Snowden Has Left Hong Kong


Seriously though, I think we all know he is getting ready to spill all the beans within his cup before his next leg.

I also wonder how much detail he actually has to give to our enemies and how this is going to affect us.

I don't know, I think he learned a think or two from James O'Keefe and the ACORN order to drag out coverage and keep it front page news, you dole out a little information at a time...get them to respond...then prove their response to be a lie.

what I meant was, if indeed he flew into Moscow, then he is going to be discussing with them what he knows about US spying of Russia before his next flight out.

Ah...I suspect you are correct...Russia will likely blackmail him.

"Tell us what you know or we will drop you off at the U.S. Embassy".

That's what I would do.
Russia likely already received the data from him as the price of entry.
I have no problem with Russia or China knowing how our government is spying on Americans. The whole world should know how totalitarian obama is.
..Ecuador says it has received asylum request from Snowden
Reuters – 22 minutes ago

QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said on Sunday that former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden had asked Ecuador for asylum.

"The Government of Ecuador has received an asylum request from Edward J. #Snowden," Patino, who is on an official visit to Vietnam, said on Twitter.

(Reporting by Alexandra Valencia; Writing by Daniel Wallis; editing by Jackie Frank)

Ecuador says it has received asylum request from Snowden
I have no problem with Russia or China knowing how our government is spying on Americans. The whole world should know how totalitarian obama is.

that is not just what this is about.
Hong Kong lets Snowden leave to Moscow, with Cuba among possible destinations, Libertarian hero gets help from some 'funny' sources.

Hong Kong lets Snowden leave to Moscow, with Cuba among possible destinations

Now that Snowden has fled to Moscow, will his supporters concede that their ‘hero’ is nothing more than an a coward and opportunist, and that Snowden is indeed playing his supporters like a cheap violin.

Why in the world would we care that he's doing what's necessary to avoid being incarcerated for exposing the crimes of the government? We're cheering him on.
Democratic U.S. Senator Charles Schumer charged that Russian President Vladimir Putin likely knew and approved of Snowden's flight from Hong Kong to Russia. He said that will "have serious consequences" for a U.S.-Russian relationship already strained over Syria and human rights.

"Putin always seems almost eager to stick a finger in the eye of the United States - whether it is Syria, Iran and now of course with Snowden," Schumer told CNN's "State of the Union," adding that China may have had a role as well.

"It remains to be seen how much influence Beijing had on Hong Kong," Schumer said. "As you know, they coordinate their foreign policies and I have a feeling that the hand of Beijing was involved here."
U.S. lawmakers slam Russia for abetting Snowden flight | Reuters
U.S. spy fugitive Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador -

HONG KONG/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden is seeking asylum in Ecuador, the Quito government said on Sunday, after Hong Kong let him leave for Russia despite Washington's efforts to extradite him on espionage charges.

In a major embarrassment for the Obama administration, an aircraft thought to have been carrying Snowden landed in Moscow, and the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said he was "bound for the Republic of Ecuador via a safe route for the purposes of asylum."

Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino, visiting Vietnam, tweeted: "The Government of Ecuador has received an asylum request from Edward J. #Snowden."

Ecuador has been sheltering WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange at its London embassy for the past year, and Ecuador's ambassador to Russia said he expected to meet Snowden in Moscow on Sunday.

Snowden, who worked for the U.S. National Security Agency in Hawaii, had been hiding in the former British colony, which returned to China in 1997, since leaking details about U.S. surveillance activities at home and abroad to news media.

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