So a Couple My Wife and I Are Our Friends Had A Baby Recently...

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
I say that because they're not real close friends. My wife may talk to her a few times a month on the phone. I might talk to him maybe twice a year. They live in the same city as us. She's a "Chatty Cathy" and he's quiet.

As it turns out, he's not the Father. She cheated with some guy she met in a bar. After confessing this, he forgave her and agreed to be the father anyway. During her pregnancy they came over to visit and she even asked me, in front of her husband, what I would do if my wife got pregnant from some other guy. I said to them both; "I'd buy her a one-way ticket to wherever she wanted to go".


Anyway the kid came into this world a few weeks ago, mommy and baby are doing fine. Dad seems to have accepted the kid as his own. Some guys can't do that, they take one look at the kid and can't accept the kid into their life. This guy did though.

My wife went over to visit her for the first time since the birth and guess what? The kid is half-black.

Mommy and Daddy are White. Baby is Half Black.

My wife told me what they named him and I couldn't believe it! Reps to the FIRST person who can guess what they named their little boy.
Oh I dunno. I'm footing the bill for my ex husband's older son, who is not related to me at all....and whose dad pays $0.00 for any of the three kids...only 2 of which are actually mine.

I won't put up with my ex for nothing though. The kid, yeah.
"He's quiet".

What a milquetoast.

I give it 6 months tops.
Yeah, I always figured he was a little wimpy but this makes him a total pushover. But hey, if he can put up with the looks they're gonna' get well, good for them. The kids needs a father anyway.

Just in case you guys were wondering where the "real" father was during all this: He wasn't anywhere to be found. Missed the birth too.
So many people adopt babies of different races now, I don't think anyone on the street is going to even notice. Maybe their friends will, but they'll get over it.

Thing agreeing now to be the kid's dad...well, he won't be able to go back on it later, even if he and the wifey get divorced. The court figures once you claim a kid, it's yours. You don't get to change your mind...even if it's not biologically yours. He's going to be paying child support forever. He'd better make a good bond because that kid is now officially his, even after mom dumps him.

And she will.

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