Snowflakes to hold... MOCK FUNERALS ... for ACA. Bwahahahaha!

Democrats plan ‘visceral’ theatrics in defense of Obamacare including mock funerals - Hot Air

"Are you ready for the mock funerals in defense of Obamacare? One Manhattan real estate investor has started a super PAC aimed at defending the law using shock tactics. From Politico:

“We must be far more visceral,” said Jason Haber, a Manhattan real estate investor who started a super PAC that he said will host mock funerals — including “tombstones, coffins, even eulogies” — later this month for “the constituents that will be killed as a result of losing access to health care.”"

The only funeral the snowflakes should have, if they keep on like this is THIS one:

View attachment 125776 :p

I am still firm believer in that these people should find something productive to do... like a job perhaps.

That would also solve their need for health care expenses.
Democrats plan ‘visceral’ theatrics in defense of Obamacare including mock funerals - Hot Air

"Are you ready for the mock funerals in defense of Obamacare? One Manhattan real estate investor has started a super PAC aimed at defending the law using shock tactics. From Politico:

“We must be far more visceral,” said Jason Haber, a Manhattan real estate investor who started a super PAC that he said will host mock funerals — including “tombstones, coffins, even eulogies” — later this month for “the constituents that will be killed as a result of losing access to health care.”"

The only funeral the snowflakes should have, if they keep on like this is THIS one:

View attachment 125776 :p

I am still firm believer in that these people should find something productive to do... like a job perhaps.

That would also solve their need for health care expenses.

You mean that evil three letter word J.O.B.S? Never hear of it. Mom's basement and a part-time minimum wage job suits them just fine.
We just saw a post by left wingers who thought it was a good idea for 20 something liberal burger flippers who live in their parent's basements to send human cremation remains (of relatives?) to politicians. The crazy radical left is calling out all the stops.
Of course that will be after the little basement dwellers knock them off for their social security checks.
From what I read and see in the news protestors are paid and the looting is just gravy, have I been misinformed?

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