Snowflake nightmare, manufacturing Tesla car batteries emit same CO2 as 8 years of gas for the car

Ah, more Trumpflake bad science. The saw someone who said a Swedish website said something, so they BELIEVE!

Meanwhile, the real data.

The Carbon Footprint Of Tesla Manufacturing
They found that the manufacturing of a full-sized Tesla Model S rear-wheel drive car with an 85 KWH battery was equivalent to a full-sized internal combustion car except for the battery, which added 15% or one metric ton of CO2 emissions to the total manufacturing.

However, they found that this was trivial compared to the emissions avoided due to not burning fossil fuels to move the car. Before anyone says "But electricity is generated from coal!", they took that into account too, and it's included in the 53% overall reduction.

And it's probably worth asking what happens to the battery at end of lifecycle. Answer: Tesla recycles it, recovering 70% of the carbon.

That is, EV's are a huge win, emissions wise.

Trumpflakes, better luck with your next attempt at faking science.
I bet this is a topic for the politics forum and not current events isnt it.
Anyone with a brain can tell you that The Law of Thermodynamics dictates that there will be no NET GAIN in anything you attempt to mitigate a mythological problem, or even a real one. You are just shifting the energy burden and environmental burden from the front end to the back end.

Only in the case of "Green Energy" and "Global Warming" an elite few reap the most benefits financially by burdening the maximum number of people possible.

That is the real goal of the global warming movement. It is to promote Global Government, The Removal of Sovereign Borders, The Eradication of Individual Liberties and the imposition of a Global Economy, Global Taxation, and Global Government controlled by a select few grotesquely wealthy and powerful individuals at the expense of the welfare and well being and freedom of us all.
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Doesn't lithium grow on trees?
all you're doing is moving the #'s around. none of this "reduces" them.

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