So Biden wants to raise taxes that Trump lowered... what can be the net effect???

A dollar in 2010 was not worth the same as a dollar in 2018. You've been caught wasting everyone's time; first by posting bullshit figures, then by comparing nominal dollars across different years. NOW you can fuck off.
AHAHAHA!!! Gotcha! Do you know what "nominal dollars" are???
Here let me help you with a link.

A Beginner's Guide: Understanding the Lingo

However, nominal (or current) dollars gives you only part of the story.
What's missing is how inflation can distort such numbers.

So again with Trump comparison i.e. tax cuts to Obama..i.e. TAX Increases!!!
It's also called comparing apples to apples... not apples to oranges!
Comparing Trump TAX CUTS results AFTER deducting for inflation the apples to apples is simple.
When you increase the amount that especially businesses get to keep, i.e. TAX cuts unlike evidently ignorant people like "Pawn" these businesses don't hide in a mattress or bury in the back yard!
They generally pay off stockholders. YUP evil payments... but wait what do those stockholders do??? HMMMM
BUT dummies like "Pawn" consider the Federal Government as the "multiplier effector"!!!
Hmmm.. so why for example is Biden wanting to hire nearly double the number of IRS employees?
But this is too much for people like "Pawn" to handle!

AHAHAHA!!! Gotcha! Do you know what "nominal dollars" are???
Here let me help you with a link.

A Beginner's Guide: Understanding the Lingo

However, nominal (or current) dollars gives you only part of the story.
What's missing is how inflation can distort such numbers.

So again with Trump comparison i.e. tax cuts to Obama..i.e. TAX Increases!!!
It's also called comparing apples to apples... not apples to oranges!
Comparing Trump TAX CUTS results AFTER deducting for inflation the apples to apples is simple.
When you increase the amount that especially businesses get to keep, i.e. TAX cuts unlike evidently ignorant people like "Pawn" these businesses don't hide in a mattress or bury in the back yard!
They generally pay off stockholders. YUP evil payments... but wait what do those stockholders do??? HMMMM
BUT dummies like "Pawn" consider the Federal Government as the "multiplier effector"!!!
Hmmm.. so why for example is Biden wanting to hire nearly double the number of IRS employees?
But this is too much for people like "Pawn" to handle!
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Why are you "charging" one year of inflation for four years of revenue?
Is it because you're an idiot?
AHAHAHA!!! Gotcha! Do you know what "nominal dollars" are???
Here let me help you with a link.

A Beginner's Guide: Understanding the Lingo

However, nominal (or current) dollars gives you only part of the story.
What's missing is how inflation can distort such numbers.

So again with Trump comparison i.e. tax cuts to Obama..i.e. TAX Increases!!!
It's also called comparing apples to apples... not apples to oranges!
Comparing Trump TAX CUTS results AFTER deducting for inflation the apples to apples is simple.
When you increase the amount that especially businesses get to keep, i.e. TAX cuts unlike evidently ignorant people like "Pawn" these businesses don't hide in a mattress or bury in the back yard!
They generally pay off stockholders. YUP evil payments... but wait what do those stockholders do??? HMMMM
BUT dummies like "Pawn" consider the Federal Government as the "multiplier effector"!!!
Hmmm.. so why for example is Biden wanting to hire nearly double the number of IRS employees?
But this is too much for people like "Pawn" to handle!
View attachment 688396

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All you got was your own tail.

In 2021, Obama's $13,117,141,838 was worth $14,500,465,527...

Now THAT'S apples to apples. Thanks for starting a thread to prove tax hikes work.

All you got was your own tail.

In 2021, Obama's $13,117,141,838 was worth $14,500,465,527...

Now THAT'S apples to apples. Thanks for starting a thread to prove tax hikes work.
OH boy.... Let's see... Gross revenue in last 4 years was $12.86 trillion. Agree? NOT 2021.. but Trump's first year of 2017! OK... Are you that stupid Pawn that you don't realize that Obama's rules affected income for 2017... not 2021! So where are you getting 2021? Obama's federal income after 4 years including 2017 was $12.86 trillion!
But inflation raised the value to $12.86 which was increased from $12.64!
Trump had the first year 2017 because of Obama actions so the NEXT 4 years are then Trump's i.e.
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021! Understand. And so during those 4 years the average inflation was 1.88%
So the true growth of the Federal revenue under Trump was $14.09.... or $1.45 Trillion more than Obama by 11.45%. Obama's growth of Federal revenue was at a lower percent EVEN though Obama had higher taxes!
Again you didn't even address the "multiplier effect" that economists..(eliminates you Pawn...) agree as this link shows but you never visited it did you or else you would have learned something!!!
By having lower taxes businesses were able to invest more in their businesses hence this chart: BY the CBO!

OH boy.... Let's see... Gross revenue in last 4 years was $12.86 trillion. Agree? NOT 2021.. but Trump's first year of 2017! OK... Are you that stupid Pawn that you don't realize that Obama's rules affected income for 2017... not 2021! So where are you getting 2021? Obama's federal income after 4 years including 2017 was $12.86 trillion!
But inflation raised the value to $12.86 which was increased from $12.64!
Trump had the first year 2017 because of Obama actions so the NEXT 4 years are then Trump's i.e.
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021! Understand. And so during those 4 years the average inflation was 1.88%
So the true growth of the Federal revenue under Trump was $14.09.... or $1.45 Trillion more than Obama by 11.45%. Obama's growth of Federal revenue was at a lower percent EVEN though Obama had higher taxes!
Again you didn't even address the "multiplier effect" that economists..(eliminates you Pawn...) agree as this link shows but you never visited it did you or else you would have learned something!!!
By having lower taxes businesses were able to invest more in their businesses hence this chart: BY the CBO!
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One year of inflation for 4 years of revenue? LOL!
I am saying that the capping the SALT deduction at 10k affects moe people in high tax blue states, but only wealthier people in lower tax red states. Blue states over tax even the middle-class and they want the federal government to subsidize it. It seems as though middle class Democrats in those states would have woken up when Trump imposed the SALT cap, but instead of blaming the Democratic morons they voted for, they blamed Trump for cutting their subsidy.
Overtax ? wtf are you talking about ? It’s not a subsidy. You used to be for lower taxes.
Overtax ? wtf are you talking about ? It’s not a subsidy. You used to be for lower taxes.

It’s not a subsidy.

It reduces federal tax revenues and benefits rich people in blue states.

Why do you want to give money to rich people?
It’s not a subsidy.

It reduces federal tax revenues and benefits rich people in blue states.

Why do you want to give money to rich people?
It hurts EVERYONE. EVERYONE pays more without this deduction. Renters pay more to owners of property rentals. It obviously didn’t work. Trump had huge immediate deficits and a recession.
I am saying that the capping the SALT deduction at 10k affects moe people in high tax blue states, but only wealthier people in lower tax red states. Blue states over tax even the middle-class and they want the federal government to subsidize it. It seems as though middle class Democrats in those states would have woken up when Trump imposed the SALT cap, but instead of blaming the Democratic morons they voted for, they blamed Trump for cutting their subsidy.
It affects people more in blue states one reason.
They make more money and have more assets.
So you now believe in punishing the rich ? That’s a switch.
Red states receive the lions share of federal aid. They are takers sucking on the public trough at the expense of hard working, motivated blue state populations.

It affects people more in blue states one reason.
They make more money and have more assets.
So you now believe in punishing the rich ? That’s a switch.
Red states receive the lions share of federal aid. They are takers sucking on the public trough at the expense of hard working, motivated blue state populations.

what is your source for the above tables or did you just make up these figures? Where did they come from?

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