Snowden Has Left Hong Kong

Are you sure he is headed to Russia? I'm thinking South America. Better climate, he can go underground alot easier and with his expertise in the art of not being found I think there is a better chance of winning the lottery than finding Snowden. No matter where he goes. My 2 cents. - jeri
seems they are throwing out all sorts of possibilities as to where he will be headed next now.

His flight from US authorities, which want to charge him with espionage, appeared set to continue with an onward flight west from Moscow to Havana on Monday. From there, various reports indicated that he would try to get to either Caracas, or Quito.
Edward Snowden 'arrives in Moscow' | World news |
It now includes Ecuador.
Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone?

Forgot this already?

Morning Bell: Obama Whispers Away America's Security | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Since we already know how well Putin and obama got along, your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Oh? They are getting along well now are they?

You are a little bit crazy, aren't you? Should I feel guilty for thinking so little of you? Is it beyond your control?
Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone?

Forgot this already?

Morning Bell: Obama Whispers Away America's Security | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Personally I would like for the two to get along. It is in the best interest of America I say that. This conflict that is escalating between the two could easily spill over to the Russians striking the USA. I don't like Putin but for the sake of peace something is going to have to give here.

Even though I consider Putin a hypocrite for calling Obama a weak leader leading Sodom and Gomorrah - while he himself doesn't even have the nerve to confront Assad over mass murder of his own people. I still say - try to ignore the hypocrisy and move on to regaining the respect he lost first round ( Obama )

When I look at this photograph I see Obama is backed by Kissinger, Davignon, Strauss - Kahn, Bronfman, Collins and Co. and is going by the UN blueprint given him for new world order- which these men designed - in order to later do some "nation building", erasing borders and re- arranging of the Middle East power structure. (Installing Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is temporary at best, surely Kissinger is preparing a good motive for their demise later when same people resist global order up ahead to get rfid chip implant.....) as to Strauss Kahn and the IMF - well, the IMF has strings attached to their monetary fund gifts - you have to sign away sovereignty first to them - ask Greek Parliament and Iceland about that one - ) So Obama is not able to move off his position of backing the rebels against Assad. Because that is the game plan.

Now look at Putin. Putin is backed by the Iranians who are Syria's closest allies. Russia signed the Grand Design Treaty decades ago with Iran promising that if America strikes Iran Russia will nuke the USA. If you try to google Grand Design Treaty you'll be hard pressed to find any information about it although there is more than one book out there mentioning that treaty. So Putin cannot move off his position either.

It is a stalemate situation and unfortunately the NWO globalist architects have underestimated Putins lack of interest in being a part of the NWO when they can run their own show. There is not a doubt in my mind that Putin and China have already discussed this with Putin asking why should we join their NWO when we can create our own without them and have it all?

You see the Asians believe this NWO plan is a western idea - coming out of Europe and the USA mainly. For that reason alone they are turned off by it. Yet they play the game biding their time until the day Russia hits America on our four corners and Kissinger & friends learn that their plan wasn't as solid as they thought it was. That is how I see this thing playing out.

The best answer would be to buy some time and try to get along with the Russians for now. If they don't I expect Russia will most definitely hit the USA before Obama completes his second term. That is how serious the current situation is.

For those of you who don't understand what Russia is stating by calling America Sodom and Gomorrah? They are stating that if fire rains down on America ( nuclear ) it is because of our own immoral ways which by the way - Putin has been campaigning that one to the world for the past year - the cancellation of adopting Russian children - the condemnation on reports about gay marriage in america, gay rights in america - the pattern is undeniable. He is setting the stage for a motive to hit America. If anyone can't see this, I don't know what to tell you because the writing is on the wall for this one.

Best answer would be for all sides to tone it down. - Jeri
Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone?

Forgot this already?

Morning Bell: Obama Whispers Away America's Security | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Personally I would like for the two to get along. It is in the best interest of America I say that. This conflict that is escalating between the two could easily spill over to the Russians striking the USA. I don't like Putin but for the sake of peace something is going to have to give here.

Even though I consider Putin a hypocrite for calling Obama a weak leader leading Sodom and Gomorrah - while he himself doesn't even have the nerve to confront Assad over mass murder of his own people. I still say - try to ignore the hypocrisy and move on to regaining the respect he lost first round ( Obama )

When I look at this photograph I see Obama is backed by Kissinger, Davignon, Strauss - Kahn, Bronfman, Collins and Co. and is going by the UN blueprint given him for new world order- which these men designed - in order to later do some "nation building", erasing borders and re- arranging of the Middle East power structure. (Installing Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is temporary at best, surely Kissinger is preparing a good motive for their demise later when same people resist global order up ahead to get rfid chip implant.....) as to Strauss Kahn and the IMF - well, the IMF has strings attached to their monetary fund gifts - you have to sign away sovereignty first to them - ask Greek Parliament and Iceland about that one - ) So Obama is not able to move off his position of backing the rebels against Assad. Because that is the game plan.

