of the world or Americans being upset that O-FUCKING-BABA proves to be just like Bush.

This is all you have? Someone thanked one of my posts?

Perhaps you missed me spanking RW in another topic about gun control today?

Nice try.
When DHS was created, the Right cheered. When the Patriot Act was passed, creating massive new police powers, the Right cheered. They actually sneered at organizations like the ACLU trying to reel it in.

When Bush was locking up US citizens without habaes corpus and was waterboarding detainees, they cheered.

When Bush began spying on tens of millions of Americans, they yawned.

Everyone was too worried about whether or not a Democrat was wearing a flag pin. They actually made note of those who didn't!

They didn't give a fuck about our Constitution, but HOLY GODAMM SHIT OBAMA DIDN'T PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART QUICK ENOUGH!!!

You stupid dumb motherfuckers birthed this police state monster, and nursed it, and wiped its ass.

And now you are shocked, shocked Obama is using it.

I'm not shocked at all... I never cheered nor yawned... But guess who is, RIGHTWINGER. And boy does he love you fighting with me and defending Obama's actions. Or wait, not not defending Obama, you just want people to start blaming Bush.... for...... 2013... er, wtf is going on here?

The Right birthed the monster. Nurtured it. Then gifted it to Obama.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

I am sorry this truth is beyond your ken. That's too bad. It means a lot of them probably won't learn a lesson from all this.
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When DHS was created, the Right cheered. When the Patriot Act was passed, creating massive new police powers, the Right cheered. They actually sneered at organizations like the ACLU trying to reel it in.

When Bush was locking up US citizens without habaes corpus and was waterboarding detainees, they cheered.

When Bush began spying on tens of millions of Americans, they yawned.

Everyone was too worried about whether or not a Democrat was wearing a flag pin. They actually made note of those who didn't!

They didn't give a fuck about our Constitution, but HOLY GODAMM SHIT OBAMA DIDN'T PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART QUICK ENOUGH!!!

You stupid dumb motherfuckers birthed this police state monster, and nursed it, and wiped its ass.

And now you are shocked, shocked Obama is using it.

Get your story straight. There were millions of tea party types who were extremely pissed off while the RINOs bathed in the autumn sunlight of the United States descent into a full fledged police state.

You need to put this partisan bullshit aside. Almost everyone was on board and your magic negro has had plenty of time to undo do it, but he doesn't. You should ask yourself why he doesn't do that.
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Hey, the Prez is locking up US citizens without habaes corpus. And he's spying on our fellow Americans. And he's torturing detainees and keeping them locked up for years without trial. God bless that man for keeping America safe. What a patriot!

Four years later: Hey look! That black bastard is spying on Americans. OMG, HE'S A NAZI!!! I sure do miss that other guy!
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I have been against every piece of legislation that steals our freedoms back to Jimmy Carter, hasn't gotten me any where.
When DHS was created, the Right cheered. When the Patriot Act was passed, creating massive new police powers, the Right cheered. They actually sneered at organizations like the ACLU trying to reel it in.

When Bush was locking up US citizens without habaes corpus and was waterboarding detainees, they cheered.

When Bush began spying on tens of millions of Americans, they yawned.

Everyone was too worried about whether or not a Democrat was wearing a flag pin. They actually made note of those who didn't!

They didn't give a fuck about our Constitution, but HOLY GODAMM SHIT OBAMA DIDN'T PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART QUICK ENOUGH!!!

You stupid dumb motherfuckers birthed this police state monster, and nursed it, and wiped its ass.

And now you are shocked, shocked Obama is using it.

I'm not shocked at all... I never cheered nor yawned... But guess who is, RIGHTWINGER. And boy does he love you fighting with me and defending Obama's actions. Or wait, not not defending Obama, you just want people to start blaming Bush.... for...... 2013... er, wtf is going on here?

The Right birthed the monster. Nurtured it. Then gifted it to Obama.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

I am sorry this truth is beyond your ken. That's too bad. It means a lot of them probably won't learn a lesson from all this.

I.... am..... not...... the..... right..... You know what, fuck you g5. You're the hypocrite seeing as you 100% support all the spying and killing, deficits and blah blah blah under Obama. There, suck it. That's what it's like arguing with you.

You claimed I made it all about Obama, I was fully clear that Obama didn't invent any of this but in fact was just part of the mess, and is President currently, meaning he should have accountability.... So all you do is start claiming "the right" was ok with it... whelp, that's shifting the goal post because I'm not defending the right.... never was, never did.

But I guess you just have to have your day talking down to someone, even if you're so fucking wrong that it makes you look mentally retarded. I mean where they fuck are you even going with this shit? You're the loan fucking ranger being upset with Bush? Really??? No one on planet earth saw Bush's policies as bad accept you... You're fucking Mr. Amazing!

Holy fucking chit this is retarded.
Hey, the Prez is locking up US citizens without habaes corpus. And he's spying on our fellow Americans. And he's torturing detainees and keeping them locked up for years without trial. God bless that man for keeping America safe. What a patriot!

Four years later: Hey look! That black bastard is spying on Americans. OMG, HE'S A NAZI!!! I sure do miss that other guy!

YEAH, now I'm a racist WHOOOOHOOO!!!

Bring back Bush!!! That's me! Say it all the fucking time in fact.

Just give the fuck up G5.
Since Snowden is such a hero to Russians it will be interesting to see if they give him a job with access to classified information

Aww your just bitter because he outed Obama for being a massive liar.

You call Snowden a "hero to Russians" because he showed Obama spies on American citizens as well as every single ally... This is in attempt to say anyone that agrees with what Snowden did is..... Russian at heart?

Now, what's interesting is that you, RW, defend Obama in all this... The actual guy that controls the illegal spying on American citizens, then openly lied about it as well as oked spying on all of our allies. That's you RW, that's where you stand.

I really don't care what you have to say RW, the world as a whole is growing to hate Obama. ATM the only reason countries accept Obama is because he literally pays them money to like him. Obama's that guy, buying friends who sadly openly talk shit about him.

I stand by my post

If Snowden is so enthralled with the Russians, let him see how much freedom they give him

He'll have more than he had here.
Aww your just bitter because he outed Obama for being a massive liar.

You call Snowden a "hero to Russians" because he showed Obama spies on American citizens as well as every single ally... This is in attempt to say anyone that agrees with what Snowden did is..... Russian at heart?

Now, what's interesting is that you, RW, defend Obama in all this... The actual guy that controls the illegal spying on American citizens, then openly lied about it as well as oked spying on all of our allies. That's you RW, that's where you stand.

I really don't care what you have to say RW, the world as a whole is growing to hate Obama. ATM the only reason countries accept Obama is because he literally pays them money to like him. Obama's that guy, buying friends who sadly openly talk shit about him.

I stand by my post

If Snowden is so enthralled with the Russians, let him see how much freedom they give him

He'll have more than he had here.

Awwwww Thats cute

and you actually believe it too

Spoken like a true Republican
I expect Russian agents are watching airport boy's every move.

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