So *ALL* Ambassadors as of 1/20/2017 are going to be replaced?

you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?
CandyCrone you are endlessly butthurt over Hillary being shown for the fool she is...

Trump now will have his day and we can move on from the bathroom legislation.
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?


All communist Obama appointed Ambassadors have to go back home.

Shame on them! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD , as i said , if TRUMP doesn't Trust them what good are they at their jobs ?? They may get their pay and pensions but they won't be messing with Trumps policies and thats the important thing . Drain the Swamp and that may be what Trump is doing !! We may be a new country under the leadership of President Trump Candy !!
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?


All communist Obama appointed Ambassadors have to go back home.

Shame on them! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

So Trump wants special treatment for his family but fuck the families of the ambassador's that have served the country... how nice.
Can you imagine?

What a pain for all Obama's people....heheehehhe......

pack your bags......LOL hurry you loony libs scum....

leave Europe leave any country.....go back home....

take the shit.....face the shit.....

ohhhhhh what joy! :banana:

Yes all they have to console themselves is a lifetime pension. We'll be paying them handsomely to do nothing now...while paying a new seat filler $150K per year.

ohhhhhh what joy!
Yet you're not even capable of a basic thought here such as why do they get a lifetime pension? You jump to why let them go and cost us money and ignore the obvious.

Well, what I am capable of doing is pointing out that we're now paying (at least) two people a very handsome amount of money to do the job of one person. And the supposed "conservatives" here are celebrating this. On second thought, It seems as though you guys are the ones not capable of thinking.
No more duty free Black Label Johnnie Walker

No more goodies for you all Obama appointees more you


Go back home to your little suburb home or apartment ... no more diplomatic life for you

you lil piece of filth.
GOOD , as i said , if TRUMP doesn't Trust them what good are they at their jobs ?? They may get their pay and pensions but they won't be messing with Trumps policies and thats the important thing . Drain the Swamp and that may be what Trump is doing !! We may be a new country under the leadership of President Trump Candy !!

Well, my point in the OP was that we would be doing it all at once and I thought that was a bit stupid if, for no other reason, we have an FBI (remember the one that was in HRC's pocket at one time recently and is still under Lynch by the way) doing all of these background checks for cabinet secretaries, 1,000 people who work at the White House who are going to be new at their jobs, lord knows who else, and then Trump dumps another 150 high level appointees to do on them, the Senate, and their staff.

It seems like it would make more sense to stagger the resignations and allow the agencies time to thoroughly vet the folks, allow some OJT because most are political appointees--all presidents do it--and the former college classmate of Ivanka isn't going to know, offhand, what we buy from Ireland and what they buy from us...and yes, allow the current ambassadors a chance to transition out of their jobs in a way that best reflects the US's history of peaceful transition.

That's all.
No more duty free Black Label Johnnie Walker

No more goodies for you all Obama appointees more you


Go back home to your little suburb home or apartment ... no more diplomatic life for you

you lil piece of filth.

More like go back to the villa in the nation you were an ambassador to and become a consultant for Apple who wants to expand their reach in that nation. While collecting your taxpayer pension for doing nothing.
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
--------------------------- they had 2 month to prepare if they had brains LEW !!
Diplomatic life is lovely


Be on the right side;)

not the loony lib side.
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

Why don't you ask your lord and savior Obama? He did the same damned thing in 2009!
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

Not sure. I was more commenting on the FBI having to do backgrounds on the 15 cabinet secretaries, gawd knows how many EO staffers, other new personnel and now, 150 ambassadors????

In some cases, the Ambassador is a FSO who worked their way up. Firing them for no reason is silly.

How many?
We have something like 150 of these jobs that pay about $150,000 each. That the Senate has to approve all of their replacements is going to be interesting I think; can you imagine the hearings?

I think we don’t need so many ambassadorships myself. But I am sure we could find better things for the Senate, their staffs, not to mention the FBI and State Department to be doing rather than trying to ram through 150 vettings.

Will they all come from Exxon?

So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

Not sure. I was more commenting on the FBI having to do backgrounds on the 15 cabinet secretaries, gawd knows how many EO staffers, other new personnel and now, 150 ambassadors????

In some cases, the Ambassador is a FSO who worked their way up. Firing them for no reason is silly.

This is nothing new, people get replaced by the incoming President. Why weren't you concerned when Obama did this? Seems like the partisan nutters are getting worked up over nothing.

We're on the verge of a financial disaster of epic proportions w/the debt ceiling

Goal post change? Typical liberal loser!
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
--------------------------- they had 2 month to prepare if they had brains LEW !!

No they didn't. Because MOST Presidents give Ambassadors a few months to get things in order before having to resign. Trump said they had to do it before his inauguration,.
So Obama kept how many political appointment Ambassadors from the Bush Presidency?

The Ambassador nowadays is usually window dressing. All the professional diplomats will remain and will hold over the embassies, just like every other Presidential change.

Not sure. I was more commenting on the FBI having to do backgrounds on the 15 cabinet secretaries, gawd knows how many EO staffers, other new personnel and now, 150 ambassadors????

In some cases, the Ambassador is a FSO who worked their way up. Firing them for no reason is silly.

This is nothing new, people get replaced by the incoming President. Why weren't you concerned when Obama did this? Seems like the partisan nutters are getting worked up over nothing.

We're on the verge of a financial disaster of epic proportions w/the debt ceiling

It's the debt that's the problem. Not the ceiling.

Having 150 slots at $150,000+ each is a lot of money; poorly spent if one were to ask me.

Nobody asks an idiot a question and then actually expects results.
you have fun as an Ambassador...and family ...etc....

you would not like to like to leave all of a sudden


it serves loony libs well....I like they will suffer....well....they will be know to pack in hurry and all that shit that happens when you have to leave a country in a hurry...etc....yayyyy LOL

So Trump doesn't want to move hi family to Washington DC so that Baron doesn't have to change schools... but it's ok for him to expect all the Ambassadors to resign immediately without being able to arrange things for their families, just because of who appointed them to their jobs. How ironic?
--------------------------- they had 2 month to prepare if they had brains LEW !!

No they didn't. Because MOST Presidents give Ambassadors a few months to get things in order before having to resign. Trump said they had to do it before his inauguration,.

Good on Mr Trump! :2up:
off topic but i am hoping for a little bit of 'rif' or reduction in forces by the Trump . And for the youngsters this is how 'rif' , reduction in forces worked under R.Reagan . -------------------- --- REAGAN RIF EFFECT PUTS BOSSES IN TYPING POOLS --- reduce forces , get rid of untrustworty Amassadors and others , refill the government with loyal trustworthy people that want to Make America Great Again .
Can you imagine?

What a pain for all Obama's people....heheehehhe......

pack your bags......LOL hurry you loony libs scum....

leave Europe leave any country.....go back home....

take the shit.....face the shit.....

ohhhhhh what joy! :banana:

Yes all they have to console themselves is a lifetime pension. We'll be paying them handsomely to do nothing now...while paying a new seat filler $150K per year.

ohhhhhh what joy!

What makes you think they get a lifetime pension?

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