Now look at Putin. Putin is backed by the Iranians who are Syria's closest allies. Russia signed the Grand Design Treaty decades ago with Iran promising that if America strikes Iran Russia will nuke the USA. If you try to google Grand Design Treaty you'll be hard pressed to find any information about it although there is more than one book out there mentioning that treaty. So Putin cannot move off his position either.

It is a stalemate situation and unfortunately the NWO globalist architects have underestimated Putins lack of interest in being a part of the NWO when they can run their own show. There is not a doubt in my mind that Putin and China have already discussed this with Putin asking why should we join their NWO when we can create our own without them and have it all?

You see the Asians believe this NWO plan is a western idea - coming out of Europe and the USA mainly. For that reason alone they are turned off by it. Yet they play the game biding their time until the day Russia hits America on our four corners and Kissinger & friends learn that their plan wasn't as solid as they thought it was. That is how I see this thing playing out.

The best answer would be to buy some time and try to get along with the Russians for now. If they don't I expect Russia will most definitely hit the USA before Obama completes his second term. That is how serious the current situation is.

For those of you who don't understand what Russia is stating by calling America Sodom and Gomorrah? They are stating that if fire rains down on America ( nuclear ) it is because of our own immoral ways which by the way - Putin has been campaigning that one to the world for the past year - the cancellation of adopting Russian children - the condemnation on reports about gay marriage in america, gay rights in america - the pattern is undeniable. He is setting the stage for a motive to hit America. If anyone can't see this, I don't know what to tell you because the writing is on the wall for this one.

Best answer would be for all sides to tone it down. - Jeri

in other news China has its first successful sea trials

of it brand new state of the art air craft carrier

behind them
Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone?

Forgot this already?

Morning Bell: Obama Whispers Away America's Security | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Since we already know how well Putin and obama got along, your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Oh? They are getting along well now are they?

You are a little bit crazy, aren't you? Should I feel guilty for thinking so little of you? Is it beyond your control?

Are you that dense? Really?

Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone

That's the statement. We don't have to surmise whether or not obama and Putin got along. We know. Putin despises obama. obama came up against a stone wall, against which he flails impotently.

I frankly don't care what you think of me because I was never looking for your approval anyway.
Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone?

Forgot this already?

Morning Bell: Obama Whispers Away America's Security | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Personally I would like for the two to get along. It is in the best interest of America I say that. This conflict that is escalating between the two could easily spill over to the Russians striking the USA. I don't like Putin but for the sake of peace something is going to have to give here.

Even though I consider Putin a hypocrite for calling Obama a weak leader leading Sodom and Gomorrah - while he himself doesn't even have the nerve to confront Assad over mass murder of his own people. I still say - try to ignore the hypocrisy and move on to regaining the respect he lost first round ( Obama )

When I look at this photograph I see Obama is backed by Kissinger, Davignon, Strauss - Kahn, Bronfman, Collins and Co. and is going by the UN blueprint given him for new world order- which these men designed - in order to later do some "nation building", erasing borders and re- arranging of the Middle East power structure. (Installing Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is temporary at best, surely Kissinger is preparing a good motive for their demise later when same people resist global order up ahead to get rfid chip implant.....) as to Strauss Kahn and the IMF - well, the IMF has strings attached to their monetary fund gifts - you have to sign away sovereignty first to them - ask Greek Parliament and Iceland about that one - ) So Obama is not able to move off his position of backing the rebels against Assad. Because that is the game plan.

Now look at Putin. Putin is backed by the Iranians who are Syria's closest allies. Russia signed the Grand Design Treaty decades ago with Iran promising that if America strikes Iran Russia will nuke the USA. If you try to google Grand Design Treaty you'll be hard pressed to find any information about it although there is more than one book out there mentioning that treaty. So Putin cannot move off his position either.

It is a stalemate situation and unfortunately the NWO globalist architects have underestimated Putins lack of interest in being a part of the NWO when they can run their own show. There is not a doubt in my mind that Putin and China have already discussed this with Putin asking why should we join their NWO when we can create our own without them and have it all?

You see the Asians believe this NWO plan is a western idea - coming out of Europe and the USA mainly. For that reason alone they are turned off by it. Yet they play the game biding their time until the day Russia hits America on our four corners and Kissinger & friends learn that their plan wasn't as solid as they thought it was. That is how I see this thing playing out.

