So *ALL* Ambassadors as of 1/20/2017 are going to be replaced?

you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
--------------------------- they had 2 month to prepare if they had brains LEW !!

No they didn't. Because MOST Presidents give Ambassadors a few months to get things in order before having to resign. Trump said they had to do it before his inauguration,.
-------------------------------------- YES Lew but i doesn't matter what other presidents did , what matters is what President Trump is going to do Lew !!
Can you imagine?

What a pain for all Obama's people....heheehehhe......

pack your bags......LOL hurry you loony libs scum....

leave Europe leave any country.....go back home....

take the shit.....face the shit.....

ohhhhhh what joy! :banana:

Yes all they have to console themselves is a lifetime pension. We'll be paying them handsomely to do nothing now...while paying a new seat filler $150K per year.

ohhhhhh what joy!
Yet you're not even capable of a basic thought here such as why do they get a lifetime pension? You jump to why let them go and cost us money and ignore the obvious.

Well, what I am capable of doing is pointing out that we're now paying (at least) two people a very handsome amount of money to do the job of one person. And the supposed "conservatives" here are celebrating this. On second thought, It seems as though you guys are the ones not capable of thinking.

Your liberalism addled brain not functioning again? How are we paying two to do the job of one?
What sort of ordinary people Barry Soetoro sent as Ambassadors....

Bring them them back .....for God's sake :confused:

Bring all those...those .....omg...., people back
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

Yes idiot, just like Obama did 2008. The lifetime career state department deputy ambassadors keep things running smoothly during the transitions just relax.

Next liberal hypocrisy thread?
What's the big deal? My Browns go through more coaches than that.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

Yes idiot, just like Obama did 2008. The lifetime career state department deputy ambassadors keep things running smoothly during the transitions just relax.

Next liberal hypocrisy thread?

All of the ambassadors were fired on one day?
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

Yes idiot, just like Obama did 2008. The lifetime career state department deputy ambassadors keep things running smoothly during the transitions just relax.

Next liberal hypocrisy thread?

All of the ambassadors were fired on one day?

Yes, just relax lib. You people need to stop getting a case of the vapors over Trump when Obama did the same damn thing.

Demonstrates how uninformed you people are on Obama and Hillary. Hillary offering Putin a Reset button on Obama's orders, Hillary hanging out at Putin's home and sucking up to him, repeatedly complimenting Putin. Your hypocrisy towards Trump is off the scale.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

I was thinking the KGB.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

The point seems to be that Trump is rushing into things he doesn't really understand. What harm is there to do some things first, then deal with something like the Ambassadors later when he's got a clear idea of what he wants to do?

I've seen this before, govts getting in, rushing through their ideology, then having to reverse it (at great cost to the taxpayers) because it wasn't well thought through in the first place.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

Yes idiot, just like Obama did 2008. The lifetime career state department deputy ambassadors keep things running smoothly during the transitions just relax.

Next liberal hypocrisy thread?

All of the ambassadors were fired on one day?

Yes, just relax lib. You people need to stop getting a case of the vapors over Trump when Obama did the same damn thing.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

The point seems to be that Trump is rushing into things he doesn't really understand. What harm is there to do some things first, then deal with something like the Ambassadors later when he's got a clear idea of what he wants to do?

I've seen this before, govts getting in, rushing through their ideology, then having to reverse it (at great cost to the taxpayers) because it wasn't well thought through in the first place.
------------------------------------------- obama appointees are enemies of the USA and especially Trump , might as well get rid of them as soon as possible FWierdo .
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

The point seems to be that Trump is rushing into things he doesn't really understand. What harm is there to do some things first, then deal with something like the Ambassadors later when he's got a clear idea of what he wants to do?

I've seen this before, govts getting in, rushing through their ideology, then having to reverse it (at great cost to the taxpayers) because it wasn't well thought through in the first place.
------------------------------------------- obama appointees are enemies of the USA and especially Trump , might as well get rid of them as soon as possible FWierdo .

I agree.

And CIA and FBI etc.....all the top layer of people under Hussein.

It's called drain the swamp!

Go Mr Trump!:2up:
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
--------------------------- they had 2 month to prepare if they had brains LEW !!

No they didn't. Because MOST Presidents give Ambassadors a few months to get things in order before having to resign. Trump said they had to do it before his inauguration,.

That is not true. Colin Powell was the only one that generous. It is the norm for them to leave by the 20th except for a select few. They have 2 months to make arrangements to return home or get an apartment/house if they want their kids to finish school there.

"The article also quotes Ambassador Marc Grossman who cites former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell who reportedly offered particularly wide latitude to ambassadors facing family issues. “This was something that was important to Secretary Powell because of his own experience living and serving all over the world, so when people asked him, ‘Could I stay another couple of weeks, couple of months; my kids are finishing school,’ he was very accommodating,” Mr. Grossman said, adding that his flexibility was an “exception” to the general practice.

Secretary Powell was an “exception” to the general practice of the wholesale departure of political appointees at the beginning of every administration."

"Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush's ambassadorial appointees.

Most ambassadors, of course, are foreign service officers, but often the posts involving the most important bilateral relations (such as with Great Britain, Japan and India) or desirable locales (such as the Bahamas) are given to close friends and well-heeled contributors of the president."

44 - Obama Gives Political Ambassadors Their Pink Slips

This is made up fake news bullshit. No one cried when Germany had no ambassador for 9 months after Obama took office. It is the norm.
I don't think it is all of the Ambassadors, it is just the ones appointed by Obama.

At this point, they all were appointed by Obama. Marty says it was just the “political appointees”. Not sure how you differentiate but I hope they do.

But were they all appointed right at the start in some mad rush?

No. It took a year when Obama gained office. There are qualified, competent, lifetime civil servants filling those slots ... The ones who've been doing the actual work for these diplomats who often know very little about their jobs or the country they are assigned to.

It is like this EVERY change of administration and always has been. They are political appointments and serve at the pleasure of the POTUS. This was expected. FFS, this is so Orwellian, 1984ish. Media is trying to change history and no one seems to remember a decade even. BAAH.
Last edited:
I don't think it is all of the Ambassadors, it is just the ones appointed by Obama.

At this point, they all were appointed by Obama. Marty says it was just the “political appointees”. Not sure how you differentiate but I hope they do.

But were they all appointed right at the start in some mad rush?

No. It took a year when Obama gained office. There are qualified, competent, lifetime civil servants filling those slots ... The ones who've been doing the actual work for these diplomats who often know very little about their jobs or the country they are assigned to.

It is like this EVERY change of administration and always has been. They are political appointments and serve at the pleasure of the POTUS. This was expected. FFS, this is so Orwellian, 1984ish. Media is trying to change history and no one seems to remember a decade even. BAAH.

I don't have a problem with Trump choosing his own ambassadors, I'd expect it. That isn't the point, is it? The point is this is showing that Trump is going to jump in and change as many things as possible as quickly as possible. History repeats itself and history shows that too many mistakes are made when this is done.
I don't think it is all of the Ambassadors, it is just the ones appointed by Obama.

At this point, they all were appointed by Obama. Marty says it was just the “political appointees”. Not sure how you differentiate but I hope they do.

But were they all appointed right at the start in some mad rush?

No. It took a year when Obama gained office. There are qualified, competent, lifetime civil servants filling those slots ... The ones who've been doing the actual work for these diplomats who often know very little about their jobs or the country they are assigned to.

It is like this EVERY change of administration and always has been. They are political appointments and serve at the pleasure of the POTUS. This was expected. FFS, this is so Orwellian, 1984ish. Media is trying to change history and no one seems to remember a decade even. BAAH.

I don't have a problem with Trump choosing his own ambassadors, I'd expect it. That isn't the point, is it? The point is this is showing that Trump is going to jump in and change as many things as possible as quickly as possible. History repeats itself and history shows that too many mistakes are made when this is done.

Ambassadors always get changed like this. It is not too fast. That's why the real brains at these embassies are the #2. It is how the system is designed and is not unique to the US.
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
--------------------------- they had 2 month to prepare if they had brains LEW !!

No they didn't. Because MOST Presidents give Ambassadors a few months to get things in order before having to resign. Trump said they had to do it before his inauguration,.

That is not true. Colin Powell was the only one that generous. It is the norm for them to leave by the 20th except for a select few. They have 2 months to make arrangements to return home or get an apartment/house if they want their kids to finish school there.

"The article also quotes Ambassador Marc Grossman who cites former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell who reportedly offered particularly wide latitude to ambassadors facing family issues. “This was something that was important to Secretary Powell because of his own experience living and serving all over the world, so when people asked him, ‘Could I stay another couple of weeks, couple of months; my kids are finishing school,’ he was very accommodating,” Mr. Grossman said, adding that his flexibility was an “exception” to the general practice.

Secretary Powell was an “exception” to the general practice of the wholesale departure of political appointees at the beginning of every administration."

"Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush's ambassadorial appointees.

Most ambassadors, of course, are foreign service officers, but often the posts involving the most important bilateral relations (such as with Great Britain, Japan and India) or desirable locales (such as the Bahamas) are given to close friends and well-heeled contributors of the president."

44 - Obama Gives Political Ambassadors Their Pink Slips

This is made up fake news bullshit. No one cried when Germany had no ambassador for 9 months after Obama took office. It is the norm.

While I still think it is too fast and you're already giving task-saturated entities more to do needlessly; the link you provided corrects me.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

The point seems to be that Trump is rushing into things he doesn't really understand. What harm is there to do some things first, then deal with something like the Ambassadors later when he's got a clear idea of what he wants to do?

I've seen this before, govts getting in, rushing through their ideology, then having to reverse it (at great cost to the taxpayers) because it wasn't well thought through in the first place.

Did you feel Obama was rushing into things he didn't understand when he did the same damn thing? How many times already have you people predicted the sky was going to fall because Trump was going to do something, then it worked out just fine...yeah a shit ton.

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