Snowflake Sophie's choice: Muslim groups boycott Starbucks for supporting LGBTTQQIAAP community


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Snowflakes are probably on the side of the disgusting capitalist big corporation ($20 billion in annual revenue) instead of Muslims.

Malaysia, Indonesia Muslim groups call for Starbucks boycott

So, who wins the victim cage match between the LGBTTQQIAAP and Muslim communities?

That's got to be a tough decision for snowflakes, but I would guess they'll side with gays and coffee over burquas and beheadings and misogyny.
Snowflakes are probably on the side of the disgusting capitalist big corporation ($20 billion in annual revenue) instead of Muslims.

Malaysia, Indonesia Muslim groups call for Starbucks boycott

So, who wins the victim cage match between the LGBTTQQIAAP and Muslim communities?

That's got to be a tough decision for snowflakes, but I would guess they'll side with gays and coffee over burquas and beheadings and misogyny.

They figure a concealed carrier will prevent them from being kidnapped and beheaded at some point.

You'd figure after the mooselimb wasted all those queers in that NC club the moonbats would wake up. I suppose they would but they're drones. They'll be more upset that I called the victims queers, than at the muzzie who killed them. In whatever orifice constitutes a libturds "mind" I'm the bigger threat than a zealot who wants to kill people.

Is this as snowflakey as when the con-servative fundies got their panties in a bunch over the red coffee cups last xmas?
Is this as snowflakey as when the con-servative fundies got their panties in a bunch over the red coffee cups last xmas?
No, this is another demonstration of how abjectly stupid left wingers are. They are made up of a collection of dichotomies and are too stupid to recognize the dilemma.

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