Snowden plans to settle and work in Russia – lawyer to RT

Still, nobody can say he gave anybody (but American citizens) any information they didn't already know about. Saying he "ran to China and Russia with classified information" is nothing more than bullshit speculation. If he was really willing to give China and Russia classified information they wouldn't be so eager to get rid of him.
Obama and the Dems have done nothing but add judicial and congressional oversight to secret Darth Cheney programs, hater dupes. They look at telephone bills basically, and if you talk to suspected terrorists, they look at content, and it can't be used on other crimes. Snowden is a naive fool and a criminal. 10 years!!
while I certainly am not a fan or Russia, but I hope Snowden will live comfortably and safe there.
Were Snowden a whistleblower, he would have stayed here, and accepted the rule of law. As did Henry David Thoreou.


If the Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the United States of America recognized the supremacy of the law it would have NOT been necessary for Mr Snowden to expose the motherfuckers.

Were Snowden a whistleblower, he would have stayed here, and accepted the rule of law. As did Henry David Thoreou.

His running to China and Russia, and revealing far more than just the extent of domestic spying, simply makes him a traitor and a criminal.

This domestic spying started under Bush. I like it no better under Obama than Bush, but the precedent was established by when the GOP had control of all branches of the government. And the same people crying foul today were saying then that if you had nothing to hide, you had nothing to fear. Your hypocracy is extreme.

Proof that he revealed "more" than the illegal activity of the NSA?

i didn't think so.

If you really thought ("I don't think so") you would have countered Old Rocks post in total and not cherry picked one phrase alone. What say you about the timing of these activities and the accuracy of his reminder of the comment, "if you had nothing to hide, you had nothing to fear"?
Were Snowden a whistleblower, he would have stayed here, and accepted the rule of law. As did Henry David Thoreou.


If the Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the United States of America recognized the supremacy of the law it would have NOT been necessary for Mr Snowden to expose the motherfuckers.


I suggest you take your anger to Russia (or China) since they benefited from Snowden and no doubt enjoy the aid and comfort provided by someone (like you) who hates our Democratically elected government. Either would probably offer you asylum - with rubber rooms.

BTW, calling others Mother Fucker's is declasse
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I wouldn't expect a criminal to do that, I would expect a criminal to run from justice. That's exactly what he did. Russia? What would Putin do? He put young female musicians in prison for protesting him.

If President Obama were like Putin, a goodly number of Republican Pols would be in prison today, as well as some of the echo chamber who post here everyday, Rush Limbaugh and the all the talking heads on Fox.

Does it make you feel superior to diss someone with an emoticon? (it shouldn't, it's childish)

WHY do you approve of the government spying on its people?

Government employee?

On welfare?

Mentally retarded?


Just because he doesn't agree with what Snowden did doesn't mean he likes the idea of government intrusion, at least into his own life.

I do notice most bed wetters seem content with government doing anything it wants to everyone else though.

You can bet the farm that if Romney got elected and this story broke the day after he was sworn in, the moonbat howling would shatter glass around the world.[/COLOR]

The Demopublicans are corrupt. Period.


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