The best answer would be to buy some time and try to get along with the Russians for now. If they don't I expect Russia will most definitely hit the USA before Obama completes his second term. That is how serious the current situation is.

For those of you who don't understand what Russia is stating by calling America Sodom and Gomorrah? They are stating that if fire rains down on America ( nuclear ) it is because of our own immoral ways which by the way - Putin has been campaigning that one to the world for the past year - the cancellation of adopting Russian children - the condemnation on reports about gay marriage in america, gay rights in america - the pattern is undeniable. He is setting the stage for a motive to hit America. If anyone can't see this, I don't know what to tell you because the writing is on the wall for this one.

Best answer would be for all sides to tone it down. - Jeri

Russia, China with North Korea, Iran with Syria all are involved in working together to a certain extent to get their hands on and control all the WMD they can. Syria's Assad is important to Russia for what his state has.
Truthfully, there has just been a facade for decades between certain world powers.
If he indeed did land in Russia, I would think they wouldn't possibly allow him off the plane, walking through the terminal. He would be escorted through private areas into Russian agents hands.
There is one other scenario that could be unfolding without Obama admin realizing what is going on. It could be that Kissinger, Davignon ( head of Bilderberg ) Strauss - Kahn ( head of IMF ) Bronfman, Collins and co have planned in advance the position for America to take on Syria because they realize that until America falls they cannot do what they want with Israel. So they purposely set Obama up for this one and he is the only one who wasn't let in on the secret.

If that were their game plan they would set up the scenario in which Obama would be pitted against Putin and tell Obama they are in control, do not back down against Putin on this one... then the Russians would strike America removing us from the equation. ( that is the game changer the russians & globalists both need in the ME anyhow -concerning Israel)

These European NGO's and superpower globalists already have all the gold, the fed reserve has made a fortune, the 100 yr contract is up this year with the Fed. (2013) - it is all being wrapped up neatly and they even dipped in for one final robbery of several trillion more american dollars from the debt ceiling foreign bank bailout. The auction on USA is about over. Maybe this is closing time. In this scenario, if you could envision a chess board, - the players are offering America as the piece on the board they can sacrifice in order to gain better position on the board. We are now at the mercy of foreign powers. That is the bottom line either way. - Jeri
one man shouted you suck

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was booed by progressive activists Saturday for defending President Obama on the NSA’s surveillance programs and suggesting that alleged leaker Edward Snowden broke the law.

Speaking in a wide-ranging Q&A session at this year’s Netroots Nation conference, Pelosi said it’s unfair to equate Obama and former President George W. Bush on the issue of surveillance.

“People on the far right are saying oh, this is the fourth term of President Bush,” the California Democrat said. “Absolutely, positively not so.”

As Pelosi was saying the country needs a “balance” between security and privacy, Marc Perkel, a 57-year-old activist from Gilroy, Calif., started shouting at Pelosi during her answer and was escorted out of the room.

“It’s not a balance. It’s not constitutional!” he yelled. “No secret laws!”

Others in the room began shouting as well, saying things like “Leave him alone!” or “That’s what a police state looks like right there!”

The moderator, Zerlina Maxwell, worked to quiet the crowd by saying audience members needed to submit questions via Twitter rather than shouting them out, but Pelosi said she didn’t mind.

“I welcome the challenges that people pose because I think that those questions must be answered,” Pelosi said.

She was further booed when she said Snowden did break the law by leaking the information he revealed.

“As far as Snowden: he did violate the law in terms of releasing those documents,” she said.

Some of the crowd erupted in boos, with one man screaming, “You suck!”

Nancy Pelosi booed, heckled at Netroots Nation 2013 - Emily Schultheis -
If he indeed did land in Russia, I would think they wouldn't possibly allow him off the plane, walking through the terminal. He would be escorted through private areas into Russian agents hands.

Of course that's what they would do.
Any honest nutters want to admit that you'd be very upset if Putin and Obama got along well last week? Anyone?

Forgot this already?

Morning Bell: Obama Whispers Away America's Security | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Since we already know how well Putin and obama got along, your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Oh? They are getting along well now are they?

You are a little bit crazy, aren't you? Should I feel guilty for thinking so little of you? Is it beyond your control?

In all fairness, I'm pretty sure they still get along pretty well. In the picture they just look bored. I'm sure Obama would rather be playing golf or spending time with his children, while Putin would rather be... wrestling bears... or whatever Putin does in his spare time.

On topic, I don't expect Snowden to stay in Moscow. Cuba would probably be his best bet. Not to mention it would piss off the American government even more to have him living 90 miles off the coast of Florida, untouchable by US authorities.
In the picture, Putin looks like he's insulted to be sitting next to obama. I've never seen such disdain and contempt on a world leader's face.

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