So, again, WHY was Mueller appointed as special prosecutor?

Good advice there, Frankie.........
Just as soon as I can come to terms with your screwed up ilk who stated that this memo "Will Prove WORSE than WATERGATE"
Could you help me understand that type of hyperbole?.........LOL
You don't need my help to understand it, , if you notice, claiming you do not understand something has become quite common with you since the last presidential election, just get some sleep comrade and everything will become clearer to you, trump is not under your bed.
You don't need my help to understand it, , if you notice, claiming you do not understand something has become quite common with you since the last presidential election, just get some sleep comrade and everything will become clearer to you, trump is not under your bed.

The "comrade' moniker is so damn cute.......and highly original among you right wingers, I might

(and thanks for so squarely addressing the O/P)
Why! Because Trump’s AG recused himself. Because swamp creature Comey leaked (probably illegally) to his professor buddy. Because Andy is also a swamp creature and wanted to implement the Insurance Policy!
Why! Because Trump’s AG recused himself. Because swamp creature Comey leaked (probably illegally) to his professor buddy. Because Andy is also a swamp creature and wanted to implement the Insurance Policy!

Yep......THAT clears it all up...............(what an :asshole: LOL)
The "comrade' moniker is so damn cute.......and highly original among you right wingers, I might

I get it, but you're suppose to feel that way, it should be viewed as true and as original as those lefty classics... racist misogynist, and xenophobe etc. etc. as that is part of its charm and intent

(and thanks for so squarely addressing the O/P)

not a problem
Dems are dumb as a post, did they think the Republicans and Trump who control all three branches of government would just stand there and let them orchestrate a witch hunt without retaliating?

ahem, BlueBalls.........what ever happened to "LOCK HER UP" since you and the orange brigade are fully in charge?........LOL

What are you yapping about natriggered?

Not quite, but what the IG and the AG are about to reveal will show that Clinton, Obama and all of their cronies are historically the most corrupt people ever to held office, or been in a position of any authority in government.'

Obama weaponized The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and IRS.

He's a regular little tyrant.

A Black Stalin if you will.

Or Black Stain sounds better.

Not quite, but what the IG and the AG are about to reveal will show that Clinton, Obama and all of their cronies are historically the most corrupt people ever to held office, or been in a position of any authority in government.'

Obama weaponized The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and IRS.

He's a regular little tyrant.

A Black Stalin if you will.

Or Black Stain sounds better.
You watch too much TV.

Not quite, but what the IG and the AG are about to reveal will show that Clinton, Obama and all of their cronies are historically the most corrupt people ever to held office, or been in a position of any authority in government.'

Obama weaponized The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and IRS.

He's a regular little tyrant.

A Black Stalin if you will.

Or Black Stain sounds better.
You watch too much TV.
Turn off CNN!

It is stunting your growth.

Last edited:
The heart of the matter over this dud of a Nunes' memo versus Mueller's on-going investigation, boils down to the WHY Mueller was appointed by a GOP-led DOJ....

Was Mueller appointed because of Steele's dossier?...............Yes or No?

Was Mueller appointed because of a warrant issued on Page's activities?
Yes or No?

Was Mueller appointed because democrats controlled the DOJ and FBI?
Yes or No?


Was Mueller appointed because Trump fired Comey who refused to comply with trump's request to let Flynn "off the hook"?

and later Trump stated to his Russian buddies.....

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job....I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
He is a corrupt rino stooge. that's why.
Really all I think is necessary for you to understand my post is to get Trump out of your head and get some much needed sleep

Good advice there, Frankie.........
Just as soon as I can come to terms with your screwed up ilk who stated that this memo "Will Prove WORSE than WATERGATE"
Could you help me understand that type of hyperbole?.........LOL
You dont want to understand, all you want is the demise of this country.
So, again, WHY was Mueller appointed as special prosecutor?

1. During the Obama administration then-FBI Director Mueller hid evidence of Russian crimes - to include bribery, extortion, assault, & intimidation - connected to their effort to buy Uranium One.

2. He refused to investigate Hillary accepting over $100 million from entities associated with / who benefitted from the sale of Uranium One at a time when, again, Mueller was hiding Russian crimes of bribing high ranking government officials and high-ranking US uranium agency officials.

3. Mueller had already had experience with the FBI engaging in FISA Court Abuses. While FBI Director he was called before a secret FISA Court to explain his FBI's approximate 75 cases of FISA Court abuses.

4. Mueller was raised / groomed from within the FBI - one of his top priorities was protecting the FBI from scandal...and protecting his protégé...

5. As a prosecutor, Mueller had hidden evidence proving an individual was innocent of a crime and sent him to jail anyway. (The wrongly-convicted was finally released from prison after this was exposed.)

6. Mueller was Comey's mentor and buds with him and Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein.

7. Mueller hated Trump, especially after President Trump refused to 'hire' him...
So, again, WHY was Mueller appointed as special prosecutor?

1. During the Obama administration then-FBI Director Mueller hid evidence of Russian crimes - to include bribery, extortion, assault, & intimidation - connected to their effort to buy Uranium One.

2. He refused to investigate Hillary accepting over $100 million from entities associated with / who benefitted from the sale of Uranium One at a time when, again, Mueller was hiding Russian crimes of bribing high ranking government officials and high-ranking US uranium agency officials.

3. Mueller had already had experience with the FBI engaging in FISA Court Abuses. While FBI Director he was called before a secret FISA Court to explain his FBI's approximate 75 cases of FISA Court abuses.

4. Mueller was raised / groomed from within the FBI - one of his top priorities was protecting the FBI from scandal...and protecting his protégé...

5. As a prosecutor, Mueller had hidden evidence proving an individual was innocent of a crime and sent him to jail anyway. (The wrongly-convicted was finally released from prison after this was exposed.)

6. Mueller was Comey's mentor and buds with him and Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein.

7. Mueller hated Trump, especially after President Trump refused to 'hire' him...

All True, and even with a stacked investigative team, half of which had to be fired they were so corrupt and biased and most of them are now under criminal investigation, Mueller still could not frame Trump.

It is hard to manufacture evidence on a person that has the power and resources to fight back.

Mueller was able to do it in The Antrhax Case and with Enron but even that ended up costing the taxpayers millions in restitution for Mueller's Misconduct. Honestly, he should not have even been allowed to be Special Counsel and most of the people on his team should have not been allowed on the team.

Not quite, but what the IG and the AG are about to reveal will show that Clinton, Obama and all of their cronies are historically the most corrupt people ever to held office, or been in a position of any authority in government.'

Obama weaponized The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and IRS.

He's a regular little tyrant.

A Black Stalin if you will.

Or Black Stain sounds better.
You watch too much TV.
Turn off CNN!

It is stunting your growth.

Actually I usually watch BBC, but you should definitely turn off RT.

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